19 July 2022 Floral Displays, New Defibrillator, Improved Security - lots going on
Lots going on in West Parley at the moment, there's lovely Floral Displays, a New Defibrillator and Imporved Security at the Recreation Ground
Floral Displays
The displays around the village are looking lovely and thanks go to the team of volunteers who tend and water them, especially in this hot spell.
We hope you enjoy the splashes of colour around the village.
flowers from our wonderful volunteers
New Defibrilator
We have just installed a Defibrilator on the rear wall of the sports club building, facing the playing fields. Should you need to use this in the event of emergency, when you call 999 they will give you a cabinet code and talk you through the whole process. Hopefully, it won’t be needed, but having access to defibrillators when waiting for ambulance crews can make a huge difference. The MS Centre Bournemouth, on Church Lane, also have an accessible Defibrilator.
Improved security
We all want to have uninterrupted enjoyment of our lovely community spaces in West Parley, so we have recently installed a height restriction gate to improve the security at the playing fields. The recreation ground already has security measures in place.
8 July 2022 New Road Development - Please Have Your Say
There are currently 2 applications open for consultation and we strongly encourage residents to comment to Dorset Council.
As the development at Parley Cross has been granted permission by Dorset Council; we all know the development is going ahead. But it’s really important that you comment on the latest proposals which show the layout and design. This is one of your last opportunities to share your opinions on the design of the site and consider what is included in Phase One.
There are a lot of documents to review, but you may wish to start by reviewing the plan which shows the density and type of the dwellings; the location of a small allotment area; the impact on neighbouring dwellings; the layout of roads etc. From there you can review the relevant documents in more detail.
The Parish Council is seeking guidance from a planning consultant to help formulate a robust response to the applications; which are being discussed at our monthly meeting on 20th July. Any comments on the Dorset Council website by that time, will be reviewed to ensure the Parish Council’s response accurately reflects the opinions of those in the parish.
P/RES/2022/03505 - Land east of New Road, West Parley
Proposal: Reserved Matters submission comprising layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to condition 1 of outline permission ref. 3/17/3609/OUT for Phase 1 comprising 238 dwellings (Use Class C3) with public open space, SANG, allotments and landscaping. Vehicular access off Christchurch Road and New Road as approved in the outline planning permission.
Case Officer: Ursula Fay Deadline: 19th July 2022 link to view P/RES/2022/03505 plans
P/FUL/2022/03934 - Land to the South of Christchurch Road, to the West of 292 Christchurch Road, to the east of the new Link Road
Proposal: Temporary construction access
Case Officer: Naomi Shinkins
Deadline: 18th July 2022 link to view P/FUL/2022/03934 plans
27 June 2022 Proposed Temporary Closure Of Mags Barrow
The closure has been requested to allow JDT Utilities agents for SGN to lay essential gas mains in the
highway. These works are programmed to commence from 15th August 2022 until 2nd September 2022.. . . full road closure details.
22 June 2022 Temporary Traffic Management Notice - Various Roads, West Parley
Dorset Council are carrying out carriageway maintenance and resurfacing works from 8th July 2022 between 5am and 6pm and will remain in force for 5 days, however it is anticipated that the works will
be completed by 14th July 2022. . . full road closure details.
20 June 2022 Parley First School - vacancies
available for a Community Governor and Parent Governor
If you have an interest in education or
wish to give something back to the
local community, why not apply to join
the friendly governor team at Parley First School. . . more details and contact info.
9 June 2022 New meeting date - Parish meeting now 22nd June
Would residents please note that the monthly June meeting of the Parish Council is now on the 22nd June, having been moved from the 15th June, the time and venue are unchanged.
9 June 2022 Emergency SGN works taking place (7th - 15th June) on Christchurch Road
Residents please note that there are emergency SGN works taking place (7th - 15th June) on Christchurch Road by Dudsbury Road junction and further works by Parley Cross (8th -17th June), but the latter has no impact on the highway.
31 May 2022 Temporary Traffic Management Notice - Parley Close
Parley Close will be closed to traffic for a maximum of 5 days beginning on the 27th June.. full details of road closure
25 May 2022 West Parley Celebrates the Platinum Jubilee - Cake and Fancy Dress competitions and more!
Lots going on as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations! There's a Cake Competition with prizes for the winner and runner up.
Why not hone your inner Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood, and don your aprons we look forward to seeing your culinary creations!
