
16 October 2017
Understanding Health in the Community - Women's Health, free meeting 27th Oct

There is a forthcoming (free) health talk on Women’s Health by Denise Abbott (Urogynae Nurse Consultant with The Royal Bournemouth Hospital) on 27th October at the Beaufort Community Centre, BH6 5LB, 11am to 12 noon, also with stands there representing Stroke Association Live well Dorset, Hospital Charity, Infection control, Governor Stand, Blood pressure testing, Organ Donation.

16 October 2017
Major boost to Heritage walk, replica Iron Age roundhouse is finished

the finished roundhouse
Finished at last
hill fort information sign
New information sign

The West Parley heritage walk has received a major boost with the completion of a replica Iron Age roundhouse at the villages’ ancient hill fort, known as Dudsbury Camp. Its construction is part of a heritage project by the Girl Guides, who own part of the hill fort. After planning permission was obtained from East Dorset District Council, surely one of their most unusual applications, the roundhouse was built over a period of 3 months by Girl Guides, family volunteers, Guide staff and large groups of West Parley volunteers under instruction from experts from the Butser Iron Age Village project in Petersfield.

After installing sturdy vertical posts, thin longer lengths of wood were woven between the uprights to make a firm circular wattle wall around a fixed strong frame for the entrance. Grass was then used to infill gaps.

Over twenty 4.2 metre long branches were used to make the circular roof structure that was tightly bound at the centre and bound to the wall timbers. 12 circles of thin saplings were then tied between the roof timbers locking them tightly together. When finished, the roof structure, through just resting on the timber walls, was strong enough for someone to lie across it to tie on the 3 tonnes of straw used as roofing.

All the walling has been covered inside and outside with a ‘daub’ mixture of cow manure, soil and dog hair that was spread by hand in a smelly, back breaking yet satisfying operation. Three layers were required to build up the thickness and strength; the first one applied thickly to bind into the wattle walling with the next two being thinner to achieve a smooth finish. The overhang of the roof keeps the external wall protected from the rain for some time but if damaged, repairs are simple.

There is no chimney and smoke from the central fire within the roundhouse rises to the top of the house and gradually permeates past a straw ‘cap’. This smoky interior was used to store food and deterred insects and birds.

Though tough twine was used to bind the timbers together and to fix the straw for the roof to the roof timbers in this replica, the techniques of most of its construction were exactly as they would have been in the Iron Age. At that time bracken and brambles would have been used as binding materials. Even using sharp saws and knives, the work to cut and trim the many timbers and saplings was not easy so using the bone and basic iron tools available over 2000 years ago must have required a considerable community effort to gather and prepare all the materials used.

The only real concessions to modernity were the 2 strong wooden doors that were needed to keep the roundhouse secure as it is in an area open to the public and the use of dog hair in the daub rather than the normal horse hair as it was available from a local dog grooming parlour.

The aim of the project was to use as much local material as possible. The wood for the project was cut from the property adjoining the hill fort with the permission of the owner. Fortunately there were plenty of hazel, silver birch, sycamore and holly saplings growing within a dense wood on the site that had grown tall yet were thin due to the lack of light in the wood.

The roundhouse will be used by the Guides groups visiting the Camp for crafting and educational sessions, providing a totally unique experience for them.

Also part of the overall project was the clearance of a number of mature trees from the cliff edge of the hill fort overlooking the River Stour to the south to restore the extensive views across the north of Bournemouth and a new large sign shows an impression of what the hill fort as it would have looked like in the Iron Age.

The project was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and was entered into the Peoples Project category of this years Dorset Best Kept Village competition in view of the collaboration between the Guides and West Parley Residents Association ,Bournemouth University and Bournemouth Natural Science Society and Museum. The entry gained second place.

Local volunteers helped the Guides clear part of the site to allow University students to survey the site. The only finds turned up were old metal tent pegs, modern coins and ring pulls but the site of an original roundhouse was located and the replica has been put in the same position.

13 October 2017
West Parley Residents ‘Had their say’ ..... and must continue to do so

Wyatt Homes asked to meet with the Parish Council on Monday 3rd July to brief Councillors on the proposed plans for their New Road Development, in advance of their Public Exhibition on 11th July. This was the first opportunity Councillors had to view the proposal, which saw an increase from 320 houses in the Core Strategy to 420 dwellings. Councillors were shocked by the proposals presented and following the meeting undertook a leaflet drop, providing details of the proposal and exhibition, to all properties in the village. Wyatt Homes had delivered fliers informing residents of the Public Exhibition however only delivered to the closest 700 properties. Thanks go to the many volunteers who assisted in the delivery of the Parish Council’s fliers in just 3 days!

