Latest News

28 June 2024
Ferndown Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter out now!

For all the latest local information, please see the June Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter.

Please note, the item on Page 6, titled ‘A New Way to Report Scam Texts and Mobile Calls – Call 7762’, gives the wrong call number. It should be 7726. The body text below that heading refers to 7726 and is correct. The new reporting system is managed by Ofcom. The system uses the number 7726 and full information on how to use the new system is at the Ofcom page. A correction will be published in the next issue.

28 June 2024
Consultation: Yellow Lines at the entrance of Parley Close

Notice of Proposal - The Dorset Council (Waiting, Loading, Stopping And Parking Places) (Map Based) (Amendment No.*) Parley Close, West Parley Order 202*

The proposal for these restrictions is to ensure the entrance to Parley Close is kept clear of obstructions. Parley Close now forms part of the new crossroad junction on Christchurch Road with Elizabeth Avenue.

Residents are encouraged to comment on this consultation.

For more information, please see the Public Notice, and the accompanying maps.

22 June 2024
Land East of New Road development, proposed alterations to SANGs

Dorset Council have received an application to make alterations to the SANGs which are part of the Land East of New Road development and residents are encouraged to review the application and submit a response on the Dorset Council website.

Planning application: P/MPO/2024/02946 - (

Proposal: Application to modify legal agreement dated 18 February 2021 ( PA 3/17/3609/OUT)

  • Swap the references to SANG A and B on Plan 1
  • Reverse references to SANG A and B in the definitions (where there is a distinction in the wording between the two types of SANG)
  • Reverse the Successors in Title paragraphs 7.3.3 and 7.3.4
  • Reverse the definitions in Schedule 6 (including the certificate/practical completion and step-in maintenance contribution references)
  • Swap S6 Parts 2 and 3 and reverse the SANG references therein.

Also there needs to be a mechanism inserted to secure the 2ha of temporary grassland is planted across the old SANG A (what will be SANG B).

19 June 2024
Dorset Council : Support to live safely and independently at home

There are many reasons why someone may need support to stay active, safe and independent in their own home.

We know some common reasons include getting older, a recent hospital visit, having a disability or because they are caring for someone.

We would like to provide the right advice at the right time to support our residents to remain living independently in their own homes for as long as they possibly can.

The Greenwood Independent Living Centre (ILC), located on Maiden Castle Road, Dorchester is a place you can visit to gain some advice and support to maintain living independently at home.

19 June 2024
Dorset Council Verge cutting update

With the warm weather kicking in, we are well and truly in grass growing season and our Greenspace team are busy around the county managing our roadside verges.

In Dorset, we manage our verges for both road users and wildlife. The team are making good progress and are on track with their cutting schedule.

Find out when and where verges will be cut in our verge cutting and weed spraying programme for 2024 on the Dorset Council website.

You can find more information on verge cutting and how to report a problem, by clicking on the links below:

19 June 2024
Be A Bring Your Own (BYO) Hero

Did you know that you can bring your own (BYO) reusable bottles and cups to all the cafes at Dorset Council's country parks?

We can all do our bit to reduce single-use plastic waste and protect the natural environment, and remembering to bring your reusables when you’re out and about is just one small way you can make a change for the better. The on-site cafes offer free tap water refills, and you’ll also get a discount on hot drinks when you bring your own cup.

So next time you head for a wander around beautiful Durlston, Avon Heath, Moors Valley, or Thorncombe Woods…remember to #BYO cup and bottle!

6 June 2024
Notice of Election

UK Parliamentary General Election for the Christchurch Constituency

For more information, please see the official Election notice.

23 May 2024
Road Closure - Linden Road 22nd - 26th July

Diversion via Dudsbury Road.

SGN have confirmed that the temporary traffic lights will have been removed prior to this time.

For more information, please see the Linden Road closure notice.

14 May 2024
Community Information | Bournemouth 7s Festival 2024

As Bournemouth 7s Festival approaches, it has become standard practice to share some key information that may be useful across the festival weekend.

Each year the organisers work hard to ensure the event minimise the impact on the local community, however should anyone wish to contact the festival over the bank holiday weekend, these are the options.

B7s Control Room Email
Control Room Direct Line - 01202 545 631

As per last year, they also have a community response form, which is the quickest and most effective way to reach their team if you have any concerns.

Please note that these will all be live from Friday 24th May.

