13 September 2021 A31 road widening at Ringwood - full details
Highways England are holding virtual sessions in September to provide more information about the widening of the A31 at Ringwood, with the chance to ask questions on a first come, first served basis. Full details of the virtual sessions.
9 September 2021 Parley Wood Boardwalk
volunteers repair the Parley Wood boardwalk
The Parish Council has funded the replacement boardwalk between Parley Wood and Parley Common and we would like to offer thanks to the West Parley Residents Association Volunteers who have done a great job of installation.
The hard work by this team of locals means the cost to residents is kept as low as possible, while re-opening the access direct to Parley Common for walkers. Repairs to the main boardwalk on the western side of the Woodland will take place in the coming weeks. Residents are encouraged to keep to the informal path around the perimeter of the woodland for safety reasons.
9 September 2021 Important Information – Waste Collections
There is a national shortage of HGV drivers and Dorset Council has numerous vacancies which is causing disruption to waste collection both kerbside and for our commercial collections.
If you are out and about and a bin is full, please take the waste home or find another bin with capacity ........ do not just pile it alongside!
Please share this information to help raise awareness of the issue as not long ago we were applauding these essential workers.
Should you experience any issue during the festival weekend, organisers can be contacted on the following methods:
Phone: 01202 545631 (Available from 27 - 29 August | 8am - 1am) Email: controlroom@bournemouth7s.com
22 July 2021 Recreation Ground waste bins to be changed - updated to larger wheelie bins
Dorset Council are moving to increased use of wheelie bins on the highways and for their commercial collection service. This not only aids Health and Safety issues with operatives not lifting heavy weights, but usually is a larger capacity than usual street bins.
The bins on the recreation ground have been emptied by volunteers for over 11 years and a huge THANK YOU goes out to Diana and Andy for their commitment to keeping the area litter free for residents to enjoy.
In the coming week or 2 we will install the wheelie bins on the recreation ground and playing fields. Please see our poster showing location of new wheelie bins. As dog waste can now be placed in the standard waste bins, and they are larger than the current bins, fewer are required.
We ask residents to help us keep the area pleasant and litter free for all to enjoy and ask dog owners to pick up poop throughout the Council land of Recreation Ground, Playing Fields, Car Park and Parley Wood, and dispose of it responsibly in the bins provided.
30 June 2021
Latest update following the recent unauthorised incursion into the New Road.
Please be advised that the land owner is now putting measures in place to secure the field east of New Road, to ensure no further unauthorised access is possible.
27 June 2021 Unauthorised Incursion
The Parish Council is aware of an ongoing incident on the privately owned field East of New Road.
The emergency services have been informed and have been in attendance.
25 June 2021 New pandemic funding available for local groups and venues, apply now
Following a successful bid to our Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF), Dorset Council have launched a grant to help small groups within communities restart their community support activities.
The fund is aimed at:
Community Venues (Village Halls and Community Buildings)
Small Community Organisations which have not been able to operate during the pandemic due to Government restrictions and are now wanting to restart their community activity.
The fund total is £90,000
£40,000 – Village Halls / Community buildings
£50,000 – Community groups to restart activities
Each grant is between £500-£2000
Maximum organisation income is £100,000 to be eligible
The Parish Council have submitted a letter to Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch Council in response to the proposed development comprising the installation of a low carbon Energy Recovery Facility for the generation of electricity and heat through a low-emission thermal process using residual waste. Many residents have raised concerned directly with Council members and the letter reflects the views Parish Council members and residents within the Parish.
Reference number: 8/21/0207/FUL
Proposal : Proposed development comprising the installation of a low carbon Energy Recovery Facility for the generation of electricity and heat through a low-emission thermal process using residual waste; including a new administration building and associated car parking area; associated reconfiguration of existing and permitted uses; an increase in permitted waste throughput; landscaping and associated works.
Please read the Parish Council submission in response to the proposed development. Please also note that today is the last day for submitting responses.
6 May 2021 Warning - please protect your property
In the early hours of this morning, individuals were recorded trying to access a number of vehicles on Dudsbury Road. Please take appropriate measures to protect your property .... ensure your vehicles are secure, no valuables are left in your vehicle, house and outbuildings are secure.
As always, please pass the word around neighbours, especially the more vulnerable in the parish.