
16 August 2017
Update on community and school transport

This briefing will keep you up-to-date with the work in Dorset Travel with regards to the retender of school transport and the reduction in subsidy to bus operators.

    Community Transport
  • 64 established community transport schemes in Dorset
  • Plus 20 trial schemes that have been introduced since April 2016
  • 91% of Dorset (by area) has access to a community transport scheme
  • More than 720 volunteer drivers
  • A community transport directory is available on the community transport webpage
  • Seed funding of up to £2,000 is available from POPP to set up a community car scheme. With a downloadable toolkit to help start-ups

Working together with local members and town and parish council a few schemes have started for a trial period over the summer holidays using a number of different bus operators.

    School Transport
  • Routes for September are being finalised.
  • Discussions are taking place about route safety from overhanging trees
  • Service agreements have been sent to providers to establish service quality from day one
  • Smart cards and bus passes will be sent direct to pupils homes
  • One school one operator system in place – conversations with schools have taken place to explain how this works
  • Operators will be managing the surplus seat allocation. Communication with applicants is planned

4 August 2017
Seen the new signs yet?

images of new signage in the recreation ground

Residents may notice additional signs up around the Parish Council's Recreation Ground & Car Park, to compliment those already in place, to encourage enjoyment for all residents.

28 July 2017
Stop and Go boards at Chapel Gate roundabout

Preparatory works are continuing at Chapel Gate Roundabout, near Bournemouth airport, and stop and go boards will be used on Parley Lane tomorrow (Friday) and next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, between 9.30am and 3.30pm, so that white lines can be painted to narrow the lanes approaching the roundabout from Hurn. This will give the room needed to move BT and other service cables. Please try to allow more time for your journey through the roundabout as there will inevitably be some delays.

28 July 2017
Theft of catalytic converter from MS Centre

Wednesday 26th July at 10.15pm two men came into the MS Centre car park and stole a catalytic converter from one of their mini buses. They are now unable to use this bus until the insurance company have decided whether to repair or right off the bus. Please contact the Police or the Parish Council if you have any information which might help.

22 July 2017
West Parley Multiple Sclerosis Society, make a difference, drivers & escorts needed

The West Parley Multiple Sclerosis Society is looking for drivers and escorts to help out on a voluntary basis, why not get in touch and see if you can make a difference.

19 July 2017
Interesting response to the recent article in the Stour and Avon magazine

Residents might like to read an interesting letter in the Stour and Avon magazine written in response to a recent article.

19 July 2017
Deadline for feedback to the Planning Consultants is this friday

Would residents please note that the deadline for feedback to the Planning Consultants for the New Road development, is this friday - 21st July!! Please see the New Road developement plans

If you haven't yet submitted your thoughts, please email

If you can please copy in the Parish Council on all replies sent, we can be kept up to date with the views of our residents.