There's a Fancy Dress competition - dress up as you did in the 50s 60s 70s and each decade through to today.
Prizes will be awarded to the best and most original costumes from the decades.
And lot's more on Thursday June 2nd from 1.30pm on the Recreation Ground - all the details of the day.
24 May 2022 Housing Update - Land East of New Road
There are 3 segments of work as the project has been segregated; with Wyatt Homes responsible for the road, Lidls progressing the application for the food store and Bellway Homes having the rest of the development.
Our understanding is that they will be moving on site but cannot start construction work until they have had a project plan and traffic management plan approved by Dorset Council.
The intention is for the link road to be completed to an adopted standard by spring 2023.
10 May 2022 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacon Trail
As part of West Parley's celebrations, we encourage you to join in this fun event while walking around our lovely village. There are posters at various places which have a QR code. Use your smartphone to scan the QR code, and enjoy a video about each decade of Her Majesty's reign. There's also fun characters to take selfies with for the kids.
10 May 2022 Staffie and Stray Rescue Rehoming Parade
A chance to meet some of the dogs who are looking for their forever homes!
Sunday 15th May, West Parley Memorial Hall, arrive by 9,45am, parade starts 10am sharp. . more information on the parade
25 April 2022 Parley Wood Boardwalk
Please be advised that this week, the Parish Council has arranged that the West Parley Residents’ Association (WPRA) Volunteers will be removing the main boardwalk on the Western side of Parley Wood.
This is the main boardwalk within the woodland after you enter from the path from the Parish Council car park, recreation ground or playing fields. Unfortunately, the wood had rotted significantly in places and it is now safer to remove the boardwalk in its entirety rather than continue with smaller repairs.
We are currently seeking confirmation from Natural England, as Parley Wood is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), whether we are permitted to replace the boardwalk with composite material which has a longer life span, or whether we have to replace with natural products again. Obviously, the sooner we have this clarification, the sooner the new boardwalk can be installed.
We thank you for your patience while these works take place.
13 April 2022 Ferndown PROBUS Club - meet new people and make new friends
Now is an excellent time to meet new people and make new friends. Why not join our members for lunch each month at the Dudsbury Golf Club, Hotel & Spa? Good food, good company and interesting speakers, just what you have been waiting for!
Ferndown PROBUS is a members’ club for retired or semi-retired professional men and our aim is to create a positive ambience of fellowship, friendship and fun.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the Brabant Function Room, Dudsbury Golf Club, Hotel & Spa, Ferndown commencing at 12 noon. Meetings are centred around a two-course lunch, followed by a talk given by invited Speakers covering a diverse range of subjects. Many of our ladies meet for a more informal gathering in the Spikes Bar at the same venue at the same time or arrange to meet at an alternative location.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the Brabant Function Room, Dudsbury Golf Club, Hotel & Spa, Ferndown commencing at 12 noon. Meetings are centred around a two-course lunch, followed by a talk given by invited Speakers covering a diverse range of subjects. Many of our ladies meet for a more informal gathering in the Spikes Bar at the same venue at the same time or arrange to meet at an alternative location.
New members will be made most welcome. For further details please ring the Secretary, Alan Stevens, on 01202 876826, or email: alan_stevens@talk21.com
More detailed information can be found on the PROBUS club website.
13 April 2022 Golf Links Road Ferndown Attempted Outbuilding Burglary
Police are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward after an attempted outbuilding burglary in Golf Links Road, Ferndown.
The incident, in which offenders attempted to enter an outbuilding by forcing the door along Golf Links Road, happened between 8PM on 06042022 and 7.20AM on 07042022.
Police are also reminding residents to ensure that their property is secure. Follow this link to the Dorset Police website for crime prevention advice.
Any residents planning to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by holding a street party, in the Dorset Council area have until 21st April to lodge a street closure request.
Application online is to dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/street-party-on-the-highway
6 April 2022 Two temporary road closures
Parley Close, West Parley 27/6/22 – 29/6/22
The road will be closed daily between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00 but it will be open overnight and at weekends. During the closure periods there will be no on street parking available. . full information on Parley Close closure.
Linden Road & Linden Close, West Parley 28/6/22 – 30/6/22
The road will be closed daily between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00 but it will be open overnight and at weekends. During the closure periods there will be no on street parking available. . full information on Linden Road & Linden Close closure.