
23 September 2019
This Week ... Can you make a difference?

Recycle Week 2019 starts today!
For its 17th annual Recycle Week (23rd – 29th September), Recycle Now - working locally with the Dorset Waste Partnership - is tasking people all over the UK to act and focus on getting recycling right during Recycle Week.

Latest research from Recycle Now reveals that over 60% of UK households are now recycling more than they were a year ago, with nearly a third citing environmental concerns as the main reason for doing more. Others attribute it to an increased awareness of what can be recycled.

Dorset is a county of recyclers – but there are some simple things that we can all do to make our recycling even better:
Check out the 'We Need That' directory to see if your waste items could be used by a non-profit organisation
No need to check plastic recycling codes. If it's a bottle, tub, tray or pot of any colour, it can go in the recycling bin
You can keep metal lids on glass bottles and jars
Cartons (eg. Tetra-pak), paper cups, textiles and foil cannot be recycled at the kerbside, BUT there are household recycling centres and recycling banks in car parks for these items all over Dorset. Find out where
Food waste should never go in the rubbish or recycling bin. Please use your food waste bin.

And if you’re at all unsure about how to recycle a specific item, remember to check out our Which Bin webpage, or visit Recycle Now's Recycling Locator.

Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for lots of great advice during the week. Thank you, and keep up the good work!

10 September 2019
Ferndown Neighbourhood Watch newsletter out now

For the very latest from Ferndown Neighbourhood Watch please click here.

6 September 2019
Theft from Vehicles In the Ferndown Area

There has been an increase in thefts from motor vehicles in the Ferndown area over the past few days. Please ensure that your vehicle is secure when you leave it and that no valuables are left in the vehicle, including loose change, sunglasses, bags, clothing etc. Dorset Police advises that out of sight is no longer enough and items should be taken with you

If you have seen any one acting suspiciously around a motor vehicle over the past few days/evenings please contact Dorset Police on 101 or report online at

If you see anyone interfering with a parked motor vehicle please call Dorset Police on 999

30 August 2019
Temporary traffic closure of Birch Avenue and Oakland Walk, West Parley

For full information please click here.

17 August 2019
Update on Planning Applications made on 31 st July 2019 by Wyatt Homes and Frontier EstTe

At the Eastern Area Planning Committee of Dorset Council, the Outline Planning Application by Wyatt Homes for the Eastern Link Road ,Supermarket and Offices was determined. The Planning Officers recommended Approval and this was approved. This occasioned slow hand clapping as a form of displeasure from the audience. >Many local residents attended to show their concerns. Local resident Tom Bligh, Councillor Andrew Parry and the Chairman of West Parley Parish Council Philip Bamborough, amongst others spoke of their concerns. All regrettably to no avail.

The Senior Highways Officer of Dorset Council claimed the modifications to the B3037 already undertaken at Chapel Gate and Blackwater; the proposed link road to the East and works at Longham/Hampreston were sufficient for existing and projected traffic! Questions were raised how it was possible to proceed with Parley Cross junction improvements without the proposed Western Link Road. We were told 'It will all work without the Western Link (taking Traffic from New Road South to the Christchurch Road just before the Horns Inn) though that would help in the future.

It would be fair to say this claim was met with considerable skepticism by West Parley and Ferndown South Residents.

It transpires Dorset Council are proposing to loan- for a year £2m to Wyatt Homes to enable the Eastern Link Road to proceed.

It needs to be stressed that this is Outline Approval and there are numerous Conditions attached - some the result of representations made by the Parish Council.We were promised by the Officers at the Meeting there would be local consultation. Watch this space.

The Committee then went on to approve the Application for the SANG land in Church Lane. The Parish Council asked to be considered as potential Managers of the lands rather than,for example a Management Company controlled by Wyatt. We as a Council believe local control is preferable to 'distant management' who after the Estate is built, will have no local connections.

This also fits in with the Parish Council's long term aspirations for further SANG lands to be dedicated in perpetuity around the Village-particularly fronting the River Stour, If and when opportunities present themselves.

This request was accepted for consideration on the recommendation of the Planning Chair Councillor Toni Coombs, who described the Parish Council as "Well respected and Well Run and thus worthy to be considered".

Finally, Consent was given for an 80 bedded Care Home opposite the Village Memorial Hall on the Christchurch Road - Despite Dorset NHS Commissioning Group stating there was no current shortage of nursing beds in the area! This is land taken out of the Green Belt , ostensibly on the claim it was needed for 'Community Use'!

The only good thing to come out of these approved applications is that the Parish Council will get 15% of the S106 monies generated. Now that will be spent (as and when received, on local services).

