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25 February 2025
West Parley Community Hub Update

west parley community hub

The Council is optimistic to undertake the much needed roof repairs to the building this summer.

The window for contractors to submit tenders for the works closed mid February. The submissions are checked for accuracy and the 'cost' information retained by the Proper Officer, while the 'quality' information is reviewed and scored by a panel of councillors. The 'cost' element is then scored by a separate panel of Councillor(s) and the Clerk. The 2 scores are combined to identify the preferred contractor, which has to be formally agreed by Council at a constituted meeting. Due to the sensitivity of the contracts; this meeting will exclude the press and public.

After the process has been resolved at a meeting, the contractors are informed of all scores; and the process enters a 'standstill' period of 10 days. Clarification of whether or not the preferred contractor still wishes to progress with the contract is sought and unsuccessful contractors can ask questions. At the end of the standstill period; the tender will be awarded to the preferred contractor. From this point, the Council's chosen surveyor will discuss any post tender negotiations and oversee the project management.

The Council has been slowly earmarking reserves for this project over a period of 13 years; which includes proactively seeking funding opportunities to bolster funds. The Parish Council is in discussion with Belway Homes and Dorset Council about the possibility of forward funding the s106 monies generated by the Land East of New Road development; rather than waiting until the trigger points set in the s106 agreement when planning was granted. This will be hugely beneficial in helping us have the building repaired ahead of the imminent population increase once the Kingsmere estate is completed. We have also asked all the current user groups to consider how they too can seek funding to support this project, moving forward.

12 February 2025
Grant Award from DC Council

We are pleased to inform residents of a successful funding application to Dorset Council. We have been awarded £12,500 towards the repairs of the community hub. An award of £10,000 was previously awarded in 2023 which was used for preparing all the documents for the replacement roof tender specification.

Every grant award not only helps towards the repair of the community facility but helps us to minimise increases in the West Parley Parish Council element of your council tax bill.

12 February 2025
Anti-Social Behaviour

We are sad to report a spate of anti-social behaviour in the village in recent weeks and have been asked by Dorset Police to encourage anyone with CCTV footage to submit it to them. Dorset Police also encourages parents to be more aware of their young people's movements in the area.

2nd January - CCTV footage shows a group of 8-10 young people gathered at the hub car park for over 2 hours, leaving behind them a large quantity of empty alcohol bottles. The community hub was broken into around 19.30 hrs. It is believed the same group then moved around the village from 19.45 hrs. Including Christchurch Road, Ellesfield Drive, Dudsbury Road, Glenmoor Road, Gallows Drive & Church Lane. The same evening, there was damage to the new noticeboard at the crossroads, along with a moped and other items taken from driveways. Local Facebook groups reported more incidents.

1st/2nd February - vodka bottles were smashed in the council's car park after being consumed on the recreation ground.

This week, on 2 separate occurrences, panels of the bus shelter at the crossroads have been smashed.

The Parish Council & volunteers, work hard to keep West Parley looking its best for residents to enjoy and it is disappointing when time and money is diverted to dealing with such unnecessary matters.

6 February 2025
Wessex not accepted into Devolution Priority Programme

Statement from Dorset Council.

The Government has confirmed that Wessex has not been included within the Devolution Priority Programme.

The four councils of Wessex submitted a comprehensive proposal outlining the transformative benefits devolution could bring, including greater local control over key areas such as transport, housing, and economic development.

In a joint statement, the leaders of BCP, Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire Councils, Cllr Millie Earl, Cllr Nick Ireland, Cllr Bill Revans, and Cllr Richard Clewer, said:

"Despite the fact that we felt Government were moving too quickly to deliver devolution, and our discussion about the format of Mayoral Strategic Authority as the most appropriate solution for our region, we worked collaboratively with ministers throughout to deliver a strong proposal. Therefore, the decision not to include Wessex within the Devolution Priority Programme is extremely disappointing.

“We feel the Wessex proposal aligned with the aims of the White Paper, encompassing a population of approximately 1.9 million, with the region well-placed to support the Government's growth priorities, particularly in clean energy, defence, digital technologies, life sciences, and tourism. The area could now miss out on essential funding, and combined with the likely defunding of pan-regional partnerships and the substantial reduction in the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the fact that this will now be delayed when we are ready to go is deeply regrettable.”

28 January 2025
Urgent Road Closure - Gallows Drive

29th January for up to 5 days, please see the road closure notice for more details.