25 March 2022 Want to Make a Difference on your Doorstep?
West Parley Parish Council currently has 3 vacancies available for co-option
What do Council’s do?
Local (parish and town) councils and councillors make a massive difference to local people's quality of life. They are passionate about their communities and seek to make a change to help improve their residents' lives.
Local councils run numerous services, depending on the size of the council. Many you will see day-to-day, but some are less known. These include introducing solar panels, setting up dementia-friendly groups, organising community buses, creating neighbourhood plans, implementing suitable housing, establishing youth projects, managing allotments and open spaces, maintaining footpaths, public seating and litter bins.
Councillors are elected to represent the local community, so you must either live or work in the council area. Becoming a councillor is a rewarding experience as you will be able to make a change in your community to help improve residents' lives. A councillor’s role can include developing strategies and plans for the area, helping with problems and ideas, representing the community, working with other local community groups, decision making and reviewing decisions and talking to the community about their needs and what the council is doing.
What is a Casual vacancy?
A casual vacancy is a seat that becomes available between elections, which may occur for several different reasons, such as a councillor resigning, becoming disqualified (by committing an offence) or not attending any meetings in six months.
The council clerk will declare the vacancy by posting a note within the parish and notifying the electoral returning officer.
This notice will also confirm that a by-election will be held if at least ten electors request it within 14 days (not including weekends and public holidays). If there is no demand for a by-election, the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.
For more information, contact one of the Councillors on our website www.westparley-pc.gov.uk or email the Council’s Clerk on Enquiries@westparley-pc.gov.uk.
25 March 2022 Donation to East Dorset & Purbeck Citizen’s Advice
At the meeting of the Parish Council on 16th March 2020, members resolved to provide a donation of £500 to East Dorset and Purbeck CAB, who provide support to many people, including those in West Parley. They provide an essential service and are reliant on donations, so we hope this donation will assist them in delivering their service over the coming year.
Please also see tthe Stakeholders Quarterly Update from the East Dorset and Purbeck CAB.
23 March 2022 Playground Refurbishment - March 2022
Following a successful grant application, the Parish Council received just over £50,000 to refurbish the play area on the Recreation Ground adjacent to Christchurch Road. Unfortunately, the pandemic delayed the installation, but we are thrilled to announce that work starts TODAY on the refurbishment. A few of the more recently installed items are being retained, but we are excited at the thought of new and interesting equipment for the children to enjoy. The play area remains for users of 12 years and under and we ask for your patience during the refurbishment. The recreation ground will continue to be available for public use and we will share pictures once the area is once again open for use.
17 March 2022 Five Marathons in Five days! - Steve Mason is raising money for the MS Centre
Steve Mason, a friend of the MS Centre is aiming to run five marathons in five days.
Steve will start on 23 March 2022 at 11.00 am and will be running around Ringwood/Verwood forest on a 8.7 mile loop, three times back to back over five consecutive days. To support Steve, please visit Steve’s JustGiving page. Also here are more details on Steve's great effort.
21 March 2022 Need a wheelchair - British Red Cross Mobility Aids Service Poole can help
The British Red Cross provides over 58,000 wheelchairs to people across the UK every year.
Thanks to our incredible team of Red Cross wheelchair volunteers, we can offer wheelchair and toileting aid equipment hire for up to a 20-week period.
The British Red Cross Mobility Aids service in Poole has recently expanded its opening times to better reach those seeking assistance in times of need.
Red Cross Poole Mobility Aids is now open Tuesday-Friday 10:00-16:00 and can be found at: British Red Cross Mobility Aids
Unit 1 Albany Business Park
Cabot Lane
Poole BH17 7BX
01202 699 453 – for enquiries and hire within operating hours
0300 456 746 – for enquiries and hire outside operating hours
Also please see a printable poster with opening times and contact details, and further details on the Mobility Aids Service where service users are also able to hire wheelchairs themselves can be found on the BRC website.
17 March 2022 Planning latest - Lands East of New Road
Whilst the Parish Council is unable to make comment on the application amendment, it has concern over the lack of clarity in this road scheme.
P/NMA/2022/01544 Lands East of New Road
Proposal: Non material amendment to Approved P/A 3/17/3609/OUT (Outline application (All matters reserved except for access and associated link road); with up to 386 dwellings (Class C3); upto 1000sqm of retail units (Classes A1-A5); upto 900sqm of offices (Class B1) and upto 2200sqm of foodstore (Class A1); together with accesses, a link road and associated highway works, public open space including SANG, allotments, landscaping and associated works) to vary planning condition no.2. The application is seeking to replace existing approved drawing W524- 02B Proposed Link Road with drawing no. W524-02C Proposed Link Road - more details on this proposal.
8 March 2022 Image Appeal After Bikes Stolen During Burglary In Ferndown
Officers investigating the theft of five bikes during a burglary in Ferndown are appealing for witnesses and are issuing images of some of the stolen items.
Please see the images can be seen via the Dorset police website.
Sometime between 10pm on Thursday 3 March and 7am on Friday 4 March 2022 offenders gained access to the garage of an address in Leeson Drive.
Two Motocross bikes, two electric bikes, a mountain bike and a Motocross helmet were stolen, and it is believed the offenders pushed the bikes along Leeson Drive toward Ameysford Road.
The bikes are described as a 2020 model orange and black KTM Enduro motorbike, a 2022 model red and blue Beta Enduro motorbike, a gloss black Specialized Levo Comp electric mountain bike, a grey/blue Specialized Kenevo Comp electric mountain bike and a teal/silver Vitus mountain bike.
