It is a well-known fact that parking outside many schools is an issue; predominantly at drop off and pick up times. Schools always encourage children to walk, cycle or scoot to reduce the traffic and also participate in initiatives like the ‘cycle to school’ week. We are grateful that the majority of parents and carers park considerately and in accordance with traffic regulations; but there are a minority who do not. It is appreciated that some days are more of a rush that others however safety has to remain the priority.
Please be advised that Parley First School and West Parley Parish Council have been working with Dorset Council Highways to establish some recommendations to improve safety around the school. You may have already noticed the improved road markings in the entrance of the school. Consideration is also being given to the introduction of parking restrictions at the entrances / exits of Parley First School; the car park adjacent to the shopping parade and the spur of Glenmoor Road (numbers 41-55). Any changes introduced will be for the safety of all road users and will be open for public consultation.
There will always be congestion around the school but working together will make it safer for children, parents and all road users.
27 February 2023 Important public exhibition for the for the 'land West of New Road' housing development, 2nd March, 4 - 7pm
Please be advised that on 2nd March there is a public exhibition for the 'land West of New Road' housing development.
We strongly encourage residents to attend.
As part of the draft Dorset Council Local Plan, there has been an approach to increase the size of the development area towards the protected Dudsbury Hill Fort. This is the green area to the left of the proposed Link Road. Please comment to Dorset Council on their consultation.
Event Details
Bentleys Restaurant @ Dudsbury Golf Club, 64 Christchurch Road, West Parley, BH22 8ST
2nd March 2023, 4 -7pm
1 February 2023 Land East of New Road - Phase 2 - Have Your Say!
Please be informed that Phase 2 of the development 'Land East of New Road' (parley crossroads) is open for comment until 17th February 2023. Comments can be made using the planning portal on the Dorset Council website.
Whilst the proposal for the site has been permitted, it is still important to make your views known on the detail which is still being discussed. eg building design and density, road layout, parking provision etc.
The link road and Phase 1 have been permitted under a separate planning applications.
The Parish Council will be discussing this application and submitting their response accordingly.
Please continue to have your say!
26 January 2023 Annual Parish Meeting - Wednesday 26th April 2023, Save the Date!
Please save the date for what will be an informative and social meeting for the parish, to discuss any matters relating to our wonderful village.
Wednesday 26th April 2023, 7pm – 9pm, Parley First School on Glenmoor Road.
We will be inviting various community groups to have stands to provide information on local activities and volunteering opportunities, so it’s a great opportunity to find out how much there is on offer.
In addition, as one of the main causes for concern at the present time is the road network, we are inviting a representative from the Dorset Council Highways Team.
West Parley has a great community spirit so we hope you will come along to have a chat; meet new people and learn about local groups.
More information will follow in due course.
24 January 2023 Cost of Living - Effect on the Nation’s Mental Health
Over the past year, fuel and energy prices have soared taking huge bites out of our pockets, on top of increased rents and food prices. The financial squeeze has been felt by everyone in the UK.
It’s only natural that this type of environment is having a serious impact on stress levels. For some, it’s exacerbating mental health illnesses, addictions, and physical ailments. Please see this excellent Infographic on Mental Health which shows how the cost of living crisis is impacting particular groups’ mental health.
23 January 2023 Photographic ID required when Voting
From 4 May 2023, voters in England will need to show a photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections. This will apply to local elections, Police and Crime Commissioner elections, UK parliamentary by-elections and recall petitions. From October 2023, it will also apply to UK general elections. The Electoral Commission’s public awareness campaign on photographic voter identification for the May 2023 elections is now up and running.
17 January 2023 Lost property - pair of glasses found
FOUND : Prescription glasses found along Glenmoor Road.
are these yours?
Please contact the Parish Clerk if they are yours.
17 January 2023 Roof fire at the Memorial Hall
Yesterday there was a roof fire at the West Parley Memorial Hall. Several fire crews were in attendance at 3.25pm, and Christchurch Road was partially closed in the Eastbound direction while the fire was attended to. No cause of the fire is yet known.
Yesterday, West Parley Parish Council Chairman Andrew Parry issued this satement:
"This afternoon, the Emergency Services were alerted to reports of smoke coming from West Parley Memorial Hall.
The building was safely evacuated before their arrival and thank you to those who first raised the alarm.
The Fire Crews quickly assessed the situation and set about bringing it under control. They will be remaining on-site until they are satisfied that there is no risk of hotspots reigniting.
I have spoken with the Incident Commander, in person this evening. On behalf of the Parish, I had the opportunity to thank him and the Team, for their swift response & highly professional service, limiting the damage to the building and ensuring everyone was kept safe.
There have been traffic delays in the area. I hope given the exceptional circumstances, people will be understanding and wish to join me in expressing thanks to our Emergency Services, and relief that this serious incident did not escalate into something of much greater severity.
Inevitably, there will be disruption to Hall bookings. I have spoken with the Memorial Hall Committee Chair, who I know will want to contact hirers once a time-frame for repairs to be carried out has been established. Please bear with them as they start the process of contacting those affected."
Anne Lane, Chairman of the Memorial Hall issued this statement:
"West Parley Memorial Hall will be closed for a while
due to a roof fire. All Hirers will be notified in rotation
as to when it will be available for hire. This I hope will
not be too long. It wont be for the Hall Committee to
take its time, it will be the Insurance Company. I will
keep everyone informed as progression takes place. I
like to thank all those who have contacted me asking
to help in anyway they can. Do appreciate this.
To-day is assessing the damage and what can be
done to promote renewal. Keep warm and stay safe."
13 January 2023 Staffie Rehoming Parade
Staffie and Stray Rescue are having a Winter Rehoming Parade on Sunday 29th January, 10am at the West Parley Memorial Hall, it's a chance to meet some of the dogs in their care who are looking for their forever homes. . more parade info (jpg).
9 January 2023 Latest Neighbourhood Watch newsletter out now
Dorset Council's fostering service puts the children who need loving, local foster homes at the heart of everything they do. Their focus is on keeping local children close to their schools, friends and birth families. Their foster carers come from all walks of life. Whether you’re looking for a new challenge or simply want to use your skills and experience to make a difference, they would love to hear from you. . . Dorset Council fostering website . . . . fostering contact details (pdf).
5 January 2023 Proposed Temporary Closure Of Access To New Road
An application has been received from Gracelands Ltd to close Access to New Road, West Parley between 113 New Road and New
Road (in both directions), a distance of approximately 10 metres. The closure has been requested to allow Gracelands Ltd safe
access to carry out a new mains diversion. These works are programmed to commence from 16th January 2023 until 4th February
2023. . amended access road closure information (pdf).