
11 December 2020
Parish Council Newsletter on its way

Your Parish Council has just taken delivery of the biggest annual all house newsletter to date.

Delivery will be before Christmas ... so please keep an eye on your letterbox to ensure you keep fully up to date with the activities within the village.

26 November 2020
Crime Prevention - Van and Shed Breaks

With darker evenings at this time of year we normally see an increase in breaks to sheds and parked vans. Please take a moment to consider your security arrangements, for further information visit the Dorset Police website.

Where possible park in a well lit area. Secure your vehicle when parked and remove valuables and tools from it when parked over night (This includes items like loose change from center consoles which may attract opportunists)

Ensure your shed or garage is locked and items within are secured. Tools and other valuables including bikes can be secured in locked cupboards or secured to anchor points, if no anchor point is available consider chaining items together to make it more difficult to remove, for example chaining bikes, to a mover. Alarms are also a good deterrent and attracting attention should someone breaks in; these can be from a cheap shed alarm through to linking to a house alarm system.

Please also remember to record serial numbers of tools, electronics, bikes etc and keep these in a safe place. Should they be stolen, this will aid Police in identifying and returning recovered items.

26 November 2020
Dorset to move to Tier 2 restrictions from 2 December

The Government has announced that the Dorset Council area will exit out of national restrictions (lockdown) into Tier 2 (High Alert) on Wednesday 2 December. The main restrictions under Tier 2 are:

  • no mixing of households indoors, apart from support bubbles
  • pubs and bars must remain closed, unless operating as restaurants

We understand that the Government will review this tiering on 16 December.

Please watch our LIVE public briefing on COVID tonight at 7pm to hear more from Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health Dorset, on what this means for us all.

You can submit questions in advance to We hope to see you there, but the briefing will be recorded and available on Dorset Council's YouTube channel afterwards if you can't make it.

Join the live event.

25 November 2020
Join Public Health Dorset, Dorset Council and BCP Council for a live broadcast this Thursday

Officials from Public Health Dorset, Dorset Council and BCP Council will be broadcasting together this Thursday night (26 November), after the Government has announced which tier the area will be in once lockdown ends on 2 December.

Director of Public Health Dorset, Sam Crowe, Executive Director for Corporate Development at Dorset Council, Aidan Dunn and Cllr Nicola Greene, Cabinet Member for Covid Resilience and Public Health at Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council, will host the session. They will outline what the latest restrictions mean for local areas, council services and also answer your questions.

The live briefing will be broadcast via Microsoft Teams from 7pm. You'll need to download the Microsoft Teams app before watching and please use this link to join the live event.

Director of Public Health Dorset, Sam Crowe, said: "With Christmas just around the corner, we know that people across both Dorset and the BCP areas will want to understand what the latest rules from Government mean for them and their families. Many people live and work across both council areas, so we wanted to hold a live session as soon as possible to discuss what the next few weeks will look like and hopefully answer some of your questions."

You can submit questions in advance to We hope to see you there, but the briefing will be recorded and available on Dorset Council's YouTube channel afterwards if you can't make it.

Join the live event.

19 November 2020
Image Appeal Following Theft from Vehicle Near Hurn

Officers investigating the theft of valuable rings from a vehicle near Hurn are issuing images of the stolen items as they appeal for anyone with information to come forward.

The victim had parked their vehicle, a black Kia Sportage, in a small gravel car park near to the Mildren Construction site on Matchams Lane when it was broken into between 11.30am and 11.45am on Monday 16 November 2020.

The passenger window was smashed and a handbag was stolen, which contained a purse. Inside the purse were three rings – a platinum gold engagement ring with a square diamond worth an estimated £4,400, a platinum gold eternity ring worth nearly £1,500 and a platinum gold wedding ring valued at more than £500.

Please view Police image.

Police Community Support Investigator Chis Wilson, of Dorset Police, said: “We are making enquiries into this theft and I would urge anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity in the Matchams Lane area around the relevant time, or may have captured anything on dashcam, to please contact us.

“I am also keen to hear from anyone who comes across these items of jewellery matching those stolen being offered for sale in unusual circumstances locally or online. “Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to remind members of the public not to leave valuable items unattended in their vehicles wherever possible.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55200172658. Alternatively, to stay 100 per cent anonymous, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers online at or call Freephone 0800 555 111.

16 November 2020
Have Your Say - Dorset Council Climate Emergency Strategy - Consultation

Dorset Council has launched the above consultation with numerous documents available on their website. Residents are encouraged to review the documents and comment directly to Dorset Council.

Dorset Council Announcement:
Back in May last year at the very first meeting as a new Dorset Council, in response to the existential threat of climate change and its impacts, Dorset Council members took the bold step to declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Since then, councillors and officers have worked incredibly hard to pull together a comprehensive, ambitious and deliverable strategy and action plan for how Dorset Council can change the way it works, how it delivers services and how we can help our partners and communities in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in Dorset over the next 20-30 years.

Please visit the Dorset Council website for this draft strategy, related action plans and supporting technical papers.

Dorset Council have launched a full consultation, asking everyone what they think of our strategy and proposed approach, see and take part in the consultation.

Dorset Council has a communication and engagement plan for promoting the consultation and we will do our best to get the word out across the county. But we want as many people as possible to respond to the survey, so we are asking for your help to publicise it far and wide. Dorset Council will also be hosting a webinar for Town and Parish councillors next month, which will take you through the consultation process and provide additional support for how you can get involved.

Dorset Council believes that this work is incredibly important. Just sitting by and letting others address this crisis is not an option. We need to work together to overcome this monumental challenge. What we all do – or don’t do – to address this Climate and Ecological Emergency will impact our children, grandchildren and every other generation for centuries to come.

16 November 2020
Parley First School - Coronavirus update

Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health for Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Councils said: “We are aware of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at Parley First School. The school is working closely with Public Health Dorset, Dorset Council and Public Health England South West to ensure that all necessary measures are being met.

“All close contacts of the confirmed case have been notified and need to self-isolate for 14 days. Contacts of the confirmed case should get tested if they go on to develop symptoms. Even if people test negative, they must still self-isolate for 14 days.”

The schools information newsroom page has been updated.

16 November 2020
Play Area and Gym update

Throughout the first Lockdown the Play Area and gym were formally closed to the public due to Covid-19 regulations by HM Government. The Parish Council took the hard decision, that even after the lockdown was lifted, that there were not available resources within our small Council to re-open the facilities safely with the stringent cleaning process required, the ability to limit to user numbers and there is no ability to close the unfenced area. With the second lockdown, whist HM Government have only applied closure to outside gyms, the Parish Council’s play area, along with the gym, remains closed for health and safety reasons.

Signage is regularly updated but regrettably is removed by users, who choose to ignore the information provided.

The equipment remains closed and users are informed that they are doing so at their own risk.