26 November 2024 Council invites residents to join them
for mulled wine & mince pies
West Parley Parish Council would like to invite all residents for mulled wine and mince pies, and some festive community spirit! It's at the West Parley Community Hub, 275 Christchurch Road between 5pm and 7pm on Monday 16th December.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
25 November 2024 Grounds Improvements to the Playing Fields
The Parish Council was successful in being awarded an 8 year reducing grant from Dorset FA to help improve the condition of the grounds for grassroots football teams.
As a fundamental part of these works, please be advised that a vertidraining treatment is scheduled to take place on the playing fields on either Tuesday 10th or Wednesday 11th December (weather dependent). This treatment aerates the ground which should encourage drainage of the playing fields into the ditches; which were recently cleared and re-profiled.
Whilst residents can continue to use the field freely during these works; your consideration to give the contractor reasonable space would be appreciated.
31 October 2024
New Signage
Please be informed that signage has been erected this week at the Parish Council's recreation ground and playing fields.
The Playing Fields are covered by a Dorset Council wide Dog Related Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), the details of which are on the noticeboard by the car park.. This was introduced by Dorset Council earlier in the year and restricts where you are allowed to walk dogs on & off the lead. There are strictly no dogs allowed on the 'marked' football pitches or petanque terrains at any time. Sadly this has been necessary due to some dog owners not picking up after their dogs, which presents a Health and Safety risk for others using the grounds. The PSPO is not applicable on the Parish Council's recreation ground nor in our woodland but we do encourage all dog walkers to act responsibly; ensuring dogs are controlled, prevented from going onto the play area, and owners pick up after their dogs and safely dispose of the bagged dog mess in one of the many bins provided.
On the Recreation Ground, the 'no ball games, organised sports, training or commercial leisure activity' sign is as a result of increasing numbers of organised sports teams using the grounds without permission. The recreation ground is considered as an open space for all residents to enjoy, but with sport taking place on the much larger playing fields. If local children wish to have a 'kick about', we installed 2 small permanent goals on the playing fields nearest the height restriction gate and would ask that these are used in preference to the those on the marked pitches.
With the increase in dog walkers on the recreation ground, due to the above PSPO, and the 8 acres of playing field being the focus for ball activities, the 2 areas should compliment each other and ensure everyone's enjoyment of our wonderful community space.
31 October 2024 Traffic Regulation Order: Consolidation Order 2024
Residents may be interested in the formal public notice in respect of a Traffic Regulation Order. Please note this is a consolidation of all existing parking restrictions across Dorset and update on-street parking tariffs, there will be no changes to the provisions on street as a result of this Order.
The most important aspect of this statutory consultation is that there will be no material change to any of the existing on street parking restrictions.
30 October 2024 Dorset Council Statement regarding concerns raised about Parley Cross road improvements
The Parish Council requested an update from Dorset Council Highways due to the number of concerns raised by residents since the additional junctions were installed following the opening of the link road. Attention is particularly focused on the stretch of Christchurch Road between parley crossroads and Church Lane.
Dorset Council Statement West Parley
Since the signalised junction was commissioned in November 2023 a number of changes have been made.
All signal detection equipment is now fully operational and working efficiently.
Lining changes completed – destinations added and other minor changes to encourage correct lane discipline and the use of Elizabeth Way rather than turn left at the Parley signalised junctions. Engineers have monitored this on site and motorist behaviour has improved.
Signage – no U-turn, merge in turn and destination signs added.
Changes to the tactile paving have been made.
Changes to the signal push buttons have been made.
Parking restrictions at the entrance to Parley Close
Going forward, we are considering some additional works:
Additional lining to prohibit parking/blocking and turning movements
A Road Safety Audit will be undertaken in November 2024 by an independent team.
30 October 2024 Coffee morning, thanks for coming along!
Thank you our Town Crier, David Craner who attended and kindly opened the morning for us. Thank you also to those who came along to enjoy cake, a cuppa and a chat at the community hub. It was a rainy morning, but the view overlooking the playing fields was lovely. A number of topics were raised by residents, and Council will be looking into them.
22 October 2024 New Road verge planting (service road)
Following the removal of some trees along New Road as part of the new road layout, Dorset Council sought funds from the developer towards some replacement trees.
A Dorset Council tree officer met with the Parish Council to discuss the planting scheme along the verge, between New Road (west) and the service road. While needing to avoid the many services that run beneath the verge, it was agreed to plant a mix of multi-stem flowering cherries, hazels and flowering shrubs, which should create an attractive, flourishing border. We are waiting for confirmation of a date for the planting to be undertaken but the West Parley Resident Association volunteers are on standby to assist.
21 October 2024 Grounds work and Car Park improvements at the Recreation Ground
lots going on at the Rec
Grounds Work
The ditches around the perimeter of the Council's playing fields are being worked on to try to to improve the drainage, reduce standing water and improve the general condition of the playing fields. This has required the vegetation on the banks to be flailed to give access for the ditches and Natural England were consulted throughout the process as Parley Wood is a protected Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The ditches will be shaped and restored to their original depths; removing around 4 inches of mulch from the base of the ditch. Whilst this is completed, the areas of work will be cordoned off for safety.
Car Park improvements
In the car park; 5mph speed ramps are being installed to encourage drivers to adhere to the 5mph limit. The Council is aware of previous antisocial behaviour in the car park, and this is the first phase of installations to help mitigate this unwelcomed dangerous driving. This should ensure the area is safe for pedestrians and other users.
Residents' patience during these works is appreciated.
18 October 2024 Calling all residents! Coffee Morning, come and meet your Parish Councillors
Residents are invited to meet your parish councillors for a coffee morning to discuss anything West Parley related.
It will take place on Monday 28th October
West Parley Community Hub,
275 Christchurch Road, we look forward to seeing you there!
15 October 2024 Road Closure - Church Lane
Please be aware that Church Lane will be closed between the entrance to 2 Church Farm Cottage and Apple Tree Cottage, a distance of approximately 245 metres, between
9.30am and 3.30pm on
28th October 2024. (The closure remains in force for five days, but it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 29th October 2024).
14 October 2024 Please be mindful when using contractors from magazine adverts
With the autumn well and truly upon us, our thoughts can turn to all the jobs that need doing around the home and garden before winter. We would like to politely remind residents to be mindful when using contractors from magazine adverts, and to perhaps consider those recommended by friends and neighbours or in the CheckaTrade booklet.
8 October 2024 West Parley Parish Council wants developer to listen to feedback
McCarthy Stone recently unveiled plans for a new ‘retirement community’ comprising 75 flats, three or four shops and a drive-through coffee shop at Parley Cross.
West Parley Parish Council has said it will “continue to represent the views of residents”.