
26 September 2017
Temporary closure of Dudsbury Road, Ferndown

Residents please note that Dudsbury Road, Ferndown will be closed from 28th September for 5 days, with works probably finishing by the 3rd october, the closure will be in force from 9am to 4pm daily.

18 September 2017
Suspicious callers - message from Dorset Police

A message from PCSO Kate Hann (Dorset Police, PCSO 6268, Ferndown Town). Neighbourhood officers have been called to two separate incidents in regards to males in the area touting for work.

West Parley:
This has been in relation to two males seen in Elm Tree walk and Dene Walk approaching residents in these roads asking for gardening work. We believe that these males may be rogue traders doing work for extortionate rates of pay. Theses two are possibly linked to a maroon coloured 05 plate pick up truck style vehicle.

Reports in the Bramley Road and Mayfield drive area of males going door to door attempting to purchase gold, silver, war medals and antiques. Once agin, there is nothing illegal in this but we believe that there are better ways to sell items.

Please be aware of these scams and try to keep an eye on local residents and neighbours who my be vulnerable or feel threatened by these tactics used.

15 September 2017
Longham Reservoir Open Day

Come along to Longham Reservoir on Saturday 30 September and enjoy a variety of activities suitable for the whole family.

  • 'Have a go' fishing with qualified coaches
  • 'Have a go' canoeing and kayaking with the Dorset Ultimate Canoe and Kayak Squad
  • 'Have a go' stand up paddleboarding
  • Pond dipping
  • Birdwatching walks with Longham Birders' group
  • Poole Radio Yacht Club static display and (weather permitting) 'have a go'
  • Christchurch and District Flying Club static display and flying simulator

Refreshments will be available and visitors will also have the opportunity to meet the South West Lakes Trust team working in partnership with Bournemouth Water and chat about the reservoirs at Longham.

Call 01202 444646 or email SW Lakes Trust
Address: 125 Ringwood Road, Longham, Ferndown BH22 9AB.

15 September 2017
Vacancy for a Councillor - Bye-Election Notice

Vacancy for a Councillor - anyone wishing to be considered should write or e-mail the Parish Clerk with a brief curriculum vitae and an accompanying letter explaining why they wish to be considered for the vacancy within 14 days of this Bye-Election notice.

15 September 2017
Report a collision on Dorset roads - new online form

Members of the public can now report crashes using an online form to help Dorset Highways collect valuable information about incidents on our roads. The Report a collision form is available on and works in the same way as the "report a road problem" form.

Road traffic collision data is validated and provided to us by Dorset Police, this data includes collisions that result in personal injury. Although this provides us with valuable information it doesn’t give the complete picture of the incidents on Dorset’s roads.

Crashes reported using this new form will feed into our formal collision site investigation programme, and could inform future works if the site is found to be in need of improvement. Although an individual report may not necessarily result in immediate action, it will ensure that we are better informed than we have been in the past.

Please note, if you’re reporting a collision that has resulted in damage and requires immediate attention, such as debris on or obstruction to the highway and/or damage to street furniture, then this must still be reported on 01305 221020. This will ensure immediate action can be taken to rectify the problem.

15 September 2017
Safewise Bourenmouth - driving skills, theory sessions, scooter/mobility training

Dorset Driver Gold (DDG) at SafeWise Bournemouth and SafeWise Weymouth

Driving skills and confidence sessions helping people aged 65+ drive safely for longer. The theory session costs just £10 per person and lasts up to 3 hours, breaks and refreshments are included – the next theory dates are listed below:

  • SafeWise Bournemouth Monday 2nd October – 1.30pm
  • SafeWise Weymouth Tuesday 14th November – 10am
  • SafeWise Bournemouth Thursday 7th December – 1.30pm

The practical session costs £45 per person and lasts up to 90 minutes. Once your booking form and payment have been received you will be given details to arrange your drive directly with one of our Dorset Driver Gold Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs). If you take up a practical and theory session the cost is just £50

For more information please visit the Dorset Driver Gold website or contact the DDG Administrator on , ring or text 07713 499 777 (we will call you back) or leave a message at SafeWise head office on 01202 591330.

LifeDrive theory sessions at SafeWise Bournemouth – various dates

LifeDrive is designed to reduce accidents by helping younger drivers to understand why collisions happen and how to avoid them, developing their skills and experience with free post-test theory and practical sessions. This FREE scheme is open to all young people aged between 17 and 25 who live in Dorset and have passed their driving test within the past four years.

A FREE £50 Amazon voucher is given to everyone that completes the course! The next LifeDrive dates are:

  • Tuesday 19th September 2017
  • Wednesday 18th October 2017
  • Thursday 23rd November 2017
  • Thursday 7th December 2017

For more information, look at our LifeDrive webpage

ScootWise, Mobility Scooter Training at SafeWise Bournemouth – Friday 13th October 2017

SafeWise are working in partnership with the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver safety awareness courses for mobility scooter users in Dorset. The sessions are designed for those already using a mobility scooter or those that are looking to buy a mobility scooter now or in the future. The sessions cost £10 per person. All sessions must be pre-booked due to limited places available. For more information, including booking instructions please look at our ScootWise webpage

13 September 2017
West Parley needs you! Volunteer drivers needed for the NeighbourCar scheme

The village is extremely lucky to have a team of volunteer drivers, who help those who are unable to drive or get the bus, by taking them to medical appointments, social events or to go shopping. In 4 years, this team of volunteers have undertaken 2800 journeys to help fellow residents. That’s an average of 14 journeys every week. Whilst the existing team do a tremendous job, they really need more volunteers.

No heavy lifting, no rigid routines, a contribution towards petrol ... and flexible as and when you can help. Find out more about becoming a volunteer driver.

16 August 2017
A great morning in Parley Woods

images of nuts about nature event in parley wood

A great morning in Parley Woods with the Moors Valley Play Rangers, at the Nuts About nature event, funding by the Parish Council. Thank you to the 30 people who enjoyed getting close to nature, along with the Rangers.