Great news! The Parish Council has been awarded £2000 towards the installation of a wooden see-saw in the children's play area at the Recreation Ground.
Thank you to Tesco Bags of Help for the award, and thank you to each and everyone of you who popped a blue disc in the container to support our improvements for the residents of the Parish.
24 January 2018 Men urged to take advantage of testing for prostate cancer
Parley Rotary Club in conjunction with Dorset Prostate Support Organisation (PCaSO) is sponsoring another free blood testing session for local men over 45 on Saturday 27th January.
The test will take place at Dudsbury Golf Club, 64 Christchurch Road from 9 - noon. The simple blood test is carried out by qualified phlebotomists and analysis is carried out at the Dorset County Hospital with results issued a few days later by the PCaSO urologist.
Jim Davis, chairman Dorset PCaSo branch said rapid progress had been made in raising awareness, identifying and teating prostate cancer in the 21st century. There have been some significant statements made regarding the importance of PSA testing for men aged 45 or over. Recent data from the Institute of Cancer Research in London and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust have found that prostate cancers spread more quickly and are often fatal in men who inherit a faulty BRCA2 gene than in men without this gene. Swedish researchers say checking every man aged 45-49 would predict nearly half of all prostate cancer deaths. This surely provides a convincing case for prostate cancer screening and in the absence of anything better the current PSA test should be introduced.
He said there were three facts that should be considered:
Without screening around 47000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year
More than 11000 men die of prostate cancer anually
Caught in the early stages, cure rates are dramatically improved with well over 80% success
Mr Davis added, "in Dorset, to date, we have tested over 4000 symptom-less men. Approximately 500 have been referred to their GPs, and of these, 125 have either received treatment or are on active surveillance. We believe these figures more than justify our actions. We will not stop until every Dorset man has been made aware of his right to choose.
To avoid waiting for your test, please make an appointment, Ring Allan on 01202 691710
20 January 2018 Tesco "Bags Of Help" - please support two other worthy applications
The Parish Council was lucky enough to receive a donation of £2000 towards the imminent outside gym for our recreation ground and are awaiting the outcome of the application towards a new wooden see-saw for the play area.The Parish Council was lucky enough to receive a donation of £2000 towards the imminent outside gym for our recreation ground and are awaiting the outcome of the application towards a new wooden see-saw for the play area.
But 2 other organisations currently have applications in stores for voting .... and need your support.
Please support:
West Parley Memorial Hall's application for financial support for a new patio to assist with disabled access and enhancing their outside space (Ferndown Store and Glenmoor Road, West Parley).
MS Centre in Church Lane for their application for funding towards 2 replacement physiotherapy beds (Parley Cross store).
We are lucky to have 1 of only 4 nationwide centres in the village.
By getting this far they are guaranteed £1000, but awards are allocated on votes and are between £1000, £2000 and £4000.
You can vote in local Tescos stores and voting ends at the end of February, , and as Tesco says 'every little helps', so please help to support these great resources.
19 January 2018 Dorset County Council - Bournemouth International Growth Programme, new A338 junction to Wessex Fields
Bournemouth Council has submitted a planning application, 7-2017-9177-DH to build a new junction and link road from the A338 to Wessex Fields. If approved, the plans will play a key part in unlocking the available employment land at Wessex Fields, whilst making the most of the natural environment around it. The proposals to build a new link road and junction will enable Wessex Fields to reach its full economic potential by making the area an attractive location for businesses looking to set up and/or relocate to the region.
The council believes transforming the infrastructure in and around Wessex Fields will:
Create around 2,000 new jobs
Safeguard the existing 10,000 jobs (including 4,000 at Royal Bournemouth Hospital)
Provide a second access to the Royal Bournemouth Hospital site
Improve traffic flows at Cooper Dean Roundabout, Chaseside Junction, and parts of Castle Lane East
Encourage sustainable travel by improving facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users.
There is strong demand for flexible business space in and around Bournemouth but the supply of A Grade office is in short supply.
Local people can have their say on the plans until the end of February 2018. A series of events are also coming up where the public can view the plans and talk to the project team.
Monday 29 January, 10am-4pm Bournemouth Town Hall
Wednesday 31 January, 2-8pm Littledown Centre Wednesday 7 February, 2-6pm Holdenhurst Village Hall
Monday 12 February, 2-6pm Hurn Sports and Social Club.
It is likely a planning decision will be made in Spring 2018.
19 January 2018 Dorset Police launch askNED knowledgebase, designed to help the public find answers to common enquiries
Do you have issues with parking? Noisy neighbours? Concerned with an animal’s welfare? Not sure who to contact… Then AskNED – the non-emergency directory. Dorset Police has launched a new online knowledgebase designed to help the public find answers to common enquiries and guide them to the right agencies. AskNED offers help and advice around a whole host of topics such as civil matters including landlord and tenant disputes, as well as criminal matters including burglary and assault. AskNED provides advice and information about what you should do and who can help.
The online service is quick and easy to use. It is an alphabetical list of topics the police commonly receive enquiries about, along with details of the agencies who can help you.
Head of Contact Management for Dorset Police, Superintendent Steve Lyne said: “Ask NED is a useful resource for the public, providing information on topics we are most commonly asked about. It is an alphabetical list of topics that hold information and signposting details for that subject. Ultimately, I hope that AskNED will assist the public with questions they may have and divert people away from the 101 non-emergency number which will in turn provide further improvements to our service.”
Please access the AskNED knowledgebase. Remember, it is quicker and easier to report online, however the 101 non-emergency service is available should you wish to speak to someone. If a crime is in progress or life in danger always dial 999.
19 January 2018 Repairs to new surface at Chapel Gate Roundabout scheduled for March
Repairs to the new surface at Chapel Gate Roundabout have now been scheduled for March, before the Easter holidays. This remedial work will be carried out at no cost to Dorset County Council or Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership. In the run up to March, the material will be monitored with frequent inspections, taking samples to inform the extent of the repairs needed.
The deterioration of the material has been caused by a combination of factors including the specification of the material used, the cold ground conditions at the time of laying and the location of the joints of the laid material.
This work will be carried out at night to try and minimise the disruption. Residents will be informed as soon as dates for the repairs are available. Live traffic and travel updates
15 January 2018 Kay Bundy leaves the Parish Council
The Parish Council is sad to announce that Kay Bundy has resigned from the Parish Council, due to increasing work commitments.
We are sad to see Kay leave and are grateful for all that she has contributed during her time on the Council.
12 January 2018 New Year’s Resolutions without Gym Membership!
This week has seen one team of volunteers moving barrows of playground chip from the informal play area to the formal play area, within the Parish Council’s recreation ground. Not only is this great exercise for those involved, it is in preparation for the installation of the Parish Council’s outside gym. The Parish Council is extremely pleased that the majority of the monies to facilitate the gym has been sourced through proactive fundraising and not from residents’ precept. In addition, by recycling the woodchip onto the main play area, it should help keep the cost down for the annual top up of wood chip in the summer.
At next week’s Parish Council meeting, the final agreement should be reached on the specific apparatus to be installed and the contractor selected. Once we have more information, it will be shared through the usual communication channels.
The Residents’ Association Volunteers do an amazing amount of work around West Parley to keep the village looking at its best, for which the Parish Council is extremely grateful.
If you would like to get involved and help to keep the village looking at its best, feel free to get in touch.
4 January 2018 Ferndown Neighbourhood Watch newsletter out now!