
9 May 2018
Do you still want to hear from West Parley Parish Council?

You may or may not have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into effect on 25th May 2018. To comply with the GDPR consent requirements, you must confirm in writing if you would still like to receive updates from the Parish Council. We are not allowed to hold your records without your continued consent and we are not allowed to assume that you are happy to stay on the e-newsletter listings.

Therefore, we apologise for the inconvenience, but if you wish to still receive updates on email from the Parish Council, on all matters pertaining to West Parley, please email the Parish Council.

Eg: I confirm that I authorise West Parley Parish Council to email me on this email address, in respect of all matters pertaining to West Parley, until such a time as I withdraw consent.

IMPORTANT - If you do not email us, from 25th May 2018, communications from the Parish Council will cease in this manner, in accordance with the new legislation.

Other communication channels with remain unchanged as they are in the public domain eg Website, Noticeboards & Facebook. We hope that you still wish to still be kept informed about our historic village.

2 May 2018
Chapel Gate Roundabout - resurfacing starts this Thursday

DCC Highways apologise for the short notice but have informed us that the resurfacing of Chapel Gate Roundabout will take place tomorrow (Thursday 3 May) and Friday 4 May. There will be three-way lights in place from 8pm until 6am overnight on both these days.

The roundabout will be resurfaced, as well as around 30 metres on each approach and the dedicated slip lane.White lining will be finished during off-peak hours next week – please drive with care while we wait for these road markings to be laid.

25 April 2018
Annual Parish Meeting - a chance for residents to help shape the future of your village.

This year's annual Parish Meeting is on Tues 1st May (it was incorrectly shown as Weds 2nd May, please accept apologies from the Webmaster), 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall. This meeting is facilitated by the Parish Council, but is for residents to have their say about the village in general. Anyone may attend, but only registered electors of the Parish of West Parley may speak and vote.

23 April 2018
Fancy getting a bit fitter - for FREE?

New - Buggy Walks
There's a brand new walking group in West Parley, it's free and fun, meet outside 37 Coffee on Glenmoor Road every Monday - 9.30am - 10.30am, no need to book.

West Parley already has the most successful walking group as part of the EDDC Health Walks initiative. They meet at 10am in the Parish Council car park off Christchurch Road, every Wednesday.

Coming soon, Outside Gym
Further works are required to complete the facility which will be available for residents to use, free of charge. nb: no commercial activity is permitted

20 April 2018
Upcoming roadworks next week in the Bournemouth Airport/Aviation Business Park area

Chapel Gate resurfacing - please note this has been postponed
Chapel Gate Roundabout will be resurfaced next week over two nights - there will be three-way lights in place from 8pm until 6am overnight on both Thursday 26 April and Friday 27 April. It was originally planned to resurface the roundabout in March but the weather was much too cold to carry out the work. The roundabout will be surfaced, as well as around 30 metres on each approach and the dedicated slip lane. Some lining will be finished during off-peak hours the following week.

A338 night work
Next week there will be overnight lane two closures on sections of the A338 between Ashley Heath Roundabout and the Blackwater Junction. There will also be a reduced 50mph speed limit.

The ‘fast’ lane will be closed from 8pm to 6am on Thursday 26 April and Friday 27 April so that shrinkage cracks in the concrete barrier can be repaired. One concrete ‘panel’ will be removed and replaced, after being damaged in a collision. The 50mph will stay in place during the day on Friday 27 April while the ‘shuttering’ for of the new ‘panel’ is in place.

20 April 2018
The 2018 National Rural Crime Survey

It’s three years since the last National Rural Crime Survey revealed the huge financial cost of crime to rural communities and issues of chronic under-reporting. The National Rural Crime Network produced a series of recommendations and, in many areas, steps were taken to improve matters. So, now, the National Rural Crime Network wants to know what’s changed. Do you think rural crime has gone up or down in Dorset? Do you feel safer? What’s your view of the police in your community?

The survey questions cover a range of issues, from whether you report crimes that you or your business suffer from, to the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on you and your area, and whether you believe enough is done to target those who carry out the offences.

The National Rural Crime Survey is now available and is open for submissions until Sunday 10 June.

Martyn Underhill, Police & Crime Commissioner for Dorset, said: “I hope that anyone living or working in a rural community will spare a few minutes to complete our survey. It will provide a clear picture of what has improved, what challenges remain and what more government, police forces and organisations can do.”