17 August 2019
Planning matter - Land at Aviation Business Park, Hurn Airport Industrial Estate.

Please see this exchange of letters between Parish Council Chairman Philip Bamborough and Leader of BCP Council, Councillor Vikki Slade.

Philip Bamborough writes:

Could I draw your attention to the the first of what will be three Planning applications for the above site currently zoned in the East Dorset and Christchurch adopted core strategy for employment use.This Plan was adopted in 2014. The site is at the Northern end of the Airport on brownfield land.The first application is for 25 acres and broad details have been given as to how the three applications link.

The plans drawn up by Rigby Real Estate, are submitted by the new owners of the Airport which it is important to note currently operates at only 25% of it's planned capacity of 3million passenger movements per annum.

The three plans contemplate very briefly: -Up to 1900 jobs -creation of more than a million square feet of commercial floor space on around 75 acres of land .

From the Design and Access Statement lodged with the current ( first ?, bit confusing as their press handout is unclear whether this combines applications 1 and 2) Planning Application by Stephen George and Partners, Architects and Master Planners, they state:

'Expanding the existing business park is highly sustainable, as reusing previously developed land with good access to both workforce and the highways network provides a far better option than developing new sites further afield....
A bit later, saying:
..The Site is well related to existing infrastructure linking to the A338 and A31 to the east and west, which ultimately connect to the motorway network. The main access is proposed from the west using the existing site access with an enhanced estate road(submitted in detail) serving the new development'

'The development would be accessed from the existing highway network.the main entrance would be off East Parley/Chapel Gate and incorporate highway improvements to enable this. The Business Park will be gated with a controlled access at the existing Gate and the existing Matchams Lane vehicle access.' Would but this second statement were true! Unfortunately the challenge of connecting to the A338 and A31is fraught with challenges despite some road improvements.

In truth the main access is via the B road 3073 through Parley Cross (recognised as the most heavily congested and polluted road junction in the Dorset Council area). What fails to have been factored in is that significant housing developments have been zoned for Parley Cross (currently 386 houses plus a large store); Dudsbury Heights/the Ridgeway 150 houses. Additionally on a draft ( now delayed) revision to the 2014 Plan, consideration is being given to further housing at Dudsbury Golf Course and Longham. Much further traffic will come from the North Bournemouth/Longham/Ferndown areas and there are currently no detailed proposals to improve the infrastructure apart from some vague proposals and frankly unsustainable ideas to improve the Parley Cross Junction.

My purpose in writing to you is fivefold:

  1. 1. In furtherance of the new Council's governing Alliance's pledge to consider the impact of Climate Change resulting from all new developments in the area, will you ask Dr Felity Rice and the Officers working to her, (in her newly created role of Cabinet Spokesman for Climate Change) to look at these proposals in detail and make recommendations for improvement as appropriate
  2. 2. Consider how Dorset Council and Parishes, can be involved in joint consideration of these proposals which straddle the two Councils and impact strongly on both. I recognise of course BCP will lead.The new Christchurch Town Council appears not to be a consultee!
  3. 3. Confirm that the applications will be considered by the Structure Planning Committee given it's strategic importance. Cllr Margaret Phipps as Cabinet Member and one of the Members for Commons Ward ,as well as chair of Hurn Parish Council, will have a particular interest.
  4. 4. As the current roads infrastructure to this site is (in the view of people who live here) currently unsustainable, check whether the work currently being undertaken by the South East Dorset Traffic Modal Study is considering the impact of this proposed development and the allowed for, Airport Flight Passenger Traffic increase. If not, it will do so ? I understand the working group of Officers is proposing to release it's findings and proposals in the Autumn of this year.
  5. 5. To ascertain to what extent Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (DLEP) will be involved in lobbying for further infrastructure funds to remedy the current unsatisfactory traffic situation in a sustainable and meaningful way.They secure funding for traffic measures to 'open up' Wessex Fields and enhance facilities further down the A338.

Frankly, Vikki, we have a once in a generation opportunity to try and resolve the problems in this part of East Dorset. Regional Funding should be available with persistence and a strongly argued case with Cross party support.
Thank you for your consideration.A little later, after some feedback, I would like to do a press release.

Vikki Slade replies:

I have raised this with our Cabinet Members for Strategic Planning, Transport and Environment along with some of our Planning Officers. My understanding is that the upgraded junctions take into account both the jobs and homes that are in the current local plan and that this work is being done in advance of the developments, as they should be.

