Dorset Council Dog Related Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 2024

With effect from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2026, a new Order came into force regarding the control of dogs on public land. The intention of the Order is to keep public open spaces enjoyable for all and free from dog faeces. The previous order only included land owned by Dorset Council whereas this latest Order includes all land owned by Parish and Town Councils (unless they chose to opt out during the consultation).

Details of the PSPO, appeals process and sanctions can be viewed on the Dorset Council website: Dog related Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) - Dorset Council.

The Order states the following (those relevant to West Parley Parish Council are emboldened for ease):

Areas where you have to keep your dog on a lead are:

Please be advised that the rules within this order apply to ALL land owned by West Parley Parish Council. Namely:

We request that all users adhere to these rules to ensure the enjoyment of our wonderful facility for everyone. Any non-compliance should be emailed to the Parish Clerk in the first instance.

We provide 4 wheelie bins around the facility which are emptied on a weekly basis:

A copy of the PSPO will be viewable on the noticeboard on the wall of the Community Hub. Signage will be erected in due course. The Parish Council is also investigating the feasibility of fencing the children’s play area which would then fall within this Order.