
27 February 2020
Unusual activity involving a sign written van - please be aware!

We have been informed of unusual activity involving a sign written van, with several male occupants, reversing onto driveways and knocking on doors to see if the occupants are home. They were witnessed driving off when the occupant appeared. Please be vigilant and keep an eye on more vulnerable neighbours.

24 February 2020
Message from Dorset Council regarding kerbside waste collections

Residents please note new information from Dorset Council regarding waste collections:

  • Dorset Council have started changing vehicle types used on some collection rounds in East Dorset in advance of wider round changes that are starting soon
  • Most people won’t notice a difference, but we will write to you in advance if your bin collection day is changing
  • Your bins may be emptied by more than one crew at different times on your collection day
  • Larger vehicles have separate compartments for different waste types, so rest assured your rubbish/recycling/food waste is still being kept separated
  • Our crews also often use a “service bin” to gather up food waste or glass – this looks like a regular wheelie bin
  • You may notice vehicles, uniforms and bins start to display the Dorset Council logo, instead of Dorset Waste Partnership
  • If you suspect one/some of your bins have been missed, please wait until 4pm before reporting to us

13 February 2020
Missed Bin Collection

Due to a vehicle breakdown on Monday, parts of Christchurch Road and Elm Tree Walk did not have their kerbside refuse collected. We have contacted Dorset Waste Partnership (Christchurch) who have confirmed that they intend to collect tomorrow (Thursday 14th).

13 January 2020
Footpath closed due to a fallen tree

Please be advised that due to an obstruction, the footpath leading between Oaklands Walk and the Council's playing fields / recreation ground, has been closed. A tree has fallen across the path, so anyone deciding to use the path does so at their own risk. We are in the process of arranging a contractor to remove the tree as soon as possible and we apologise for any inconvenience.

8 January 2020
Notification of Temporary Closure of Fiztpain Road

Residents please note that Fiztpain Road will be temporarily closed for much needed roadworks between 8am and 4pm for the week 25th – 30th March. Residents will be allowed access to their properties, however may have to wait a short time whilst the workmen facilitate this. Obviously this will have a big impact for those attending Parley First School, so please allow additional time to reach your destination .... or perhaps make this an opportunity to cycle or scoot to school instead!