21 February 2018 URGENT - Change of email address for housing submissions to EDDC
If you have submitted your response on the New Road Development / SANG direct to the Case Officer, you are urgently advised to email the EDDC Planning Officer
Otherwise, your submissions may not be included in the consultation! We are sorry for any confusion that may have been caused.
21 February 2018 Public Meeting Update
Thank you to each & everyone of you, who came to our packed Public Meeting last night. Apologies for the troubles with the Memorial Hall's sound system. This is such a sensitive subject to all of West Parley & so important that you all have your say. But it's critical that you submit your responses to both the outline planning application & the SANG to East Dorset District Council ahead of the deadline on Friday.
The Parish Council has called the Public Meeting to discuss the outline plans for the housing development on land east of New Road and also the SANG on Church Lane.
Highways / Housing Application Ref: 3/17/3609/OUT
SANG Application Ref: 3/17/3610/COU
Councillors have spent many hours collating first draft responses to the 2 applications. These are attached for your perusal, along with the relevant extracts of East Dorset District Council’s Core Strategy document.
Whilst the Outline plan is focused on the Highways alterations, other aspects of the development are held as ‘Reserved Matters’. Reserved Matters means that the exact finer detail is to be decided at a later date. However, the details (eg house numbers / offices / store size) contained within this application would be approved by default if the application is granted. Therefore, Councillors wish to comment on all aspects of the application and not limit the response just on the Highways.
The Parish Council welcome your comments at the Public Meeting and may add additional points raised to the Draft response.
Please be advised that the final response will be approved at Wednesday night’s Parish Council Meeting to meet East Dorset District Council’s deadline of 23rd February.
We urge residents to submit their responses direct to East Dorset District Council, on BOTH applications as they are interdependent, either through: Dorset for You website
Postal Address - Mr R Thain, Development Management, Civic Offices Bridge Street Christchurch Dorset BH23 1AZ email the EDDC Planning Officer
20 February 2018 Deadline for Submission for the New Road Proposals ends this week!
Postal Address - Mr R Thain, Development Management, Civic Offices Bridge Street Christchurch Dorset BH23 1AZ email the EDDC Planning Officer
Highways / Housing Application Ref: 3/17/3609/OUT
SANG Application Ref: 3/17/3610/COU
Comments need to be submitted for BOTH applications as they are interdependent!
13 February 2018 West Parley Memorial Hall – Important notice for residents
Residents please be aware tht the Management Committee are proposing to change the Charity from an unincorporated organisation to an incorporated organisation. There will be no change in the way that hirers book or use the Hall. Being incorporated will provide for a more secure future for the Hall, and a new constitution will be submitted to the Charity Commission in due course. Uses are welcome to contact the Secretary with any observations regarding this proposal to incorporate the Memorial Hall, Mr G Peskett, 4 Church Lane, West Parley, Ferndown, BH22 8TS.
SSE are in the process of replacing the streetlights in West Parley & surrounding areas.
The lights are more directional and are positioned on new posts which are 1 metre taller with LED lights.
They not only should be cheaper to run but provide a brighter, more natural light on the highways.
Why not judge for yourself.
9 February 2018 Outside Gym, preparations underway
Having received monies from a number of successful grant applications, we have funded the purchase and installation of the outside gym with minimal funds from the precept. We are thrilled that work has now commenced, by recycling the informal play area to become the boundary for the outside gym.
Initial groundworks have been completed to provide easy access to the facility and the installation is scheduled for the week commencing 12th March 2018.
Just in time to get fit for summer!
2 February 2018 It has been an exceedingly busy week at WPPC HQ
1800 Newsletters printed and ready for circulation to every property in West Parley over the coming week. This edition has been slightly delayed in anticipation of a Planning Application for the New Road development. In addition to the bi-annual newsletter, there is a bright yellow flyer which gives details of the 2 planning applications in relation to the Link Road, the SANG and the development. Please take time to read the flyer, look at the applications and comment to EDDC Planning Department within their deadline.
In addition, the Parish Council has called a public meeting to listen to residents’ views, so we can fully represent your opinion in our reply. However it is worth noting that no representatives from EDDC Planning nor the Developers will be present. Just your Parish Council to listen to your views.
We appreciate the impact of this proposal is far reaching and welcome comments from outside of the Parish, however would encourage you to contact your own Councillors to look at the proposal and submit comments.
NB: The newsletters are distributed by a wonderful team of volunteers from around the village. So firstly a big thank you to you all and secondly, if anyone would like to help with future circulation (usually just twice a year) please get in touch and you can be allocated a road.
31 January 2018 IMPORTANT UPDATE: New Road Development & SANG, public meeting called
Please be advised that East Dorset District Council have now received plans from Wyatt Homes in relation to the proposals for the New Road Development. This includes outline plans for the development of the New Road field, along with a change of use for the area off Church Lane to become the SANG.