
22 December 2017
Thanks Dorset County Council Highways!!

images of a trimmed hedge at longfield drive

A big Thank You to Dorset County Council Highways, who arranged for a hedge to be cut back to expose the no entry sign at the service road junction with Longfield Drive, and also replace the other sign which was badly faded. All in 3 days!

22 December 2017
Buying Someone A Drone This Christmas?

Planning on getting someone a drone #ThisChristmas? Help them get to 400 feet by signing them up to one of the 'Safer Drones' courses in January held in Ferndown. More information on drones and to sign up, email Dorset Police

And from the PC ..... may we take the opportunity to remind residents that the flying of drones on the Parish Council's Recreation Ground or Playing Fields is not permitted.

22 December 2017
Policing Precept for 2018/19 - message from Martyn Underhill, Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner

"On Tuesday 19 December, the Policing Minister announced the proposed level of core funding that will be made available to policing in 2018/19, leaving forces nationally in a difficult position. You can read my full thoughts on Police funding. This includes Dorset, which has experienced increased demand and a reduction in funding, in turn having a significant impact on officer and staff welfare. Never in my 38 years in policing have I seen staff so exhausted, demand so high, and morale so low."

"This week, the Government failed to provide any additional funding, proposing a flat cash settlement for Dorset. To compensate, the Minister has given Police & Crime Commissioners additional flexibility to raise their local policing precept by £1.00 per month for an average Band D Household. "

"I am disappointed that the burden has once again been passed onto council tax payers, but the reality is policing needs more money to simply maintain the current level of service. "

"I therefore am asking for your views on your contribution to funding Dorset Police. The survey will take just a couple of minutes to complete, so I would really appreciate you taking the time to do so. It is vital I gather the views of as many local people as possible. HAVE YOUR SAY ON POLICE FUNDING NOW!"

"I would like to close by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Martyn Underhill
Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner"

13 December 2017
Parish Council Statement regarding Parley Sports Club Playing Fields and Clubhouse

The Parish Council has been informed of rumours circulating regarding the land they own which is known as Parley Sports Club Playing Fields and Clubhouse. The rumour is that the land is going to be redeveloped by the Parish Council for potential housing or other development, which would prohibit sports on the facility. The Parish Council can assure residents that there is no truth in this rumour and that the Parish Council owns this land for the benefit of sport within the village. The land is within greenbelt and is within 400m of Parley Wood which is a Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI). Development for residential properties is prohibited within that proximity and therefore, we can confirm that the land cannot be used for anything other than green space or sporting provision. The Parish Council would appreciate your assistance quashing any rumours of this nature.

12 December 2017
A more festive Parley this Christmas

christmas decorations at parley cross

West Parley has to thank Resident Malcolm Plascott for the great display of Christmas decorations in the village this year. Malcolm has been coming up with ideas to make the village look more festive for a couple of years and this year sees much more on display as he has built a number of Christmas tree shaped frames that have been covered in tinsel to add to the existing tinsel and garland displays used in previous years.

The displays cover the railings at Parley Cross and Glenmoor Road as well as the shops and a number of trees.

These were put up by the Parish Volunteers a few weeks ago and many Residents have mentioned how good they look. They are eco-friendly as car headlights at night and sun in the day reflect on the tinsel as it is blown in the wind lighting up the whole display at no cost.

5 December 2017
Bournemouth International Airport sold to the Rigby Group

Residents may have heard on the local news that BIA has been sold to the Rigby Group which owns other smaller UK airports. For more details please see the Daily Echo airport article on 2 Dec or the Daily Telegraph article today.

4 December 2017
TheLastStraw Christmas campaign launches tomorrow

Litter Free Coast and Sea are launching TheLastStraw Christmas campaign tomorrow to raise awareness of plastics pollution, particularly the plastic straw. The Marine Conservation Society Great British Beach Clean report was released today, and it shows that single-use plastic straws are still on the top 10 items found on beaches around the UK.

So, join us in making a simple change – refuse the plastic straw! There are plenty of alternatives out there – glass, metal, paper – bamboo!

1 December 2017
Tesco Bags of Help, every bit counts

tesco bags of help posters

West Parley Parish Council were lucky enough to be awarded £2000 from the Tesco Bags of Help scheme, which is funding generated through the purchase of the 5p carrier bags. This award is to help with the cost of installing the Outside Gym at the Recreation Ground, which should be progressed in the spring once all the funding is in place.

As Tesco were short of applications, we submitted another application for installation of a wooden see-saw within the Children’s Play area. Once again, we have been lucky enough to be shortlisted, which means we will definitely receive an award, but whether it is £1000, £2000 or £4000 is dependent on the votes.

This is where we need your help. Voting is currently in stores until the end of the year. Unfortunately, the only local store hosting our application is the Tesco at Parley Cross. So if you could please use your blue tokens and for vote in store at Parley Cross, it would be appreciated. Alternatively, most stores in the Bournemouth area will be hosting our application so it will be possible to vote there as well.