
15 April 2021
Planning Application of public interest - Eco Sustainable Solutions Ltd

Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch Council is consulting on the proposals for site reorganisation to increase capacity at the site on Chapel Lane. This will require additional vehicle movements and inclusion of a tall chimney. The application number is 8/21/0207/FUL. Deadline for comment is currently 22nd April 2021.

2 April 2021
Car Parks Closed For Essential Tree Works

On Tuesday 6th April, both the Parish Council car park and the Memorial Hall car park will be closed to allow essential tree works to be undertaken. It is anticipated that the car park will be open from mid-afternoon. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.

30 March 2021
Disgraceful treatment of our wonderful village

waste in the recreation ground

The pictures show the waste that was dumped around the community area in just 3 days. ‘Weed’ packets, boxes of empty bottles, firework debris. Last week saw 12 wine bottles dumped in the ditches in 2 days.

This area is litter picked regularly by volunteers and this is total disrespect for those volunteers, for our public spaces and to the many residents who enjoy the area without causing harm. Please enjoy our facilities, but if taking bulky waste, please take it home.

This is unacceptable behaviour and evidence of illegal gatherings contrary to covid legislation. The police have been informed and we encourage residents to report incidents to the police when they are taking place, so they can respond immediately and fine the individuals concerned.

23 February 2021
Housing Update for land East of New Road

The potential development of the land East of New Road (opposite the shopping parade) was part of the proposals within the East Dorset District Council Core Strategy, after the greenbelt status was rolled back over a decade ago.
Please be advised that Outline Planning Permission has just been received for the reserved matters.

The next stage will be for a detailed planning application to be submitted with the detail of the dwellings, superstore, offices and retail outlets. We will inform residents when this is received and will encourage responses to be submitted.

Please visit Dorset Council's website DorsetforYou to review the conditions attached to the development.
Please select Documents and scroll to the bottom to view the Decision Notice.

27 January 2021
Dorset Council Local Plan Consultation – we need your views

Dorset Council have produced a draft Local Plan containing proposals for guiding future development in the Dorset Council area up to 2038. The plan outlines the strategy for meeting the needs of the area such as housing, employment, and community services including schools, retail, leisure and community facilities.

Dorset Council have launched a Consultation on their Local Plan, between 18 January 2021 and 15 March 2021 you are able to comment on the proposals.


The proposals for West Parley are grouped with those of Ferndown. The plan shows the existing 2 proposals for the land East and West of New Road but show the original figures from the EDDC Local Plan, namely 320 and 150 respectively. In reality the East of New Road planning application is for 386 houses, with large supermarket, office and retail and no application has been submitted yet for the land to the West.
Additionally, this plan proposes 700 dwellings on Dudsbury Golf Course, 400 off Angel Lane and industrial estate behind Haskins. The Plan can be viewed online and residents are encouraged to comment before the statutory deadline of 15th March 2021, so that Dorset Council has a true reflection of residents' opinions.

View the Local Plan

Planning affects us all. The Council’s planning policies are set out in Local Plans which are the legal starting point in determining planning applications. Public and stakeholder engagement is an important part of the plan making process. Involving residents, businesses, organisations, experts, infrastructure providers and town and parish councils allows local knowledge and expertise to be gathered from a wide range of perspectives. This consultation sets out recommended strategies and policies meeting the requirements of Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning Act (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

Between 18 January 2021 and 15 March 2021 you are able to comment on the proposals.

Dorset Council have produced a draft Local Plan containing proposals for guiding future development in the Dorset Council area up to 2038. The plan outlines the strategy for meeting the needs of the area such as housing, employment, and community services including schools, retail, leisure and community facilities. The plan directs development to the most suitable locations near to existing facilities, and detailed policies promote high quality development that respects and enhances the character of each area. The plan also protects Dorset's natural environment and contributes towards the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

What is in the plan?

View the Dorset Council Local Plan consultation on the council’s website
Paper copies of the plan are available for loan via click and collect from your local Dorset Council library (Covid-19 permitting)
If you are shielding volunteers can help you pick up a paper copy of the plan for you from your local library. Find out more about support for those shielding

Find out more

Listen to or watch webinars
We are holding webinars throughout the consultation period on key themes within the plan. Each webinar will consist of a short presentation followed by a question and answer session.
The timetable for webinars is as follows:

Date Topic Time
Tuesday 26 January Distribution of development: including settlement hierarchy and the spatial distribution of development. 12-1pm
Thursday 28 January All things environmental: Climate change, renewable energy, flooding and biodiversity. 12-1pm
Tuesday 2 February Central Dorset towns, housing and employment and landscape. 12-1pm
Thursday 4 February Western Dorset: towns, housing and employment sites and heritage 12-1pm
Tuesday 9 February Housing: including housing need, neighbourhood planning and affordable housing. 12-1pm
Thursday 11 February South Eastern Dorset: towns, housing and employment sites and the green belt 12-1pm
Tuesday 16 February Northern Dorset: towns, housing and employment sites and Design 12-1pm
Thursday 18 February The Economy, community and collecting money from development 12-1pm

Telephone the team

We also have a dedicated phone line available during the consultation period open Monday to Friday from 10am – 2pm. Telephone 01305 252500 to speak to a member of the team.

