
7 June 2018
Calling all West Parley knitters! Could You Help Dorset Police By Knitting Teddies For Children In Distress?

teddy bears in a police hat

Dorset Police is calling on the support of knitting enthusiasts across the county to create teddy bears for children in distress. The teddies will be carried in patrol cars and used to comfort young children who are distressed or experiencing a traumatic event. Police Constable Conroy, of Dorset Police, said: “Sadly we regularly attend incidents where children are really having a tough time – it could be a family argument or a loved one going missing.

“We do our best to build relationships with young people at incidents, but something like a teddy bear can be really useful in distracting them from what is going on around them.

“Taking my child to hospital and him being given a small knitted toy, seeing the pleasure and enjoyment he got from this small gesture in difficult times set me to research whether we had such an initiative. Noticing that we didn't, the concept of ‘Bobby Buddies’ was born.

“I hope that this initiative will enable us to work closely with the volunteers who knit the buddies. Our aim is to encourage positive interaction with young people, assisting them at difficult times, or just helping them realise that police officers are there to help them and are approachable, and not people to be scared of.

“It also shows in this small gesture that so much of the work we do cannot be done without the assistance of our community. Providing the name of the person who knitted the buddy, along with the officer who gifted it, will hopefully show that working together we can make real positive changes.”

More information about the initiative and to download the knitting pattern - completed teddies can be handed in at Bournemouth, Poole, Weymouth and Blandford Police Station counters.

7 June 2018
This Village has entered the Dorset Best Kept Village competition

West Parley has again entered the Doret Best Kept Village competition, which encourages Tidy and Litter Free Villages, Pride in Appearance, Protecting the Local Environment, Public Open Space, Public Buildings and Wildlife Habitat.

It covers all of West Parley, including Churchyards, Village Halls, Car Parks, Bus Shelters, Noticeboards, Recreation and Play Areas, Seats, Approaches to Farms, Shops, Pubs, Planted Areas, Verges, Hedgerows and Streets. Please help us to keep this lovely Village tidy!

29 May 2018
A31 Road Marking Renewal

Residents please note that Kier Highways, on behalf of Highways England, will be renewing the road markings along the A31 in Hampshire and Dorset during June and July, to ensure road user’s safety.

Kier Highways will be closing the A31 overnight (between 9pm and 6am) from the 4th June.

29 May 2018
Work at Hurn Roundabout starts this week

Work at Hurn Roundabout starts next week. The scheme will start with four nights working under three-way lights from 8pm to 6am on Tuesday 29, Wednesday 30 and Thursday 30 May and on Friday 1 June. This will enable digging the road crossings needed for the utilities in the area. Starting on Monday 4 June, work will begin to remove the three splitter islands around the roundabout – making the islands smaller and narrowing the lanes to give space to work.

When work moves on to widen the footpaths, they will become very rough and cyclists will need to dismount and walk through the site.

Work will last for around 20 weeks, finishing at the end of September.

Working hours and traffic management
Although working days will be from 8am to 7pm – the bulk of ‘visible’ work will be done during off-peak hours from 9.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday, to minimise disruption to traffic.

Stop/go boards will be used as necessary for deliveries, and for pedestrian/cyclist access through the area when the pavement is blocked.

The one-way section of Hurn Court Lane (from the B3073 onto Mill Lane) will be temporarily closed during this scheme to limit ‘rat-running’ through the narrow lanes and keep them free for residents and businesses.

21 May 2018
Well done all at Parley First School - Big Pedal Challenge

As part of a nationwide competition to encourage youngsters to walk, scoot or cycle to school, Parley First School came in third overall for the South West region in the large primary school category, a FANTASTIC result. 64.8% of students travelled to school on bike or scooter over their best five days of the competition with a total of 2091 journeys over the full ten days of the competition.

In addition to this annual competition, Parley First School runs activities all year to encourage students and their families to walk, scoot and cycle to school including active travel breakfasts, learn to ride sessions and visits from Dr Bike. The school’s staff champions have done tremendous work for a number of years to help their students become more physically active during the school run.

Across Dorset, schools logged over 22,000 journeys bike scooter and bike across the two week challenge, and two of our schools, including Parley First School, were in the top 10% of schools nationally.

The Sustrans Big Pedal and the wider school engagement work as part of the Bike It Plus project managed by the DCC Sustainable Transport team.

To find out more, visit the Big Pedal Challenge website.

21 May 2018
Bournemouth 7s Festival

This year’s festival is from 25th to 27th May. Organisers have responded to feedback and continue to make efforts to minimise the impact on West Parley: additional security on site, extended litter patrols and an answerphone facility on the contact number below. Hopefully this year’s event will pass off without too many problems.

We are dependent on the direction of the wind as to how many of us are affected by the noise from the music but should any residents have any problems with what is happening you can contact them on:

Phone: 01202 545631 email Bournemouth 7s Festival
Text: 66777 (start your message with B7s Help)

The music goes on till 1am but the sound levels are monitored by the Environmental Health Officer who is always on site. The Parish Council does get details of any incidents at the site and complaints are fortunately very few in number.

15 May 2018
Funding approved by Dorset County Council to support road improvements in West Parley

At the DCC cabinet meeting held on 2nd May 2018, Members passed the following resolutions (minute extract) to provide funding to support the new ‘Link Road’ as part of the Wyatt Homes development on New Road East at Parley Cross.


  1. That an enhanced, reduced cost improvement scheme to the existing Hurn roundabout that avoids the needs for third party land be approved.
  2. That the corporate funds from the delivery of the Hurn roundabout improvement be switched to delivery of a Parley Cross eastern link road and Parley Cross junction.

Reasons for Decisions

  1. Funds would be used more effectively to improve more junctions along the B3073 corridor to give a wider network benefit to residents and businesses in the area. Delivery of cost effective transport infrastructure including road, cycle and walking links along this corridor would meet the corporate aims to encourage economic growth through the provision of housing and jobs, and enable safe, accessible, healthier communities.

Please see the full Dorset County Council minutes and refer to item number 55 in the minutes.

As always, the Parish Council will keep residents updated with information as it becomes available.
please note: this is not DCC granting permission for the planning application for either the roads or houses, but DCC offering financial support to facilitate the road improvements should the planning be approved by East Dorset District Council.

10 May 2018
The West Parley Foodbank collection

Once again the residents of West Parley have shown their generous side by breaking the record for items of food and essentials donated in the last month for the Trussell Trust Foodbank. The baskets in the two Tesco stores situated at Parley Cross and Glenmoor road were filled to the brim with cans, packets of cereal, biscuits, pastas and sauces, in fact all kinds of foodstuffs. In addition there were toiletries such as toothpaste and shampoo, and female essentials. Items which can be an additional burden to those in financial crisis, especially for families with teenage children at school.

It is not surprising that the heaviest demand for assistance coincides with school holidays when children are asking for food and snacks at all times of the day. All donations are distributed by The St Andrews Church, Kinson, to those who find themselves in ‘genuine' need of help for a maximum of three times.

Our next collection will be in the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of August at the two Tesco stores at Parley Cross and Glenmoor Road. This is a particular time of year when demand is quite heavy.

Non Tesco donations are welcome, for more information telephone Malcolm Plascott 01202 950521