
9 January 2019
New Dorset Unitary Council - what are your thoughts?

Are you aware that the district/borough councils and the county council in Dorset will cease to exist from 1 April 2019 and will be replaced by one new Dorset Council? We'd like to find out what you know about this and how you feel about this change. Please click the survey link to submit your feedback - it takes 1-2 minutes to complete,

7 January 2019
Scams - some useful information

scam mail information

Please click this link for useful information to help you to remain vigilant for phone and postal scams.

Action Fraud has received more than 5,000 reports about fake emails and texts purporting to be from TV Licensing. The messages contain links to genuine-looking websites that are designed to steal personal and financial information.

Always question unsolicited requests for your personal or financial information in case it’s a scam. Never automatically click on a link in an unexpected email or text.
For more information about how to stay safe online, visit

7 January 2019
Voting Information - some key dates for your calendar

In this election year, here are some key dates for your calendar
3rd April – Deadline for Councillor Nominations
12th April – general deadline to apply to vote
15th April – general deadline to apply for postal vote
2nd May – Elections
3rd May – Count for National Election Result
4th May – Count for Town and Parish Election Result
15th May – Annual meeting of West Parley Parish Council at MS Centre, Church Lane. This meeting sees councillors taking their post in the Parish Council and roles and responsibilities allocated.

If you are interested in joining the Parish Council, please feel free to get in touch with any Council member, alternatively you can contact the Clerk on

7 January 2019
What a way to start 2019 - 4000th trip for NeighbourCar

400th trip for neighbour car

West Parley NeighbourCar were thrilled to announce that it operated its 4000th trip on the morning of 2nd January 2019 for some of its regular weekly users.

The scheme has now been going for over 5 years and they they have made a huge difference to the lives of older residents who can no longer drive and are not able to use public transport. They are always on the look out to welcome new drivers to join the small but friendly group of volunteers.

If you would like to know more (no regular commitment), please telephone Clive 01202 890 173