2 May 2024
Closure of Linden Road junction with Dudsbury Road

All vehicles, cyclists and horse riders will be prohibited from proceeding along Linden Road, West Parley between its junction with Dudsbury Road and 42 Linden Road.

This is with immediate effect and can remain in force for up to 21 days, however it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 15th May 2024.

For more information, please see the Linden Road closure notice.

24 April 2024
Urgent roadworks on Linden Road for emergency gas repairs

Southern Gas Networks have notified us of urgent works using multiway signals on Linden Road, West Parley to allow for emergency gas repairs.

The works are expected to be completed by 01-05-2024.

10 April 2024
Further Update on the Heathlands Avenue potential sink hole

A Dorset Council spokesperson said: "One of our engineers visited today and we have requested Wessex Water carry out a survey for any issues with their surface water sewer. In the meantime, we will make a temporary repair to the carriageway while our safety measures are maintained.”

9 April 2024
Parish Council Election Results (2024)

Please see the Notice of Uncontested Election for West Parley Parish Council.

All 6 Councillors will be re-elected without the requirement to go to ballot on 2nd May 2024.

The position of Dorset Councillor for West Parley will still go to a vote as 3 nominations were received.

9 April 2024
Potential Sink Hole

Heathlands Avenue (near the junction with Fitzpain Road).

The Parish Council reported an issue with the road surface after the matter being raised by a worried resident. Dorset Council were extremely swift to respond to the concerns.

A Dorset Council statement to the Bournemouth Echo reads, “The parish council reported the matter to us this afternoon, and we have erected barriers and signs to divert motorists around the location, but please do take care. A highways engineer will visit the site tomorrow to investigate further.

“For urgent matters on the highway, please call the council on 01305 221020. For less urgent issues, which may take up to 10 days to be responded to, please use our online form.

8 April 2024
Election 2024 Nominations

West Parley Parish Council
Please be advised that 6 nominations were received by Dorset Council. As this number is below the 11 ‘seats’ for the Parish Council, there is no requirement to go to election nor for the parish to pay the associated costs of a parish election. All 6 nominees are existing Councillors and therefore they will continue to serve the parish as elected representatives.

Dorset Council
Please be advised that 3 nominations were received by Dorset Council for the post of Dorset Councillor for the West Parley Ward. As there is only 1 seat for this position, this will go to election on 2nd May 2024.

5 April 2024
Making the roads safer in West Parley

A new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will come into force on 11th April on Glenmoor Road to improve road safety.

The area is around Parley First School which, like many other schools, suffers severe congestion at the start and end of the school day.

Dorset Council has introduced these measures to improve safety for all road users and we encourage everyone to adhere to them.

For more information please see Dorset Council's Public Notice, and a pdf with map which gives a little more detail.

2 April 2024
SSEN’s free Priority Services Register

SSEN’s free Priority Services Register supports those with chronic illnesses, mental health, young children and more. Find out how you can access additional support:

14 March 2024
Cammel Road Resurfacing

The carriageway will receive a further sweeping to remove loose material, and Dorset Council will arrange for an engineer to visit site and take a look at the surfacing with regards to it being uneven.

There is information on the Dorset Council website about microasphalt and the issue of loose chippings, which may be of interest.

13 March 2024
Road Surface Dressing

Church Lane, New Road (service road only), Dudsbury Gardens & Longfield Drive

10th and 24th May 2024 (weekdays), 5am to 5pm. Access to residents only and no roadside parking.

For more information, please see the various roads closure notice.

11 March 2024
Standing as a local councillor for Dorset Council in 2024

Dorset Council will be holding its elections in May 2024. Here is more information for anyone interested in standing for election.

The webpages give an overview of:

  • the role of the councillor
  • standing for a political party or as an independent
  • the support that is available to candidates and councillors
  • how to stand for nomination
  • where to find additional information

Interested individuals are welcome to email the council’s Democratic Services Team or Tel: 01305 252394 who will be able to:

  • offer non –political advice
  • suggest committee meetings that they might like to attend
  • arrange meetings with serving councillors

6 March 2024
Road Closure – nights

21st to 28th March 2024, 8pm – 6am, New Road: Christchurch Road (Parley crossroads) to Dudsbury Avenue

Diversion : Christchurch Road / Ringwood Road

For more information, please see the New Road closure notice.