Planning surgeries for groups

Town or Parish councils, organisations or community groups can attend a planning surgery during the consultation period to discuss any queries with officers. Limited spaces are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday from 10am until 2pm. Telephone 01305 252500 to reserve your slot.

How can I make a comment?

  • Make sure you give your name and either postal or email address along with your postcode so that your response can be considered appropriately
  • Use the official form
  • Make your comments within the consultation period

Please note:

  • representations cannot be treated as confidential. By competing a representation, you agree to your name (but not your address) and comments being made available for public viewing
  • the Council does not accept any responsibility for the contents of the comments submitted. We reserve the right to remove any comments containing defamatory, abusive or malicious allegations.

I want to make my comment online

View and comment on the plan
The benefits of doing your response this way are as follows:

  • less impact on the environment as we do not need to use paper or postage
  • you’ll be emailed a copy of your response as confirmation once submitted
  • you’ll also be able to start your response and return to it at a later date – a confirmation email will send you a link to where you left off
  • you can upload supporting information to your response.

I want to email you my comment

We also accept responses emailed to us at, completed on the specified response form.

I want to write my comment on paper

There are paper copies of the response form available upon request for those without internet or computer access. Please telephone 01305 252500 to request your copy. This is an important part of helping to shape the first local plan for the whole Dorset Council area. We appreciate your time and your comments.

12 January 2021
Interesting West Parley Stamp, August 1907 - appeal for information


A local resident has come across some postcards with the attached stamp and they are curious to know what was going on that warranted setting up a temporary office called ‘West Parley Camp’ for 1 month? This is way before the Guides camp at Dudsbury, and they wonder if it was something at the same location in Ann’s Meadow perhaps?

If anyone has any information they would like to share, that would be wonderful, please email

7 January 2021
Scam Alert - Covid-19 Vaccine Scam

Police would like to make you aware of the following scam which has occurred over a wide area. Users have been sent a text purporting to be from a NHS body or similar informing the user that they are entitled to a COVID-19 vaccination. They are then invited to click on a link within the text message that takes them to a web page.

This web page will ask for personal details including " card payment details" By supplying this information personal bank accounts are being raided by the scammers.

This is a very convincing text purporting to be from the NHS. Any genuine invitation from your GP or other NHS body for the COVID-19 vaccination will NOT ask for any payment details.
Stay Safe, Stay Home ,Stay Well and beware of this Scam

Should anyone receive similar contact, please report this to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, or report online at

Follow this link to the Dorset Police website for crime prevention advice -

7 January 2021
Your Opportunity To Ask Questions about Plans To Pay Extra For Policing

Dorset residents are being invited to put their questions about proposals to pay extra for policing to the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner during an online event. Martyn Underhill is asking the public to pay an extra £1.25 a month to enable the Force to provide an enhanced service and recruit new officers. A survey is now taking place and residents are being asked to have their say on the proposed increases. Take part in the survey now.

A virtual event, giving members of the public the chance to find out more about the proposals and to put their questions to the PCC, will take place from 5.30pm on Thursday January 14.

How to take part
The session will take place over Microsoft Teams, and if you would like to be in the audience please email
If you would like to ask a question during the session, please send it to the above email address, making it clear whether or not you would be happy to have your name mentioned. Invitations will be sent out to audience members’ e-mail addresses, featuring a link they need to click in order to take part.

Raising the precept
The proposed increase to the precept, the element of a monthly council tax bill that funds policing, will enable Dorset Police to deliver a balanced budget and pay for additional costs, some of which have been created as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

If approved, the figure would see those living in a Band D property paying an additional £15 a year for policing in the county. Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill said: “I ask the public about plans to increase the precept every year, and I always get an excellent response from Dorset residents.

“As part of my consultation, I always go out with my team to towns across the county to talk to people face to face. Sadly, as a result of the pandemic, I won’t be able to do that this year, so this online event is an opportunity for people to put their questions to me, find out more about why I want to raise the precept and what they will get in return.”

Please take part in the survey now.