West Parley would like to welcome it's newest Councillor - Moya Magorian - to the Parish Council. We hope that Councillor Magorian enjoys her new role and we look forward to her contribution to wonderful West Parley!
22 November 2022 Street names? - Suggestions please!
We have been approached by Bellway Homes to put forward approximately 30 street names for the Land East of New Road development, at Parley crossroads.
This is an opportunity for us to reflect West Parley's history in the naming of this new development and we would welcome residents' input.
Please email your suggestions to enquiries@westparley-pc.gov.uk.
23 November 2022 Congratulations to Parley Cricket Club
Parley Cricket Club is delighted to announce it has received notification of the promotion of its First Team to the Southern Premier Cricket League for the 2023 season. This ECB Premier League is widely recognised as the highest level of amateur cricket across the South of England.
It is a special moment and achievement for the Club bringing reward and recognition for the huge effort and the dedication shown on and off the field, both by past and present members.
Parley Cricket Club runs 5 Adult sides, Women’s and Girls teams and Youth aged from 8 to 19. All new players, both male and female, of any age and ability are afforded a warm welcome. Equally there is always a need for volunteers and helpers whether running sides or through an involvement working on the ground. Now the promotion will provide an increased exposure allowing Parley to offer a greater range of sponsorship packages to suit all business types. Any partnership will receive a value for money arrangement which also includes huge social media coverage. Players, volunteers and sponsors – Parley Cricket Club awaits hearing from you.
Gary Peskett (centre) with Cllr Andrew Parry, WPPC Chairman
A reception was held to thank local resident, Gary Peskett, for his longstanding support for the community in West Parley.
Gary had been secretary of the West Parley Memorial Hall Committee for some 40 years. Both the Memorial Hall Committee and Parish Council Chairman thanked him for his tremendous support and dedication in being key to the smooth running of this essential facility.
Some 30 residents and friends joined Gary in marking his celebration.
Gary has also been President of local dog clubs and organised many events at the Memorial Hall and has been a Neighbourhood Watch Contact for many years.
22 November 2022 Council says ‘Thank You’ to our wonderful Volunteers
The Parish Council held a reception last Friday at the Memorial Hall to recognise and say ‘Thank You’ for the tremendous contribution to the local community made by the large team of local Volunteers.
Chairman Andrew Parry and main Community Award Winner Maz Bennett
The Volunteers carry out a whole range of activities to make the Parish as clean and tidy as possible. This includes maintaining footpaths and verges, assisting in the maintenance of the Parish Recreation Ground, the Millennium Gardens, repairing boardwalks in Parley Wood and keeping all the benches and signs locally in good condition. As well as planting and maintaining the tremendous planters seen on the main roads around the village. The volunteers also put in many hours of support for the Parish Council’s Platinum Jubilee event in June of this year.
Many Volunteers litter pick in all weathers across the Parish as well as a bit further, such as towards the Airport, gathering huge amounts of litter. Other Volunteers help keep the Volunteer NeighbourCar scheme going by acting as drivers. This is a scheme used by many residents over 60, for essential trips, who are unable to get out and about.
To make the most of the weather and our beautiful recreation ground, Councillors worked hard to prepare for the evening, which included and barbeque, along with a wide spread of food that soon disappeared.
Chairman Andrew Parry (pictured) handed out the main Community Award to Maz Bennett to recognise all her hard work. Other awards went to John Dinsdale, John Cullen, Terry Scott and June Scott.
Regrettably we have been unable to hold the event for the last 2 years due to Covid; but everyone agreed that the Parish Council had put on an excellent Reception.
22 November 2022 Notice of Vacany in Office of Councillor (2)
Please see the Notice Of Vacancy (pdf) for details of a vacancy in the Office of Councillor.
7 September 2022 Notice of Vacany in Office of Councillor
Please see the Notice Of Vacancy (pdf) for details of a vacancy in the Office of Councillor.
31 August 2022 Dug Outs given a facelift
In preparation for the coming football season and part of our ongoing commitment to improve the grounds, the WPRA Volunteers have kindly assisted us by undertaking a redecoration of the dugouts on the playing fields.
We think they look very smart and we hope both the home and away teams feel it is an improvement. Unfortunately, they do attract litter and a degree of anti social behaviour, so if you witness anything please do report it to the Parish Council.
18 August 2022 Strong Objection to Land East of New Road submitted
16 August 2022 Deadline Extension for land East of New Road
Please be informed that the deadline for the Land East of New Road Development has been extended for the public until 22nd August 2022. Comments can be made using the planning portal on the Dorset Council website.
Whilst he proposal for the site has been permitted, it is still important to make your views known on the detail which is still being discussed. eg height of the flats, density of the phases, parking provision etc. The link road has been permitted under a separate planning application, however the smaller 'estate' roads can also receive comment.
This extension will allow you more time to consider the information shared at yesterday's public exhibition and peruse documents by consultees recently uploaded to the Dorset Council website.
Please see the Parish Council response, submitted with the assistance of the Planning Consultant employed.
16 August 2022 Update for proposed Temporary Closure Of Mags Barrow
Due to programme changes, this closure will not take effect today as planned. Works in this area will be replanned for a later date.
3 August 2022 Beryl bikeshare boost for Dorset, just in time for Cycle to Work Day
The UK’s leading micromobility provider, Beryl, and Dorset Council are offering thousands more people the chance to take up two wheeled travel from 1 August, a few days ahead of the UK’s biggest cycling commuting event
A new Southeast Dorset bike share scheme, embracing Wimborne, Colehill, West Parley, West Moors and Ferndown will link up with the existing Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) scheme, removing the barriers to sustainable transport for even more people. . .
read the full article.
1 August 2022 Public Meeting On The Development At Land East Of New Road
Your Parish Council have been liaising with the developer and we are pleased to confirm that they are holding a public meeting for residents.
Community Event, Monday 15th August, between 2pm - 8pm at The Osborne Centre, Church Lane, West Parley BH22 8TS
This is a ‘drop in’ event where information boards with detail of the plans are available to be viewed and representatives present to answer questions.
For more information, please visit the developer's website.
We have also arranged with Dorset Council Planning Department, an extension to the deadline for comment to allow residents the opportunity to attend the event and submit their responses by Wednesday 17th August.