I have asked the Corporate Director for Economy and Regeneration to give you a full response, collating the thoughts of others and if you have not heard from him in the next week or so can you let me know.

The Dorset LEP has provided funding which is supporting the Blackwater scheme and also the proposals at Wessex Fields and a number of proposals were submitted to the sub-regional Transport Board where both BCP and Dorset Councils sit. Only one project for the whole of Dorset was put forward for Government funding, and that was the Phase Two works for Wessex Fields. You are probably aware that there are serious local concerns (partly driven by our position around Climate Change) about whether this should proceed, but none of the other schemes across Dorset were deemed appropriate by the board which covers Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Bristol.

We will continue to push for more investment in our infrastructure and I hope we will be able to work closely with Dorset Council - after all we have a duty to cooperate on top of the desire to work together.

We are in a very difficult situation with regard to housing and employment numbers. Whilst we have challenged the numbers allocated, we have been advised that any change to the requirements (due to a reduced inward migration, Brexit, demographic changes) would be insignificant in terms that we are not fulfilling anywhere near the requirements. You may be aware that because we missed the required build numbers by a substantial margin we now have to account to Government for this failure and if we do not address it by increasing the number of homes we build and jobs we create, we will lose the local control on building.

What we can do is to push for higher environmental standards in building, behaviour shift away from private cars and smart working to reduce the need for journeys. This will inevitably increase costs and it is unlikely we will be able to see the transformation as quickly as we would hope but we will keen pushing forward.

16 August 2019
West Parley Recreation Ground and Access to toilets

We very much regret that due to instructions from the Council's Insurers, we have had to cease public access to all parts of the building forthwith. Since taking possession of the building on the 30th July, the Council has become increasingly dismayed at the poor - indeed dangerous - state of much of the service infrastructure - plumbing, roof, electrics, drains etc.

In these circumstances we have had to advise Zurich Insurers of our findings. Hence their instructions that there be no public access until the building is bought up to current Building Regulation Standard. No public Liability is in place.

We are sourcing a Portacabin to provide alternative toilet arrangements. We are trying to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your patience. Follow the Website for updates!

25 July 2019
Very Important Planning Update

Dorset Council have issued their agenda for their next Planning Committee meeting (Eastern Area) which will see members vote on 3 of the most contentious planning applications to be considered in West Parley in decades.
3/17/3609/OUT : Lands East of New Road West Parley Dorset
Proposal: Outline application (All matters reserved except for access and associated link road); with up to 386 dwellings (Class C3); upto 1000sqm of retail units (Classes A1-A5); upto 900sqm of offices (Class B1) and upto 2200sqm of foodstore (Class A1); together with accesses, a link road and associated highway works, public open space including SANG, allotments, landscaping and associated works.

3/17/3610/COU : Land East of Church Lane, West Parley (SANG for Core Strategy Policy Site FWP6) Proposal: Change of use of land to a suitable alternative natural greenspace (SANG) and associated works.

3/19/0821/FUL : Land South of Christchurch Road, Christchurch Road, West Parley, Dorset, BH22 8SL Proposal: Erect an 80 bedroom Care Home with associated parking, landscaping and amenity space.

The first 2 applications are interdependent as the development at Parley Cross is dependent upon the provision of the SANG.  The third application is the land allocated for ‘community use’ within the core strategy and would see a large care home adjacent to the development at the crossroads.

We encourage residents to view the Officer Reports by following this link and clicking on the PDF for each application ….click here

Please Note : The Officer Recommendations are to APPROVE all 3!

In response to residents’ views, we requested that Dorset Council seek a larger and more local venue to hold the meeting as residents would wish to attend.  We are pleased that they have responded to our request by holding the meeting near Council Offices in Wimborne and we hope that many of you will attend the meeting to evidence the village’s concerns.

Please be advised that members of the public can request to speak at the Planning Committee Meeting, however it is essential you contact Kate Critchel on 01305 252234 or by email:  no later than 2pm on 29 July 2019.

The Chairman to West Parley Parish Council will be speaking on behalf of residents and the Council, but we encourage residents to share the word with neighbours and attend the meeting to have their say.

Dorset Council Planning Committee Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting  on 31st July 2019 at 2pm at Allendale House, Hanham Road, Wimborne, BH21 1AS

This is your final chance to have your say.   Please share with neighbours as there is not enough time to notify residents individually!

22 July 2019
Recent car thefts, protect your valuables

We have been informed of recent car thefts in the village and would like to remind residents to ensure their cars are made secure and not to leave valuables in the vehicles. Likewise, with the warmer weather, please ensure house doors are kept locked and all outbuildings are secure.