What we are doing
Although Parish Councils have rather few powers and little money, a well run and diligent Council can still make a difference to the local environment and facilities. Local knowledge allied to the right contacts, together with energy and powers of persuasion, can often get things done. And so can volunteers. Your Council will seek to build on the already substantial teams of volunteers formed by the Residents Association.
There will be a high priority on communications with residents, by website, emails, e-newsletters, newssheets - and by public meetings when major new developments are in the wind. Communications and volunteering lead to a sense of community. This, above all, is what we seek to achieve.
We are leading the fight to defend our green belt from development. We need to preserve the character and identity of West Parley, whose infrastructure is unsuitable for large scale developments.
We aim to look after West Parley's facilities, and promote their use for all members of the community. Memorial Hall, St Mark's Church Hall and Parley Sports Club are among West Parley's principal assets and we want to promote their use.
Finally, the Parish Plan is an important tool for the residents of West Parley to say what they want in their community. With the passage of the Localism bill through Parliament, local people will have a much greater say in determining what happens in their area, and the Parish Plan is a key part of that.