
31 March 2020
Tv Licensing Scam Email Circulating

There are several reports of a scam TV Licensing email that is circulating at present. The email advises the recipient that they need to renew their TV Licence, which can be done quickly online by clicking a link in the email.

If you receive an email purporting to be from TV Licensing or any other unsolicited email that you suspect to be a scam, please follow the Action Fraud advice as follows:

  • Do not click on any links in the scam email.
  • Do not reply to the email or contact the senders in any way.
  • If you have clicked on a link in the email, do not supply any information on the website that may open.
  • Do not open any attachments that arrive with the email.
  • Visit the Action Fraud website where there is information on how to forward on your scam mail. When you send an email you are doing so over the open internet, which we cannot guarantee the security of. Therefore please do not send personal information, such as your address or bank account details, when emailing Action Fraud.
  • If you think you may have compromised the safety of your bank details and/or have lost money due to fraudulent misuse of your cards, you should immediately contact your bank.

Visit the TV Licensing website for further information and email security advice.

31 March 2020
Consultation on Rural Bus Services

Councils have been asked to comment on the rural bus service consultation, however would we encourage residents to let us know their views by end April. We need to understand whether the service (or lack of) in West Parley is sufficient, which particular routes are most needed and possible case studies with onward journey eg public transport links if going to Southampton hospital.

For more information, please see the Rural Bus Services terms of refernce

The deadline for reply has been extended to early May, so please send your thoughts by emailing the Parish Council on

31 March 2020
Parish Council Newsletters update

Historically the Parish Council has produced an all house newsletter in the spring and autumn to keep residents informed of events and actions of the Council. Given the current pandemic, the Council have chosen to delay the newsletter. The team of volunteers going door to door contravenes the Government guidelines for permitted daily activities and the risk of infection is too great.

The Parish Council plan to issue the next newsletter in the Autumn, if everything has reverted back to normal, and then it will be reduced to once a year, being sent annually in April. April is the end of the Council year and so can summarise the year’s activities to residents.

The Parish Council website and Parish Council facebook page are regularly updated, so you can remain informed on all matters.

30 March 2020
Bonfires - Please Consider Your Neighbours and Be Safe

After what was a long wet winter we have now seen an upturn in the weather and there has been very little rain over the last few weeks, so gardens, open spaces and heathland is drying up rapidly. At this time of year it is usual to see an increase in wildfires.

Dorset and Wilts Fire and Rescue (DWFRS) are therefore asking the public not to undertake prescribed or controlled burns unless it is absolutely necessary. For information and advice, please see the DWFRS website.

Many people will now be spending more time tidying up their gardens, but with the closure of council tips and the suspension of garden waste collection services, there may be a temptation to have bonfire instead. Bonfires can very quickly get out of control and DWFRS has seen an increase in calls as a result.

Not only that, bonfires can cause a nuisance to neighbours, especially for those who are at present unable to go outside of the perimeters of their property, so the only opportunity they have for fresh air is within the confines of their garden, so please consider your neighbours and whether it is really necessary to have a bonfire.

Both Dorset and BCP Councils have produced advice on their websites for dealing with garden waste whilst the kerbside collections are suspended - garden waste advice from Dorset Council - garden waste advice from BCP Council.

30 March 2020
Action Fraud Have Received Reports of Covid19 Related Scams

Action Fraud have received reports of #COVID19 related scams. The majority relate to the online sale of protective items such as facemasks and other items in short supply due to the outbreak, that don't exist. See the latest Action Fraud news

What scams are we seeing?
The majority of reports are related to online shopping scams where people have ordered protective face masks, hand sanitiser and other products, which have never arrived. Other frauds being reported include ticket fraud, romance fraud, charity fraud and lender loan fraud.

Protection advice
Detailed counter fraud advice is available online, including from Scamsmart, ActionFraud, CIFAS, TakeFive, Citizens Advice, Trading Standards and the National Cyber Security Centre.

Report to Action Fraud online or call 0300 123 2040.

Please email HMRC to report offers of financial assistance.

30 March 2020
Open Letter from Dorset Public Sector Organisations: Please stay at home

Dorset Police is working together with partner agencies to respond to COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Dorset.

We are all asking the public to play their part by doing one thing - stay at home.

Please read this Open Letter from Dorset Public Sector Organisations urging you to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

30 March 2020
Important new rubbish and recycling guidance for all Dorset residents

As Dorset Council’s waste services begin to feel the pressure from coronavirus (COVID-19) employee absence and the need to introduce new safety measures to protect our workforce, we are asking residents to help us by changing the way they deal with their bins, litter and recycling.

Lower priority services such as bin deliveries and garden waste collections have now either been suspended or are on the verge of being halted. Therefore, due to these reduced staffing levels, we are now implementing the next stage of our plan to keep essential collections going.

Full story and all the details of the new rubbish and recycling guidance.

30 March 2020
Dorset Council suspends charges in their car parks to support key workers and residents

Dorset Council has taken the decision to suspend parking charges in its car parks across the county during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Following calls from the general public and Dorset’s elected members, the Council will no longer require payment for the use of any of its car parks that remain open at this time while public health measures are in place.

However, on-street parking charges and restrictions will remain in place in order to keep roads clear and traffic moving.

Full story and all the details of free car parking.

27 March 2020
Dorset Council Message – Garden Waste Collection

After today (27 March), our Garden Waste kerbside bin collection service will be suspended until further notice. This is to enable us to deploy crews to cover coronavirus-related staff absence in higher priority collections, such as rubbish, recycling and food waste. Please keep hold of your garden waste until services return to normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

More Garden Waste kerbside bin collection information on the DCC website.

27 March 2020
Dorset Council – Countryside teams (verge Cutting)

Some people have seen verge cutting work still happening and have asked if it's essential at this time. Most of our countryside teams are still out and working, but keeping 2 metres from each other, regularly washing hands, and wiping down machines.

As a result of the closure of country parks, some colleagues are now being trained up to help with waste collection, to provide cover over coming weeks.

HUGE THANKS to these colleagues for helping keep essential services going during this time.