Police Constable Sam Kinsella, of Ferndown police, said: “These bikes are of significant value both financially and personally for the victim and I am appealing to anyone who has any information about who was responsible for this burglary to please contact Dorset Police.
“I would also ask any residents or motorists to check their home CCTV and dashcam footage and get in touch if they have captured this incident.
“Finally, I would urge anyone who has seen any of these bikes being offered for sale locally to please call us.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55220035567. Alternatively, to stay 100 per cent anonymous, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers or call Freephone 0800 555 111.
6 March 2022 BCP Planning Committee to hear Eco Composting application 8th March
Residents may be interested in an upcoming meeting of the BCP Planning Committee. On 8th March they will hear an application by Eco Composting comprising the installation of a low carbon Energy Recovery Facility. Full details of the meeting.
18 February 2022 Bournemouth International Airport Airspace Consultation - Have Your Say
Bournemouth International Airport are engaged with their stakeholders on a public
Airspace Change Proposal (ACP) consultation. In short summary the proposal appears to increase the cargo carrying capacity allocated airspace and route direction, and there is an aspiration for 24 hour-a-day cargo flights. The cargo planes are usually older and bigger than tourist planes, so noisy for our residents.
The current owners of the Airport are increasing cargo storage capacity on the Industrial Estate. From a commercial perspective, they think this is a more profitable money earner than catering solely for the holiday trade.
Please see the ACP Consultation Document.
The deadline for comments is 26th February 2022, the preferred method of response is an online MS form - section 5.3.1 of the document.
16 February 2022 DCC Community Governance Review - Have Your Say
Parish and town councils play a vital role
in providing local services and involving
local people in Dorset’s towns and villages. This is an opportunity to have your say about Dorset
Council’s draft recommendations in respect of changing the boundaries, the Parish name, wards, number of Councillors, grouping with other Town/Parish councils.
We encourage residents to comment on this consultation which affects all areas within Dorset Council. The Consultation runs from 28th February until 23rd May 2022 - more consultation details.
13 February 2022 Volunteers keeping up the good work
West Parleys Volunteers were recently seen working on the road by the Memorial Hall in one of their twice weekly sessions going round the village improving the appearance and maintaining the safety of pavements and footpaths. The edges in Stocks Lane were trimmed back, removing leaves, soil and nettles returning the road to is full width.
Terry Scott, John Cullen, Albert Best, Daniel Morris
Linsi Fanner, Roy Chapman, Marilyn Bennett, John Smith
Many areas have been cleared over the past few months including the pavements on New Road from close to the former Porsche garage to Parley Cross and a huge amount of fallen leaves were swept from the Recreation Ground, the Sports Club car park and the access road to the Guide Camp at Dudsbury. The Team of up to 14 Volunteers are currently working along Christchurch Road near Barrack Road.
Give them a wave if you are passing!
1 February 2022 Information - Ex Porsche site
Please be informed that a planning application has been submitted to Dorset Council by Tesla, for alterations at the ex-Porsche site on New Road. This is positive news that there is ambition for use of this well-established site rather than see it decline.
24 January 2022 Left turn ban at Christchurch Road, Parley Cross (night works)
Night works are beginning 31st January at Parley Cross, and there is a left turn ban at Chistchurch Road. The works are anticipated to be complete by 11th February.
Please see the Dorset Council Public Notice for full details.
18 January 2022 Allow local government meetings to take place virtually - sign the petition
During the pandemic new temporary legislation was brought in to allow 'virtual' meetings for local government, which regrettably
ended in April 2021.
Many councillors and council staff don't wish to expose themselves to the risk of meetings, due to personal circumstances or underlying health conditions. Likewise the same applies to members of the public who might like to attend. Whilst meeting in person is currently possible, another lockdown would prevent meetings and therefore stop council decisions taking place.
There is currently a petition in place to encourage central Government to reintroduce virtual meetings and we would ask residents to offer support by sharing and signing the petition.
11 January 2022 Police Precept - Facebook Live 12th, 13th January
Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick will be joined by the Chief Superintendents for both the Dorset and BCP areas this week in a Facebook Live chat to talk about precept and policing in your area.
At 7pm on Wednesday the 12 January, the PCC will be joined by Chief Superintendent Mark Callaghan to talk about how precept funding will affect BCP and again at 7pm on Thursday the 13 January, he will be joined by Chief Superintendent Richard Bell to talk about how precept will affect the Dorset area.
To ensure that both distinctive areas of the county are covered, the events have been split across two days to ensure residents have the chance to ask area specific questions and find out more about how precept funding will be used in their community.
Follow ‘Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner’ or ‘Dorset Police’ on Facebook or the Dorset Police YouTube account from 7pm on Wednesday 12 January for BCP and Thursday 13 January for Dorset and pop your questions in the feed when we go live.
10 January 2022 Police Precept - Have You Had Your Say?
The Police and Crime Commissioner launched the Precept survey a couple of weeks ago and would like to thank all those who have already taken part and shared your views.
If you haven’t had your say, then there is still time to do so.
Please complete the survey, it will only take a couple of minutes – your opinion is very much valued.
Should the above link not work - please cut and paste the following into your browser https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DAPrecept22
14 December 2021 Important Housing Update
For an update on the upcoming local housing developments, please see this housing poster (pdf).