
To view the Parish Council spending details for each financial year, please click on the year menu below, which contains the annual governance statements, the internal auditor's report and the year end accounts.

Parish Council Financial Regulations

Parish Standing Orders

Your rights under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (for the audit of accounts for 2015-16 onwards).

Council Spending over £500 (from the 1st April 2018, updated monthly).


The Council’s financial year runs from 1st April to 30th March annually. In the Autumn of each year, the Parish Council have discussions regarding the anticipated expenditure for the following financial year, based on current spends and future requirements. These calculations form the Budget for the following financial year, and determine the level of Precept that is to be collected from residents’ Council Tax. The Precept is requested in January from our superior Council and is paid to the Parish Council in 2 equal payments in April and October. These monies provide the majority of funds for the Parish Council to undertake all its activities.

To view the budget, audit and accounting statements (pdfs) please click on the year menu. Please note that some recent pdfs are not yet fully accessible.

Annual Governance and Accounting statements