
26 February 2019
Statement regarding Parley Wood

statement regarding parley wood

The Woodland is owned by the Parish Council and is not only subject to an area Tree Preservation Order (TPO) from East Dorset District Council but is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) which is controlled by Natural England. The Parish Council has a legal responsibility to ensure all activities are undertaken with the approval of these legislative bodies.

We are in the process of updating the Tree Management Plan which is a document agreed between the 3 parties to ensure the correct management of the woodland for the next decade. Works, in accordance with the revised plan, will be recommenced in the Autumn once the plan has been approved by EDDC and Natural England.

12 February 2019
West Parley Annual Parish Meeting

Please note the annual Parish Meeting for the residents of West Parley will take place on Tuesday 5th March 2019 at West Parley Memorial Hall. This is earlier in the year due to the legal requirement to avoid the period of purdah prior to elections, which will take place on 2nd May. As always, residents are invited to attend from 7pm to view information boards and for refreshments ahead of the meeting commencing at 7.30pm, lead by the Chairman of the Parish Council. Please note, this is not a meeting of the Parish Council but a Parish Meeting for residents of the village ...therefore anyone may attend, but only registered electors of the Parish of West Parley may speak and vote.

6 February 2019
Tree works in the Recreation Ground

A reminder to residents... tree works have commenced in our Recreation Ground and may impact users of our play area, gym, car park and woodland. Please take care if using our facilities and respect the contractors undertaking the works of removing all dead wood.

6 February 2019
Theft, reports of cars being broken into

theft from cars images

Please be advised that there are numerous reports of cars being broken into in the surrounding area, over recent days. Police advise to ensure all valuables are removed from your cars and they are secure at all times.

The grit box on Chine Walk has disappeared! Neither Dorset County Council nor West Parley Parish Council have been involved in its removal. Can you help? Did you see it being moved / taken? The Police have been informed.

As always, please look out for more vulnerable neighbours.

24 January 2019
Dorset Care Records

All households in Dorset should have received a leaflet about the Dorset Care Record, which explains what the Dorset Care Record is, its benefits and how to opt out should you want to, see the leaflet.

23 January 2019
Average speed cameras on the A338

Six average speed cameras are being erected on the A338 Bournemouth Spur Road to support the new permanent 50mph speed limit, which came into effect in August 2018. During the day on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 January two permanent average speed cameras will be set up on the southbound carriageway.

There will then be overnight lane one closures on the northbound carriageway between Cooper Dean Roundabout and the Blackwater Junction on Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 January, from 8pm to 6am each evening, to install three permanent average speed cameras on the northbound carriageway and the final southbound camera.

It will take two to three weeks for the cameras to be tested before they become operational. The cameras will initially be set to enforce the temporary 40mph speed limit, which is in place for the current roadworks, they will then be set to the permanent 50mph limit.

17 January 2019
Witness Appeal Following Robbery At West Moors Bookmakers

Detectives investigating a robbery at a bookmakers in West Moors are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with information to come forward. Shortly before 8pm yesterday, Wednesday 16 January 2019, a man entered Ladbrokes in Station Road and jumped over the counter before threatening staff with what appeared to be a meat cleaver or large kitchen knife. He stole cash from the safe before making off from the scene.

The man is described as being around 5 feet 10 inches tall, of stocky build and had blue fabric stretched over his face. He was also wearing a black hooded top, dark trousers and red gloves.

Detective Constable Nic Taylor, of Bournemouth CID, said: “This must have been a distressing incident for staff at the bookmakers and I would like to reassure members of the public that a full investigation is underway to identify the offender.

“We have been carrying out a number of enquiries, including house-to-house, a forensic examination of the crime scene and reviewing CCTV footage.
“I am appealing to any witnesses or anyone who saw any suspicious activity around the bookmakers yesterday evening to please contact us.
“There will be an increased police presence in the area as we investigate this incident and local officers can be approached with any community concerns.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55190008387. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via

15 January 2019
Dorset Catchment Partnerships newsletter for Winter 2018/19

Please click here to read an interesting newsletter about developments in Dorset's river catchment areas.

9 January 2019
Males acting suspiciously

In the last hour, 2 males have been acting suspiciously in Ellesfield Drive / Brune Way area of West Parley, purporting to represent a window company. They were knocking on doors and becoming abusive but have now been asked to leave the area by the Police. Please remain vigilant and also look out for more vulnerable neighbours.