
4 April 2018
Urgent message from DCC Highways

Due to a traffic light detection fault at Blackwater’s junction with the A338 Bournemouth Spur Road we are experiencing delays of over (approx.) 1hr and 20 minutes (as ar 17:35 Weds) between Chapel Gate Roundabout and Blackwater (East) past Bournemouth Airport. This is also affecting Chapel Gate (airport development) and Avon Causeway. Engineers are aware of the fault and have been trying to resolve through the day today, however a fix is unable to be applied until tomorrow (Thursday).

2 April 2018
Heritage Walk updated

Some years ago the Heritage Walk around the village was researched and a guide put on the Parish Council web site. The aim was to raise awareness of West Parley’s ancient history and give the opportunity for anyone to explore and understand the more hidden parts of the village. There has been a lot of further research into the history of the village since the Walk guide was issued and the guide has just been updated to include this information.

The Walk covers a scenic 5 mile circular route around West Parley, passing over 20 items of historical significance. These range from a number of 5000 year old Bronze Age barrows, the large Iron Age hill fort at Dudsbury, to a number of buildings some 300 years old.

Much of the guide covers how Residents lived and used their natural surroundings and resources to live, such as how the local heath and woodlands were essential to villagers, how the medieval open field system worked, how bricks were made from outcrops of clay in 2 places in the village and explains how the land was owned and divided over time.

The aim is to show walkers how to understand features in the local landscape including ancient field boundaries and identify old trees on boundaries that have remained despite passing years.

The 12th Century church of All Saints is well described as are a number of ancient farmhouses, old buildings and pubs.

It can take up to 3 hours to do the walk allowing time to stop to understand the features identified but there are pubs, restaurants and cafes on the route to have a well-earned break in.

Full details of the Heritage Walk.

28 March 2018
Speeding in Fitzpain Road

Concern has been raised by a number of residents in Fitzpain Road as a result of speeding vehicles and a handful of recent incidents. District and County Councillors for West Parley have been informed along with Dorset County Council Highways Officer for West Parley.

County Cllr Steve Lugg took to Facebook "The Police and Town Traffic Working Party are setting up Community Speedwatch with Ron Cross as coordinator. We want to target irresponsible drivers in hotspots, and an example is Fitzpain Road, identified after an incident last night."

28 March 2018
Suspicious vehicle, please be vigilant

We have been receiving reports of a suspicious vehicle seen in the Chine Walk/Wight Walk area of West Parley. Reports are of a white Ford Transit van on a 55 plate. It is possible that the same vehicle has been caught on cctv where two occupants from a van have entered a residents driveway and helped themselves to a sink that had been left out for a friend to collect.

Building sites are often targeted by these people, however, they will also have a look around anywhere that may just be doing a bit of DIY.

Can we please remind everyone to remain vigilant and make a note of any strange or suspicious circumstances. This information can be passed to the team, please email Ferndown Police or via our volunteers office within The Barrington Centre, they are available from 10am until 12 Monday through to Saturday.

If you believe a crime is in progress or a life in danger, call 999

26 March 2018
Parley Wood - Winter work comes to an end

volunteers in parley wood

The annual programme of improvements to Parley Wood has come to an end after 6 months of hard work by the West Parley Volunteers. For many years the Wood had suffered from boggy, indistinct and overgrown pathways and the whole natural oak Wood had become dark and sombre with dense holly smothering the predominantly deciduous woodland. For the last 7 years the Volunteers have followed a plan to improve the pathways and open up the woodland by removing invasive holly and dead and dangerous trees.

This Winter the clearance has continued across a large part of east side of the Wood and the existing wooden boardwalks, built by the Volunteers in previous years, have been covered with chicken wire to make them safe in wet and icy conditions. Felled wood and cuttings have been chipped to improve pathways where this is needed and information signage cleaned. In addition new pathways have been opened up to allow access to remote parts of the Wood to encourage local Residents and visitors to explore more of the valuable local resource.

Parley Wood is the last area of natural woodland in West Parley and is shown on maps hundreds of years old. The Wood was used as a managed resource, supplying oak timbers for ships and buildings and hazel was coppiced to provide material for local buildings and fencing.

The land is owned by the West Parley Parish Council that is keen to see more people enjoy this facility. It is well used by local dog walkers and is on the route of the West Parley Heritage Walk and is frequently used by the popular Wednesday weekly walkers group.

For visitors there is ample car parking off Christchurch Road. Signage close to the Parley Sports Club shows the access points to the Wood and details of other amenities in the area.

Feedback from local Residents on the winter work has been excellent as the Wood in much lighter and safer than before.

The Volunteers, co-ordinated by the West Parley Residents Association, usually work in 2 hour sessions on a Tuesday and Thursday but also worked on Saturdays in the Winter.

6 March 2018
Bin collections to be affected this week across Dorset

Dorset residents are being made aware that their bin collections may be affected for up to a week while services return to normal. Due to the recent severe weather, the Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP) suspended collections in East Dorset on Thursday 1 March, with the rest of the county’s collections disrupted on Friday 2 March. With up to two days of missed bin collections to catch-up on, the DWP are kindly asking for residents’ patience while they work to clear the backlog. Bins, boxes and bags should be left out for collection until they are emptied or picked up. Please note that different bins may be emptied at different times.

DWP crews will collect any extra bags of rubbish left out with bins that were missed last week. Extra recycling is always accepted provided it is separated and placed in a sturdy container. Residents who weren’t affected by the disruption should continue to put their bins out on their usual collection day.

The DWP hopes to have cleared the majority of missed bins by Saturday 10 March, with extra collections to take place if necessary. Please see updates on Bin collection, Facebook and Twitter (@recycle4dorset). The Dorset Waste Partnership would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

2 March 2018
Parish Office is closed due to weather conditions

Please note the parish office is closed due to weather conditions. All emails will be responded to in order of receipt when the office re-opens next week.