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The following is a message from Martyn Underhill, the Police & Crime comissioner for Dorset
I have launched my consultation on whether the policing element of Council Tax should be raised in Dorset. In the last five years, Dorset Police’s budget has been cut by £19m in real terms by central Government and will continue to be cut by £1m every year for the next three years.
The Chief Constable has formally requested that I raise the precept to allow the Force to meet the challenges facing policing. A maximum rise of £3.80 per year in Council Tax would generate £1.07m income, meaning we would have roughly the same amount of money as this year, taking into account our ongoing government cuts.
Last year, over 4,000 residents responded to the consultation with 82% supporting a rise. This money was invested in:
Employing extra investigators dedicated to investigating child abuse and protecting vulnerable children.
Helping to create a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub with partners such as councils and the NHS, to increase joined-up working to protect vulnerable people.
Increasing the number of officers in the cybercrime intelligence and investigation team, and enhancing the software available to them to identify sexual and violent offenders.
Recruitment of a dedicated cyber-crime prevention officer to educate businesses and residents on staying safe online.
Relaunching the Dorset Police website to make it easier to access information, interact with local Neighbourhood Policing Teams and to report crime online.
If Council tax were to be raised in 2017/18, this would be invested in:
Protecting adults at risk of harm: Including enhancing our ability to prevent and investigate abuse of older people, which is a trend in Dorset and nationally.
Improving our response to common, non-emergency types of crime: Investing in Appointment Cars to visit victims and take details at prearranged times.
Continue to embrace new technology: Including further enhancements to Dorset Police’s website, such as the ability to make payments online rather than by post.
I would welcome your feedback on this important topic and hope you are able to spare a few minutes to share your views. Please click the blue text above to be taken to the survey. Thank you for your support.
19 December 2016 Volunteer Update - is there another village with such a caring community?
Volunteers at the ready!
We have in excess of 65 volunteers who selflessly give some of their free time in many unseen or unheralded roles.
The M.S centre is managed by Cllr Kay Bunday 07887 351510, and her wonderful team of volunteers. It is one of only a handful of such centres throughout the country for sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis.
The West Parley Volunteers, who can be seen in their uniforms of yellow Hi Vis jackets and white hair, who keep the grass verges and hedges cropped and clipped on our local roads, as well as the amazing job they have done in taking the runner up award for the best kept Large Village in Dorset, and making the Parley Wood a place of joy, which received the first place Environmental Award. The volunteers are run by Cllr John Dinsdale 01202 872974. And include in their 20 members are two ladies who are quite prepared to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in.
The Neighbour Car volunteers who assist people over the age of 55 who have no means of transport of their own. They have 12 voluntary drivers who since the scheme's inception 3 years ago have now completed more than 2000 journeys. Drivers are paid 45 pence per mile.
To organise a journey please contact the co-ordinator Clive Butcher on 01202 890173.
The Good Neighbour Scheme. This scheme was launched by The Partnership For Older People and covers Ferndown and West Parley.
The aim is for resident volunteers to carry out minor tasks such as changing a light bulb,moving small items of furniture etc.
Anyone wishing to use the scheme should telephone 01202 834034
A small donation is normally made to cover the volunteer's expenses.
The Parley Litter Pickers, co-ordinated by Cllr Dianna Penwill 07443 453461. They keep our footpaths and roads clear of paper and rubbish, discarded by others. Many of her team work in pairs for just a few hours a week.
The Rotary Club, always ready to carry out good deeds and bear the cost. Their chairman is Cllr David Allen 01202 871122.
The West Parley Woman's Institute, Secretary Jane Roberts 01202 870618.
The Foodbank collection, and Winter clothing collection for the homeless organised by Cllr Malcolm Plascott 01202 950521.
We also have The Neighbourhood Watch, Parley Walking Club, The Gardening Club and the Memorial Hall.
And of course the West Parley Parish Council. All of whom are also volunteers, who each take on a lead area, to try to cover all aspects of life in our community. Communication details and lead areas of all of them can be found on any of the community notice boards.
All of the above are run and organised by The West Parley amazing team of volunteers. No wonder the council are so proud of our village!
If you feel you have something to offer as a volunteer, please contact any of the above. New helpers are always most welcome.
19 December 2016 Parley Volunteers win Brownie points
Dudsbury Guide Camp, situated on the site of an ancient hill fort was secured as a Girl Guide camp in 1931. Now the guides have teamed up with Bournemouth University and volunteers from West parley Residents Association to uncover some of the site's secrets. The guides are delighted to have secured a heritage lottery fund grant of £32,300 for their project.
To assist the guides the Parley Volunteer group have cleared approximately 250 metres of bracken, brambles and rhododendron as the guides hope to construct a permissive pathway along the southern edge of the fort's ramparts. This will reveal some of the commanding views from Christchurch to Wimborne that made this such a strategic site for a fort. A new footpath is to be created in order to help local walkers take in these views and a team from Bournemouth University is to undertake a geophysical ground survey to determine some of the archaeology under the subsoil.
Ultimately a heritage trail will explain the role played by the fort as walkers traverse the footpath.
6 December 2016 DCC by-election result, Councillor Andrew Parry elected to represent West Parley
Dorset County Council by-election result. Councillor Andrew Parry joined Councillor Barbara Manuel on the District Council earlier this year and he now also represent West Parley as County Councillor.
26 November 2016 Notice of Poll for the upcoming Election on 1 December 2016
26 November 2016 Consultation on fairer adult social care and support, have your say
On 1 December Dorset County Council are launching a 10 week public consultation as part a review of adult social care charging policy. The review covers four main areas:
The financial means-test that works out how much a person can afford to contribute, if anything, towards their adult social care
Carols by Parley First School - Monday December 12th, 3.30pm outside the Glenmoor Rd shops, there will be mince pies and hot chocolate too!
Carols at All Saints Church - Saturday Decmber 17th, 6.30pm to 7.30pm, come and enjoy music, mulled wine, mince pies and candlelight in this beautiful Saxon church.
15 November 2016 Flooding, get your sandbags
Both Christchurch and East Dorset Councils have a policy of trying to provide free sandbags to any resident or business in need at times of high flood risk. They will do their best to deliver these to the areas in most urgent need at the time but, as in previous years, it may not always to possible to deliver to individual properties. Residents in need, or their representatives (including T&PCs) can obtain filled sandbags from the following locations:
Furzehill Council Offices (yard adjacent to car park)
Christchurch Civic Offices (brick store, rear of Civic)
They currently have over 300 filled sandbags at both venues.
They also have in excess of 9,000 empty sandbags stored under cover at Grange Road, Christchurch, which they will start to fill if they have an EA warning of flooding in our patch.
The Housing Team have plans to arrange temporary accommodation if residents need to move from their property and have a Emergency Plan in place to deal with flooding and other emergencies.
1 November 2016 Out and about in West Parley - lovely photos taken by resident
West Parley resident (and Parish Clerk) Linda leeding has been out and about enjoying the lovely autumnal weather in beautiful West Parley. Why not pop over to the
Local Walks
page and take some time out to enjoy the beauty of where we live?
If you have any lovely recent photos of West Parley or from any time in the past that you would like to share, please email the Parish Council -, and it will be included on our new Gallery page which will be coming soon.