
17 July 2018
Temporary closure of A348, Ringwood Road, Longham

Overnight works will be closing the A348, Ringwood Road from 19.00 hours to 0600 hours, 30 July to 4th August 2018.

For information concerning access or the work being undertaken, please contact Bellway Homes, on 01425 477666.
concerning this notice please call Dorset Highways’ Traffic Team on 01305 221020;
or other roadworks in your area

10 July 2018
Have your say on the new Draft Ward Boundaries for Dorset

In May 2018, Parliament approved the creation of a new local authority called Dorset Council. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is now drawing up ward boundaries for the new authority in time for its first elections in May 2019. On 3rd July they published draft recommendations for the new wards, ward boundaries, and ward names for Dorset Council.

They are minded to recommend that 82 councillors should be elected to Dorset Council.

They are now inviting comments on those recommendations.

The consultation closes on 27 August 2018.

Whilst there is little change for West Parley, the recommendation is that the WHOLE of West parley is included in West Parley, with no wards being allocated to Ferndown as it is currently. If you would like to see West Parley have one County Councillor specific just to West Parley, to deal with just West Parley issues, then let them know.

Please have your say before it is too late.

10 July 2018
Dorset Police Merger Public Meeting - Creating A New Force

The Police & Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill, will be holding two public meetings on Thursday 19th July 2018 to discuss the merger proposal between Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police. The first meeting will be at the Barrington Centre in Ferndown (10am - 12 noon) and the second will be at Queen Elizabeth School in Wimborne (2pm - 4pm).

This is your chance to come along and find out more about the proposal, have your say and ask questions direct to the PCC.

There will be lots of opportunities to meet with the PCC and his team over the coming weeks.

More about the Dorset Police Merger proposal.

10 July 2018
West Parley Volunteers are Blooming Mad

The colour choice for this year’s floral displays was chosen to be RED, WHITE and BLUE in celebration of both the Royal Wedding and the World Cup. So vandalism on the night that England won their way through to the Semi-finals of the World Cup was really disappointing.

Residents and commuters are enjoying the best floral displays that West Parley has ever seen. The Parish Council fund the numerous floral displays which reach all corners of the village. But it is a dedicated team of West Parley Residents’ Association Volunteers who make the magic happen. The team of volunteers who tirelessly give up their time to plant, water and maintain these glorious floral displays were mortified when on Sunday morning there were reports that 2 of the railing planters at Parley crossroads had been vandalised, with the plants thrown into the road and destroyed by traffic. The incident has been reported to the Police and residents are urged to contact the Police if they witnessed anything on the night of Saturday 7th July. The Parish Council’s Vice Chairman said ‘he was gutted how some moronic individuals have vandalised some of the wonderful displays’. The Volunteers were quick to react and have already restored the planters to minimise the impact on residents. This regrettable incident comes at the end of a week, which has also seen West Parley hit by 3 separate incidents of Fly-tipping.

6 July 2018
Road Traffic Survey

Please be advised that there has been a road traffic survey in West Parley today. However, we would like to make you aware that this is part of a National survey and is not in relation to the proposed development of the New Road field.

6 July 2018
Environmental concern, please be aware

With the warm weather residents are kindly reminded to ensure refuse is stored safely so as not to encourage vermin. If using rat poison, please ensure this is stored safely as it is also poisonous to pets who may visit your garden!

6 July 2018
Fly Tipping update

images of fly tipping

Out of character for West Parley, there has been a further incident of fly tipping in a matter of days. This time in the Parish Council car park. Please keep your eyes peeled for any unusual activity and note down registration numbers before reporting your sightings to the police and please keep us informed.

The pictures above show garden waste dumped in the Memorial Hall car park last weekend, and bags dumped by rec ground gate sometime between yesterday morning and 9.30am today.

6 July 2018
Unauthorised Encampment update

Whilst this is just over the border in Hurn, please be advised that the unauthorised encampment opposite Bournemouth Airport has now moved on. It appears that the land owner has taken steps to secure the entrances from future incursions.

For information : Checks have again been undertaken on all land owned by the Parish Council and all are secure and photographic evidence taken.

2 July 2018
Unauthorised Encampment

The Parish Council has been informed of an unauthorised encampment of about 15 caravans plus other associated vehicles, just over the border in Hurn. The encampment is on private land opposite Bournemouth Airport and the authorities are aware.

As always, we ask residents to be vigilant for unusual activity within the village and to keep a watch on more vulnerable residents. Security at the Recreation Ground was checked and documented this morning, with all measures secure and in place.