
27 October 2021
An update on the Community Governance Review

Ferndown Town Council, at their meeting on the 25th October, debated a proposal that the Town Council boundary be extended to include the existing Parishes of West Moors and West Parley. There had been no prior consultation on the proposal and only a few days notice given of the proposals.

At it’s monthly meeting on the 20th October, West Parish Councillors were unanimous in their opposition to the proposals which it felt offered no positive reasoned business case. It was determined that a letter of objection be sent. Five of your Parish Councillors also attended along with others from West Moors.

Spokesmen for the two Parishes also spoke. Members of the Public from the two areas were also present. Interestingly, no one from Ferndown Town Council spoke in support of the proposals. There were however, absences from several Councillors who were on the working party- Councillors Mike Parkes and Julie Robinson.

Those members present from Ferndown Town Council voted unanimously to not proceed with the proposal which, if it had been passed, would have gone to Dorset Council for further consultation.

It was stressed that where appropriate West Parley Council would be very willing to engage in furthering projects of mutual benefit, with our neighbours. However, a hostile take-over without prior consultation was not the way to foster good working relationships.

22 October 2021
Work set to start on new cycle route in Ferndown

Major work will begin on a new cycling route along Ringwood Road in Ferndown next month. The eco-travel project will take place in three phases and involves the construction of a new 3.2km cycle and walking route and bus improvements along Ringwood Road between Longham mini roundabouts and Tricketts Cross roundabout.
Please see the Daily Echo article for full details.

20 October 2021
Have your say!! Solar Farm Consultation

Please be advised there are proposals to install a 42mw solar site covering 166 acres, off Parley Green Lane on land opposite Bournemouth Airport.
The consultation is open until 1st November.

Residents are invited to comment:
Post : Pegasus Group, Querns Business Centre, Whitworth Road, Cirencester, GL7 1RT
Full details of the Parley Green Lane Solar Project (pdf) and feedback form.

19 October 2021
Amended planning application – Eco Sustainable Solutions Ltd

Deadline : 3rd November
Please see the Eco Briefing Document (pdf) which is intended to stimulate further discussion over this application but the Parish accept no responsibility for the veracity of the contents.

19 October 2021
Community Governance Review – Dorset Council. Do you value your community?

It has come to our attention that a possible attempt to amalgamate both West Parley and West Moors under the heading of Ferndown Town Council, is set to be discussed at the Ferndown Town Council (FTC) meeting on Monday 25th October at 7pm in the Barrington Centre.
FTC has not discussed this with either West Parley Parish Council or West Moors Town Council.
If you value your community and its identity … please attend the meeting and have your say!

11 October 2021
Environment Agency survey – flood resilience

An environmental consultancy are carrying out a study for the Environment Agency on resilience to flooding, and are collecting views and opinions:

  • Are property owners and occupiers aware of Property Flood Resilience measures?
  • Do property owners and occupiers have any measures installed (e.g. flood doors)?
  • Are there any issues that are hindering owners and occupiers from taking up Property Flood Resilience?

They are using an internet-based survey to collect opinions on Property Flood Resilience from owners and occupiers.

9 October 2021
Housing Update

The Parish Council has been informed that the planning application for the development West of New Road, for 150 houses and delivery of the link road by Cala Homes, is expected to be received by Dorset Council early in 2022.
We have been assured that the developer will be holding a public consultation prior to the submission and we would encourage residents to attend. The Parish Council will keep residents informed as further information is forthcoming.

5 October 2021
Roadworks by Wessex Water, Christchurch Road (B3073) 4th to 12th October

Would all residents PLEASE adhere to the 'keep clear' road markings at the junctions to maintain safety for all road users

To keep up to date with all roadworks in the Dorset Council area: Roadworks and road closures - Dorset Council

4 October 2021
Appeal For Information Following Reports of Indecent Exposure In Ferndown

Officers investigating reports of indecent exposure in Ferndown are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward.

Dorset Police has received two reports of a man exposing himself in the area of King George’s Recreation Ground. The first incident is reported to have occurred on Tuesday 28 September 2021, with a further incident at around 3.40pm the following day.

The man is described as white, middle aged and walking a brown poodle type dog.

Police Constable Matthew Brennan, of East Dorset police, said: “We have launched an investigation into these incidents and are making a number of enquiries to try and identify the man involved.

“I would urge anyone who has witnessed the incidents reported, or who has information relating to incidents of a similar nature in the area, to please contact us.