It was after this initial meeting, that the Parish Council also launched the ‘Have your Say’ email address to give residents a voice and have received emails from 178 of you before the Wyatt Homes 10 day deadline was reached. It is only by fully understanding the views of residents, can the Parish Council effectively represent residents’ opinions, when the plans are formally submitted to East Dorset District Council. As yet, no plans have been submitted, however the Wyatt Homes website confirms this is expected to be in 2017.

Councillors and the Clerk were present for the duration of the 6 hour long Wyatt Homes’ Public Exhibition on 11th July 2017, which gave residents the opportunity to view the proposals for the first time and speak with the Wyatt Homes’ representatives. We would like to thank residents for taking the time to speak with us about this highly emotive subject and for completing the 80 feedback forms throughout the meeting. On the day, from the hundreds of people we spoke with, only 2 people spoken to were in favour of the development ...... neither party actually being resident in West Parley!

Also present for the duration, were 2 local residents who remained on the front step for 6 hours in the rain, collecting names for a petition against the development of New Road. Nearly 600 signatures were obtained on the day and the Parish Council has submitted this petition to the Head of East Dorset District Council Planning Department, along with questions the Parish Council would like answered prior to any planning application being submitted. If you missed the opportunity of signing this petition, there remains one online which will continue to collect signatures until a Planning Application is formally received by EDDC.

From both sets of responses, a summary of residents’ concerns can be summarised as follows:

  • Traffic – 89%
  • Overdevelopment – 68%
  • Education – 58%
  • Healthcare provision – 56%
  • Character / identity loss – 55%
  • Hotel – 53%
  • Density – 45%
  • Infrastructure – 42%
  • NO to all – 36%
  • Wildlife / flooding – 24%
  • Pollution – 16%
  • Airport – 10%
  • 999 service – 5%
  • Crime & anti social behaviour – 4%
  • Devaluation of homes – 3%

Hopefully, the developers will have received similar emails and feedback direct from residents, so they should be aware of the strength of feeling from the village.

The Have Your Say email address will remain open and whilst you can make comment to the Parish Council, we emphatically urge you to make your feelings known to East Dorset District Council as and when any Planning Application is submitted and open for public consultation.

If you feel you would be able to deliver fliers to your road (or beyond), to help support the Parish Council with future communications about this important subject, please email the Parish Clerk.

4 October 2017
Dorset Police local Neighbourhood Team meeting, Thursday 5th Oct, come along and ask any questions you might have

The Dorset Police Neighbourhood Team invite residents to a meeting at St Marys Church, Church Road, Ferndown in the Beacon Cafe from 1030-1100 hours, Thursday 5th October 2017. If residents have any local concerns please come along where we can discuss and give advice.

28 September 2017
Two-way traffic lights on Parley Lane next week

On Wednesday 4, Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October please expect delays between 9.30am and 3.30pm on B3073 Parley Lane at the end of Bournemouth airport runway. This will allow ducting for the airport wig-wagsto be put in, which are being moved slightly due to roundabout improvements at Chapel Gate.

26 September 2017
Older Drivers Forum launched in Dorset, roadshow 3rd October

The Dorset Older Drivers Forum has been formed with the aim of giving more information to older drivers so that they can continue to drive safely for longer or indeed assist them if and when the time is right to ‘retire’ from driving. An Older Drivers roadshow is coming to Haskins Garden Centre on Tuesday 3rd October, 10am to 3pm.

26 September 2017
West Parley wins Dorset Best Kept Village and People's Project awards

Great news for all everybody who works so hard to keep our village so lovely - West Parley has come 3rd in the Dorset Best Kept Village category and runner up for the People's Project at Dudsbury Hill Fort, please see the full Daily Echo article.

26 September 2017
Residents oppose scrap yard plans

barrack road commercial property

Residents in a quiet road in West Parley are urging ramblers, horse riders and cyclists to join them in opposing a planning application for a scrapyard in their road. D R Smith Properties Ltd has applied to Dorset County Council for planning permission for a vehicle scrapyard and separate commercial storage at their yard at the end of Barrack Road. The yard has been used to break cars and vans without planning permission since 2013 despite the yard owner being told by Dorset County Council in 2002 that there is no permission to break cars and vans at the site. Since that time residents have been trying to get the County Council to take enforcement action.

The road is in the green belt and next to Parley Common, an SSSI, and is only 9 feet wide in places so unsuitable for large commercial vehicles. It is well used by horse riders, walkers and cyclists and it is a real danger to other road users to have commercial vehicles sharing a narrow road. Previous planning applications for the yard have been refused. A local resident said "We have all asked the County Council to refuse this application to stop this illegal activity"

Barbara Manuel, Councillor for West Parley on East Dorset District Council said’ Residents have suffered this appalling situation for far too long and I hope it will soon be resolved for them. The planning application was submitted to East Dorset District Council in the Summer and attracted numerous objections from residents and horse riders but was withdrawn. Full details of the planning application – Dorset County Council Ref 3/17/2480. The County Council have asked that previous objectors resubmit their objections to them under the new application number.