
8 May 2017
Can you help West Parley look fabulous for the Dorset best Kept Village Competition?

Anything from cutting a verge, to picking up litter, to planting flowers etc ... together, we can make a difference. West Parley is extremely lucky to have a team of volunteers who distribute leaflets, water the planters, tidy verges, litter pick etc ..... if you have any spare time to help, more volunteers are always welcome. . see the poster.

8 May 2017
Temporary road closure notice for Bournemouth Sevens Festival

Parley Lane sliproad at the Chapel gate roundabout is to be closed during the end of May bank holiday weekend for the Bournemouth Sevens Festival more.

27 April 2017
The West Parley Official Guide is out now

The new Parish Guide is ready, and will be delivered in June. . have a look!
You might also want this local map.

26 April 2017
West Parley enters the Dorset Best Kept Village awards for 2017, can 2016 success be repeated?

West Parley Residents Association has entered the village in the Dorset Best Kept Village awards for 2017. After coming second in the Large Village category at the first entry in 2016 it is hoped that a first place will be within reach this year. Village volunteers do a huge amount of work throughout the year to keep the village tidy by trimming verge edges, maintaining 25 roadside planters and public gardens as well as frequently litter picking the verges of the main roads. Many residents keep the outside of their property tidy to support the competition entry.

Volunteers showing the 2016 awards
Volunteers showing the 2016 awards

The competition looks at almost all areas of the village including shops, business premises, public recreation areas and public buildings, churches and the state of main roads. Judging is between 1st May and 31st July.

After also winning the Environmental Champions award in 2016, the village has entered the Peoples Project category of this year’s awards for the work being led by the Girl Guides as landowners of part of the Dudsbury Iron Age hill fort. The Guides have teamed up with Bournemouth University and volunteers from West Parley Residents Association to help guides uncover some of the sites secrets and raise awareness of the site.

A team from Bournemouth University has started to undertake a geophysical ground survey of the interior of the circular hill fort to determine some of the archaeology under the subsoil and on the surface. To assist this work the West Parley Volunteers have cleared a large area of bracken, brambles and rhododendrons to allow the survey to be done. It is hoped that modern research techniques will uncover much more about the history of the site.

It is planned that a replica Iron Age Round House be constructed on the site and a new heritage footpath be created closer to the southern edge with interpretation panels explaining about the heritage of this unique site being installed. Some trees have been cut to open up the extensive views to the south.

As part of the work to gather more heritage information on the recent use of the site, Guides will be trained on how to collect oral histories and they will interview 12 former Guides and collect their memories relating to Girlguiding at Dudsbury Camp and the involvement of the Guide movement since 1931.

Guides will also work with Bournemouth University to develop and produce a 3D virtual environment visualisation of the Dudsbury site in the Iron Age aimed at all ages to be available on the project web site and on YouTube.

A final project Open Day and a re-enactment of the historical pageant that was held when the Guide camp was opened will be held at the beginning of July.

13 April 2017
The Recreation Ground is at its best this sunny afternoon - freshly cut and ready for residents to enjoy!

images of the freshly cut recreation ground

Have a look at these lovely photos of the Recreation Ground at its best!

3 April 2017
proposed New Road developement latest

The Parish Council is currently unaware of any discussions with Planning in relation to the proposed New Road development. We will continue to watch carefully, as their website states that a planning application is due to be submitted sometime in 2017. As soon as there is anything to report, all usual communication channels will be used to keep residents updated. . more.

3 April 2017
Easter dates at St Mark's

For all the details of Easter Service at St Mark's church please click here.

3 April 2017
The Wildlife Friendly Gardening Competition 2017

Dorset Wildlife Trust is now accepting applications for the 2017 Wildlife Friendly Gardening Competition, closing date 26th May 2017. You don't need to have a huge garden and it doesn't have to be immaculately weeded to enter this competition. Judging takes place in May and June and we will contact you to arrange a convenient time to visit your garden.

Private gardeners, schools, housing associations and formal or informal community groups of any sort can enter. The judges will be assessing your garden for how much effort you put in to creating wildlife habitats and what you do to attract wildlife in your garden. Use the online form to itemise the evidence and preferably send us some photos too. There is also a category for rented properties. . more.

3 April 2017
welcome to new Parish Councillor Lynn Wilson

Lynn Wilson is the newest West Parley Parish Councillor, she signed up on 15th March at the Parish Council meeting. Her bio reads - "My working life has been in education, firstly as a teacher then Head Teacher and latterly as a trouble shooter and consultant. I have worked around the UK and overseas including Indonesia, Jordan and Africa. I am an advocate of human rights, a member of Amnesty International and as such support schools throughout Dorset and Hampshire. I am an animal lover and Amy is my adopted Orangutang at Monkey World. I have eight grand children and am keen to support my local community and provide a better future for its residents."

A big welcome to Lynn from all the parish Council team.