Walks around West Parley

map of local walks
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Please see all the Rights Of Way covering West Parley and the types of paths they are eg foot / bridle etc. Please report any footpath problems to Dorset County Council.

We live in a wonderful place with access to some superb countryside. Here are some walks that have been tried and tested by local residents. If you have a great walk we have missed please get in touch.

Walks and maps can be found by clicking below, or on the main map icons. They are mostly flat, but some of the paths and fields can be muddy in wet conditions. Good walking practice: wear strong footwear, and carry a small backpack with some waterproof clothing, extra warm layer, sunhat, water and a mobile phone. A walking stick can be handy too!

The walks are based on Ordnance Survey maps OL22 - New Forest, OL15 - Purbeck and South Dorset (both scale 1:25000), and Landranger 195 Bournemouth and Purbeck (1:50000) for the bits west of Longham.

The West Parley Walks.

1 and 2. Longham Lakes - round the smaller lake (approx 1 mile) or round both lakes (approx 2 miles)

3. along the River Stour to Longham - returning via the Angel Inn to West Parley (approx 5 miles)

4. along the River Stour to Hampreston - returning via the Angel Inn to West Parley (approx 6 miles)

5. along the River Stour to Canford School - returning via Knighton and Bear Cross to West Parley (approx 10 miles)

6. along the River Stour to Throop Mill - returning via the Parley Court Farm to West Parley (approx 8 miles)

7. around Parley Common - from Memorial Hall via Barrack Road and Lone Pine Drive (approx 2-3 miles)

8. Parley Common to Tricketts Cross - via Barrack Road, Ferndown Golf Course, Lone Pine Drive (approx 5 miles)

9. Parley Cross to Tricketts Cross - via Chapel Lane, Palmers Ford, Parley Common, Lone Pine Drive (approx 7 miles)