The survey last took place in 2015. Then, 13,000 responded to give their impressions of crime and anti-social behaviour and revealed the financial cost of rural crime nationally was significant - around £800m every year.

One of this year’s focuses as we rerun the research is whether rural crime continues to be underreported. Three years ago, one in four said they didn’t report the last crime they’d been a victim of because they didn’t see the point.

The National Rural Crime Network, the organisation carrying out the new research, brings together Police & Crime Commissioners, police forces and organisations that play a key role in rural communities – like the Country Land and Business Association, the National Farmers Union, Neighbourhood Watch, Crimestoppers, Historic England and the Countryside Alliance.

After the 2015 report, police forces across England and Wales made efforts to improve the way they dealt with crime that took place in rural areas. A mix of measures were adopted, with Dorset being among the 13 forces who now have dedicated rural crime teams as a result of a 100 day pledge made by PCC Martyn Underhill upon his re-election. The 2018 Survey will assess the impact these changes have had in an attempt to further showcase and roll-out best practice.

The results will also feed into the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s Rural Affairs National Strategy for 2018-2021 which is due to be launched later this year.

17 April 2018
New campaign asks residents to Tip Off the Dorset Waste Partnership

A new campaign has been launched asking Dorset residents for their help in the fight against fly-tipping. The Dorset Waste Partnership’s (DWP) ‘Tip-Off’ campaign is aiming to inform the public about how they can report illegally dumped rubbish and prevent fly-tipping in the first place. Like most counties, Dorset is subject to persistent fly-tipping and the number of incidences is continuing to increase, following a national trend. On top of the obvious damage to the environment, the clearance of this waste costs the DWP around £150,000 per year.

A series of roadshows are happening across the county where DWP officers are talking to local people about what they can do to help stop fly-tipping activity. The campaign will also be promoted in the local press, on radio and across social media.

The ‘Tip-Off’ campaign focusses on three key areas:-

  • Report it – Fly-tips can be reported to the DWP online and by phone. Where there is sufficient evidence, we will investigate all reported incidents and attempt to trace and prosecute anyone found to be fly-tipping.
  • Make sure you’re covered - Rubbish you’ve handed to someone else is still your legal responsibility until it is correctly disposed of. If someone – such as an unlicensed ‘man in a van’ found online – were to fly-tip that waste, you could end up paying a fine or being taken to court.
  • Love your HRC - Most fly-tips in Dorset consist of household waste that could have been taken to a household recycling centre (HRC, or ‘the tip’) and disposed of free of charge. There are 11 HRCs across Dorset, open daily, free to visit and do not charge for most items.

Fly-tipping is a criminal offence, punishable of fines of up to £50,000 or 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrate’s Court. The offence can attract an unlimited fine and up to 5 years imprisonment if convicted in a Crown Court.

Councillor Tony Alford, chairman of the Dorset Waste Partnership’s Joint Committee, said: “We have recently expanded our Enforcement Team and are investigating more fly-tipping incidents than ever before, but we need the help of Dorset residents to help us fight against this illegal activity. The ‘Tip-Off’ campaign will help inform others about what they can do.

The DWP need people to keep us informed when they spot fly-tips and people dumping rubbish. We want residents to check who they’re handing their waste to and to use their local household recycling centre whenever they can.

There are no excuses for fly-tipping. It’s unsightly and damaging to the environment. But we all have a part to play in stopping this anti-social behaviour and by working together I know we can make a positive impact.”

Dorset residents can find out how to report fly tippers.

Report fly-tipping incidents, email the Dorset Waste Partnership or call 01305 221040.

16 April 2018
To quash any rumours, Plowmans is not closing!

Much loved Garden Centre Plowmans is not closing, despite signs outside suggesting the contrary. Please see the Daily Echo article about Plowmans.

11 April 2018
New Road development proposal and SANG Update

This application will be determined by the Planning Committee at some as of yet undetermined date. Due to the scale of the application and the number of representations received, EDDC may hold a Special Planning Committee Meeting. This has been requested by the Parish Council and something they have done for other Local Plan Allocation Sites in East Dorset.

Technically EDDC have 13 weeks to determine a Major Application, like this one, but they are yet to receive all the technical information needed to come to a recommendation in respect of the proposal. Therefore the application is unlikely to be ready for consideration for many months.

We will obviously provide updates as and when any are known, using the usual communication channels.