
13 July 2017
Online petition against the housing developement

Since the exhibition, the Parish Council has received a number of questions about how to add to the online petition against the housing developement. Whilst the Parish Council has had no involvement, here it is online.

12 July 2017
West Parley - a village with a big voice, media coverage from the exhibition and all the latest

West Parley Parish Council wishes to thank the hundreds of residents, from the village and the local community, for attending the Wyatt Homes Public Exhibition on 11th July. Please see a superb article in the Stour and Avon magazine about the public reaction.

Also last nights Bournemouth Echo article.

Please see the New Road developement plans

Please send your comments to the Planning Consultants of the developers and copy in the Parish Council so we can fully defend the views of residents!

Have your say now before it is too late. The deadline for responses is 21st July 2017.

7 July 2017
Have your say now before it is too late!

West Parley Parish Council, with many kind helpers, will be delivering the attached flyer to the whole of West Parley following a meeting with the developers of the New Road site at Parley crossroads. The Parish Council was shocked on Monday night, by the outline proposal which far exceeds anything the village could have imagined. We encourage you to attend the public exhibition on Tuesday 11th July at West Parley Memorial Hall between 2pm – 8pm to view the plans and so that your voice can be heard.

A new dedicated email address has been set up by the Parish Council, for residents to comment on the proposal and the Parish Council asks to be copied in on views given to the developers.

Please see the Stour and Avon magazine's full report.

Or see the Parish Council flyer, which has more information.

4 July 2017
Parish Council meets Wyatt Homes, shocking new proposals revealed

West Parley Parish Council met with Wyatt Homes and their planning consultants last night, as part of the planning process for the development on the field at Parley Cross. The Council is aware that the land has been allocated within the EDDC Core Strategy, and that the development will provide employment, but the main benefit of the development is to fund road improvements to resolve the horrendous road congestion that West Parley endures on a daily basis.

However, the Parish Council was shocked by the latest proposal and feel compelled to inform residents ahead of the Wyatt Homes exhibition on 11th July (2-8pm) at West Parley Memorial Hall.

The proposal presented last night:

  • more than a 25% increase in proposed dwellings from 320 to 420
  • the foodstore increased from 8-900 sq metres to 1900 sq metres
  • a Hotel, shopping parade and village square

There is huge concern over the road networks and the effectiveness of the link road to alleviate traffic pressure on Parley Crossroads, the most congested crossroad in East Dorset, not to mention the impact on our historic village.

More communications to follow.