“Officers will be carrying out enhanced patrols in the area and can be approached by members of the public with any information or concerns.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55210156495. Alternatively, to stay 100 per cent anonymous, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers or call Freephone 0800 555 111.

4 October 2021
Consultation - Dorset Council - Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2022-2032 DEADLINE October 31st 2021

The Dorset Rights of Way Improvement Plan is the prime means for Dorset council, as the Local Highway Authority, to identify and prioritise actions to develop and improve the network of Dorset’s footpaths, bridleways, byways, and wider access routes.

Over the past 18 months, more Dorset residents than ever have found that getting outdoors and into the fresh air comforting, restorative and revitalising. To do this, many have used Dorset Public Rights of Way, footpaths, bridleways and byways to walk, ride, cycle, horse carriage drive away from the vehicular highway – and responsibly drive - to explore our locality. Some have perhaps discovered paths and places they haven’t visited before, immersing themselves in Dorset’s stunning landscapes, rich heritage and fascinating natural world.

Link to official press release.

Link to Consultation.

We want to hear from the Dorset wide community – all ages and interests – and various organisations (user groups, landmanagers and wider interest groups) so we can develop an improved network of paths that are easy and enjoyable to use for as many people as possible.

Your views are really important – we need to know what it is you love about using Dorsets paths and which paths you use - but we also want to know about what isn’t so great and your ideas to address this. So what are the barriers, what prevents you from using the paths, what routes would you like to use and why, how can we work with you to develop the Dorset PROW network?

The Dorset Rights of Way Improvement Plan consultation – which includes online maps – will help us understand the key issues that need to be addressed, and let people submit location-specific concerns and project ideas to help us improve Dorset’s public rights of way. The survey will allow respondents to:

  • Highlight a “missing link” where a new path would join up the network.
  • Identify a strategic route linking communities that could be shared by walkers, equestrians & cyclists
  • Explore the possibility of creating a safe off-road route where walkers, equestrians and cyclists currently must use the road
  • Pinpoint good locations to improve a path’s surface, replace stiles with gates and generally indicate where small measures can potentially make a big impact
  • Suggest areas where better signage would be useful
  • Raise concerns and how they might be addressed
  • Reveal historic details such as old stiles and river crossings that need protecting
  • Let us know how we might work together on ideas and initiatives

While we may not be able to accommodate all the ideas and projects in the prioritised delivery plans, all feedback will be taken into consideration.
Councillor Noc Lacey-Clarke, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, Travel and Harbours at Dorset Council, said: “Using public rights of way – the green highways – enables people to get outside and truly explore Dorset’s villages, towns and wider countryside. The benefits are huge where an improved path network can provide car-free walking riding and cycling routes for all ages and abilities at a “community pace” for local journeys; to get out, meet and socialise with local people; opportunities to step out from your doorstep and keep active, relax and unwind; a means to take time to explore and notice the details that we often overlook. Our paths help us all to experience Dorset’s rich and varied natural and historic heritage.

Taking part in this survey is a real opportunity for Dorset people to let us know what they feel works and what needs to be done to improve the way our residents and visitors can enjoy walking, cycling and horse-riding whilst taking care to protect the very landscapes these paths take them through.”

After collating and reviewing the feedback from the consultation, Dorset Council officers will draft a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan early next year. This plan will be publicly consulted on in the Spring, with the final version published and presented to Cabinet for approval in Summer 2022. Please fill in the questionnaire and online maps by midnight 31 October.

25 September 2021
Porsche Leaving West Parley

We have been aware for time now that Porsche will be leaving West Parley and relocating at its new location in Ferndown, in the coming weeks. Presently, a letting agent is advertising the site as an existing garage and any other suggestions you may see in social media, are merely speculation.

22 September 2021
Volunteers needed!

With the pandemic changing people’s perspective and possible work position … now might be the perfect time to get involved in your local community.

Become a Parish Councillor
This is going to be an exciting and challenging few years for West Parley, so why not join us as we currently have 3 vacancies. If you have some time to spare and are interested in helping the Parish Council represent the views of the local residents and enhance the community, get in touch. We would particularly welcome people with skills in finance, building work appraisals and developing social activities. If you would like an informal chat as to what is entailed, please speak to the Parish Clerk or any of our Councillors.

Local groups are looking for volunteers to help them provide benefit to the community – can you help? West Parley Residents’ Association Volunteers – litter pickers to help keep our highways clear of rubbish & the working groups are always looking for new members. (John Dinsdale 01202 872974) NeighbourCar - always need more volunteer drivers, minimal commitment required. (Clive Butcher 07592 860 104)