23 July 2024 Keen Recyclers in Action, more from our lovely Volunteers!
West Parley Volunteers at the Millennium Gardens
Never ones to overlook an opportunity to save resources, West Parley Volunteers have recently carried out two projects that achieve this.
Virtually the whole of the wooden surround of the Millennium Gardens in the centre of the village had become rotten and needed replacing. Rather than buy new wood Volunteers searched through the large lengths of wood removed from the edge of the play area in the Recreation Ground close by that had been replaced last year as it had also deteriorated.
Though much of the play area wood was rotten, Volunteers found enough that was reusable to surround the Millennium Gardens.
In a second project, one of the side panels at the well used gazebo in the Parish Recreation Ground had been extensively damaged in recent weeks due to vandalism. Rather than having the whole panel replaced by the manufacturer, Volunteers applied their skills to repair the gazebo, saving the Parish a considerable amount of money.
Organiser John Dinsdale says ‘We are generous with our time but careful when it comes to using resources’.
The West Parley Volunteers have been very active for almost 20 years years working to make the village a more attractive place to live in.
Regular work groups do a whole range of jobs including clearing verges of overgrowing bushes and brambles and trimming verge edges on pavements, footpaths and cyclepaths. Sometimes these work groups are some 13 or 14 strong and a lot of good work can be done very quickly. Much of the work in the Summer involves maintaining the many floral displays around the village plus clearing them ready for replanting in the Spring and Autumn. In November the Christmas decorations are put up.
The Millennium Gardens, Recreation Ground and adjoining car park are kept tidy, as are the areas round the shops at Parley Cross and all the village public seating and Gazebo in the Recreation Ground are regularly maintained as is round the Memorial Hall.
There is also an active team of around 12 regular litter pickers who pick up a huge amount of litter from the sides of the main roads.
Many Volunteers are also Neighbourcar drivers or Neighbourhood Watch road contacts.
Thanks to the financial support of the Parish Council the Volunteers have been able to buy the right equipment, such as hedge trimmers, strimmers and chainsaws. Volunteers bring along their own tools as needed depending on the work to be done each week and litter pickers are provided as required. All Volunteers are given a high visibility jacket.
15 July 2024 Midsummer Music Festival
Saturday 20th July, 12 - 4pm, Parley Place Care Home
Live music including Diamond Diva's, Fretworks and New Beats. Stalls, raffles, kids play zone, refreshments and more.
Please support our local MS Centre, one of only 3 in the Country.
You can find the centre along Church Lane, West Parley, BH22 8TS
Saturday 20th July, 11am - 2.30pm, Entrance £1
Refreshments, games, cakes, preserves, toys, books, bric a brac, clothes.
Entertainment from Christchurch Scout and Guide band.
10 July 2024 Play Area is School Holiday Ready
making the playground look great again!
There are lots of jobs around the village to help keep it looking its best and safe for everyone to enjoy. One such activity is the annual top-up of woodchip on the play area in the parish’s recreation ground, to meet safety standards for the wellbeing of the young users.
Huge thanks are expressed to the West Parley Residents’ Association (WPRA) volunteers who assist with distributing the woodchip every year. These enthusiastic volunteers, wearing their hi-viz tabards, moved 20 cubic meters of woodchip from the delivery site in the car park, onto the play area. There is super camaraderie amongst the volunteers at their twice weekly meets; which is great for social & physical wellbeing as well as the helping to keep the village look good. Better yet, there is usually freshly homemade cakes for nourishment! They are a very friendly bunch and love it when you pop over to say hello or give them a beep when driving past.
They meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9-11am. If you would like to get involved to help with activities around the village, do get in touch and we can pass on your contact details.
8 July 2024 Road Closure: Linden Road
Please be advised of the following:
Linden Road between Christchurch Road and Linden Close,
22nd July 2024 and remain in force for five days, however it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 26th July 2024.
Please note, the item on Page 6, titled ‘A New Way to Report Scam Texts and Mobile Calls – Call 7762’, gives the wrong call number. It should be 7726. The body text below that heading refers to 7726 and is correct. The new reporting system is managed by Ofcom. The system uses the number 7726 and full information on how to use the new system is at the Ofcom page. A correction will be published in the next issue.
28 June 2024 Consultation: Yellow Lines at the entrance of Parley Close
Notice of Proposal - The Dorset Council (Waiting, Loading, Stopping And Parking Places) (Map Based) (Amendment No.*) Parley Close, West Parley Order 202*
The proposal for these restrictions is to ensure the entrance to Parley Close is kept clear of obstructions. Parley Close now forms part of the new crossroad junction on Christchurch Road with Elizabeth Avenue.
Residents are encouraged to comment on this consultation.
22 June 2024 Land East of New Road development, proposed alterations to SANGs
Dorset Council have received an application to make alterations to the SANGs which are part of the Land East of New Road development and residents are encouraged to review the application and submit a response on the Dorset Council website.
Proposal: Application to modify legal agreement dated 18 February 2021 ( PA 3/17/3609/OUT)
Swap the references to SANG A and B on Plan 1
Reverse references to SANG A and B in the definitions (where there is a distinction in the wording between the two types of SANG)
Reverse the Successors in Title paragraphs 7.3.3 and 7.3.4
Reverse the definitions in Schedule 6 (including the certificate/practical completion and step-in maintenance contribution references)
Swap S6 Parts 2 and 3 and reverse the SANG references therein.
Also there needs to be a mechanism inserted to secure the 2ha of temporary grassland is planted across the old SANG A (what will be SANG B).
19 June 2024 Dorset Council : Support to live safely and independently at home
There are many reasons why someone may need support to stay active, safe and independent in their own home.
We know some common reasons include getting older, a recent hospital visit, having a disability or because they are caring for someone.
We would like to provide the right advice at the right time to support our residents to remain living independently in their own homes for as long as they possibly can.
The Greenwood Independent Living Centre (ILC), located on Maiden Castle Road, Dorchester is a place you can visit to gain some advice and support to maintain living independently at home.
19 June 2024 Dorset Council Verge cutting update
With the warm weather kicking in, we are well and truly in grass growing season and our Greenspace team are busy around the county managing our roadside verges.
In Dorset, we manage our verges for both road users and wildlife. The team are making good progress and are on track with their cutting schedule.
We can all do our bit to reduce single-use plastic waste and protect the natural environment, and remembering to bring your reusables when you’re out and about is just one small way you can make a change for the better. The on-site cafes offer free tap water refills, and you’ll also get a discount on hot drinks when you bring your own cup.
So next time you head for a wander around beautiful Durlston, Avon Heath, Moors Valley, or Thorncombe Woods…remember to #BYO cup and bottle!
6 June 2024 Notice of Election
UK Parliamentary General Election
for the Christchurch Constituency