
16 May 2019
Parish Councillors Update

The Parish Council held its first meeting since the uncontested election on 2nd May which saw 9 members stand for 11 Council seats. Regrettably, Matt Curley has chosen not to accept his place on the Council due to increasing work demands in his job and members wished to thank Matt for his valued contribution during his time on the Council. All formalities were undertaken and responsibilities were allocated at last night's meeting and Cllr Bamborough was re-elected to the post of Chairman. But it's not to late to get involved as we still have 3 vacancies so if you would like to find out more and get involved, please contact the Parish Clerk on

15 May 2019
Dog Waste Bins

The Parish Council have spoken with Dorset Waste Partnership, who are contracted to empty the bins on a Tuesday, and the matter has been swiftly resolved. The Parish Council has 5 dog bins around the recreation ground and playing fields and all are emptied on a weekly basis and is more than sufficient provision for the area. If you need to make use of one of the bins and it is full, PLEASE do not just dump your bag next to the bin ... use one of the other 4 around the area. We work extremely hard to keep West Parley looking at its best for residents, and would ask for your help in achieving this by using the bins we provide. The red bins for dog waste and the other bins for litter.

13 May 2019
Fly Tipping

fly tipping images

Unfortunately there have already been 2 incidents of fly tipping in the last few weeks. If you witness or find fly tipped rubbish, please report it to Dorset Council via this link and give as much information as possible and photographs are always encouraged, but only if safe for the individual involved.

If hiring someone to remove rubbish, please always check they have the appropriate licence because you are legally responsible for the correct disposal of the waste, even if you pay someone to take it away.

29 April 2019
West Parley’s Fallen Soldier

silent soldier images

West Parley Parish Council received the shocking news on the morning of Wednesday 24th April, that one of the silhouettes of a ‘silent soldier’ had been decapitated during the previous 24 hour period. A spokesperson for the Parish Council said ‘this is a despicable act of vandalism and shows complete disregard for the memories of the fallen, who fought to give the subsequent generations the freedom they enjoy today’.

For the centenary of WW1, the Parish Council bought 4 silent soldiers to honour the fallen and placed one on each of the 4 main roads in the village. Careful consideration was given and a different silhouette was chosen appropriate to its location. The Parish Council worked with Parley First School to help in the education of the pupils, through a quiz to honour the fallen from West Parley in WW1. Every child was involved in producing a beautiful poppy dedication to West Parley’s fallen which stood beside each of the silhouettes, leading up to the centenary. The Parish Council devised a quiz for the children to complete and not only provided prizes to the quiz winners but also awarded a packet of poppy seeds to every single pupil at the school. The Silhouette remains outside Parley First School as a reminder to the children.

This criminal damage has upset numerous residents who are connected to the armed forces and the silhouette was removed as soon as the Council became aware of this abhorrent act. Neighbouring Ferndown Town Council also experienced damage to 2 of their soldiers last year.

Grant Parrott, Chairman of Ferndown Royal British Legion said : throughout the towns and villages of Dorset, the 'Silent Soldier' figures stand as a statement of our remembrance of the sacrifice of the First world War and our resolve to never let it happen again in this day and age. They have had a tremendous impact across all age groups, including young people and children who will we hope, carry that resolve into the future throughout their own lives and pass it on to their own children. Those simple silhouette figures are an important reminder to us all, so don't vandalise them, rather think of the message they carry and the future generations they will help to protect.'

The matter has been reported to Dorset Police and if anyone has any information, they are encouraged to contact Dorset Police on 101 regarding incident number 55190061522.

Please see the Bournemouth Echo article about the damage to our Silent Soldier.

The Echo have been contacted as unfortunately the article originally stated the silhouette damaged was outside the school, and the silhouette was being left up as a reminder to children! Please note that the damaged silhouette was on Christchurch Road, and was removed as soon as the Parish Council were made aware, out of respect. Regrettably, the paper cannot be corrected.

24 April 2019
Staffie and Stray Rescue - Rehoming Parade

This Sunday, April 28th, residents have a chance to meet and greet dogs who are looking for forever homes. The event takes place at the West Parley Memorial Hall, 10am, for more details please click on the image.

18 April 2019
Calling all real-life Superheroes! Wessex Cancer Trust needs you for 3Km Adventure Mission

Wessex Cancer Trust would love you to conjure up a costume and be a real-life superhero at its 3km Superhero Adventure Run on Sunday 21st July at King George V Fields in Ferndown. In this fun-filled family caper, you'll bounce, squeeze, slip and slide your way along the inflatable course in your most spectacular superhero suit, whilst raising money for local people living with cancer.

Maria Tidy, Wessex Cancer Trust’s community manager for Dorset, said: “We’re calling on super men, wonder women and your mighty sidekicks to embrace your spirit of adventure, whilst using your powers to raise as much money as you can for local people living with cancer. It’s an adventure run, not a race, and the mission is to have as much fun as possible – all for an excellent cause.”

There'll be prizes for the best fancy dress and a medal for every superhero taking part, as well as food, music and fun superhero-themed activities. Anyone currently registering can take advantage of early bird prices of £12 for a child under 15, £19 for adults, £45 for two adults and two children, and £60 for a team of four. There is a suggested fundraising target of £50, all of which will go directly to supporting local people living with cancer.

Visit for more information and to sign up. All of the money raised will be used to provide practical and emotional support to people living with cancer in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and the Isle of Wight.

12 April 2019
HAVE YOUR SAY .... 80 Bed Care Home – Planning Application now Received and Open for comment

Following the public exhibition last month, we have now had notification of the planning application received by Dorset Council for the proposed 80 bedroom care home on what was allocated as a site for ‘community use’ within the Core Strategy. Please take the time to let the planning department know your thoughts on the proposed development by registering your comments on Dorsetforyou via the following link

The Parish Council will be considering this proposal at its meeting on Wednesday 24th April at the MS Centre on Church Lane in order to submit a response before the 3rd May deadline. Prior to the meeting we will review the comments online in order to take residents’ views into consideration, so your early response would be appreciated.

4 April 2019
Notice of Uncontested Election – West Parley Parish Council

notice of uncontested election

Please click on the image to see the 9 individuals who are elected for the post of Parish Councillor for West Parley. As there are less candidates than seats (11), West Parley will not have an election and all candidates are elected uncontested.

To see all the results across Dorset Council

4 April 2019
Statement of Persons Nominated – County Council

statement of persons nominated - county council

Please click on the image which states the 3 individuals who are standing for election for the post of County Councillor for West Parley.

3 April 2019
Thank you from Kinson and West Howe Foodbank

foodbank thankyou letter

Several years ago, a Councillor suggested the introduction of foodbank collection points in the 2 Tesco stores in West Parley, to help provide emergency food rations for 2-3 weeks to individuals and families in the local area. This initiative was progressed, under the Residents’ Association, and still continues to date.

The foodbank helps to collect food and provides assistance for just a few weeks, to those who are struggling financially. Despite the affluence of the area, it is sad to think there are those who have difficulty affording such basic requirements in life and shows every donation really does make a difference.

Please click on the letter of thanks from the foodbank for the most recent donation. To those who have contributed by popping a tin or two in the basket, Thank you.