
11 May 2016
Changes at the Rec Ground, let us know your thoughts

West Parley Parish Council is continually looking at how we can improve the Recreation Ground for residents to get into the fresh air and enjoy this asset. The informal play area using mainly recycled materials is well underway for the smallest of WP residents, and additions are soon to be installed in the main Play Area in the form of 2 springer seats. To support the fresh air and fitness, West Parley has extremely successful weekly Health Walks and are currently running a course of fitness training sessions for the next 3 months at just £1 per week. Parley Woods has been made more accessible by the installation of boardwalks and there is also a weekly coffee morning.

Knowing the importance of maintaining a fit mind and body, we are considering the installation of a few pieces of outside gym equipment. Instructions on correct use would be displayed. Residents can pop along and exercise whilst the children play on the playground, or the dog runs about on the field or as part of a fitness regime. What would be of interest to you Cardio or resistance? Is there something else that you would like to see?

Please speak to a Councillor or email the Parish Clerk - to let us know what you think?

10 May 2016
DCC Roadworks Update, 3 in the area over the coming months

Longham Roundabouts, please note the works at Longham have been postponed.
We have worked closely with Arbor Venture Tree Care to book them in to carry out work on a hedge south of Longham double-mini roundabouts and opposite the car dealership, on behalf of a client. The work is required because the hedge is subject to a section 154 for being overgrown. Work will take place on Sunday (15 May) starting at around 9am and will be finished by 5pm. Temporary lights will be in use and will be manned for the duration.

New Road, Ferndown
Wessex Water, as part of their major project on Craigwood Drive, (Construction of a 6m diameter storage tank and associated infrastructure in the south eastern verge of Craigwood Drive/New Road a new 1.8m diameter manhole with accompanying pipework to be installed in the highway of craigwood drive. Both the verge, footpath and one lane of craigwood drive (surrounding the verge) will need to be closed to provide a suitable working area. These works also include the temporary widening of the carriageway at the entrance to Craigwood drive) have a Notice in for temporary lights on A347 New Road to provide an access track for heavy plant equipment and lorries to load/offload materials and remove waste from the site - between 16 May and 3 June

Coppins Development
Wessex Water will be carrying out work on B3073 Christchurch Road near the new development at the site of former Coppins Nursey (between Parley Cross and Longham) to install new and upgrade existing pipework for the sewerage system. Temporary lights will be in use 24hrs between 31 May and 29 July and will be manually controlled at a minimum of peak times weekdays. We have also asked Wessex to deploy portable variable message (matrix) signs to advise drivers and prepare a press statement in advance.

9 May 2016
Parish Council Chairman John Cullen resigns

Not unexpectedly, but we are sad to announce that John Cullen has resigned from the Parish Council and we would like to say a huge thank you to John for his hard work and commitment to the Parish Council over the last 5 years.

6 May 2016
A338 May night closures

In the countdown to the road reopening to four lanes, two weeks of night time road closures have been booked. As usual the A338 will be closed from the A31 Ashley Heath Roundabout to the A3060 Cooper Dean Roundabout on the following days:

  • 8pm Monday 16 May to 6am Tuesday 17 May
  • 8pm Tuesday 17 May to 6am Wednesday 18 May
  • 8pm Wednesday 18 May to 6am Thursday 19 May
  • 8pm Thursday 19 May to 6am Friday 20 May
  • 8pm Friday 20 May to 6am Saturday 21 May
  • 8pm Saturday 21 May to 6am Sunday 22 May
  • 8pm Sunday 22 May to 6am Monday 23 May
  • 8pm Monday 23 May to 6am Tuesday 24 May
  • 8pm Tuesday 24 May to 6am Wednesday 25 May
  • 8pm Wednesday 25 May to 6am Thursday 26 May
  • 8pm Thursday 26 May to 6am Friday 27 May
  • 8pm Friday 27 May to 6am Saturday 28 May

Contractors are currently on track to reopen the road to four lanes at the end of May - we will let you know as soon as we have an exact date!

28 April 2016
whats happening in Parley Wood?

Work stopped in Parley Wood
Volunteers have ended their Winter work sessions as the bird nesting season has started. The clearance of overgrown holly, silver birch and hazel has been going on since last October and large areas are now much more open and bright that will encourage a wider variety of flora and fauna in the 17 acre Wood. Defined paths have been created round much of the Wood and a large amount of wood chippings have been put down to make the pathways walkable in all weathers. Have a look round the Wood in the Summer. Saves a trip to the New Forest!

New Woodland play area
This is being built by West Parley volunteers next to the existing children's play area in the Recreation Ground. It is for smaller children to use and is being made of pre-used wood, tree trunks from recently felled local trees and cut branches from Parley Wood. The aim is to create a very low cost play area where the children can use their imagination to create their own play settings.

28 April 2016
Bournemouth 7s Festival update

This year's festival is from 27th to 29th May. Organisers have made great efforts to minimise the impact on West Parley with additional policing on site and up to Parley Cross and with local security and litter patrols. Hopefully this year's event will pass off without too many problems. We are dependent on the direction of the wind as to how many of us are affected by the noise from the music but if any residents have any problems with what is happening they can phone the event Control Room on 01202 611272 or text on 07531754767 and they will deal with any issues. The music goes on till 1am but the sound levels are monitored by the Environmental Health Officer who is always on site. The Parish Council does get details of any incidents at the site and complaints are fortunately very few in number.

18 April 2016
Police Alert - look out when parking in an isolated area

With spring arriving more people are taking the advantage of the beautiful country walks available in Dorset. When parking in an isolated location please ensure you take any valuables with you. If your glove box contains no valuables leave it open to show opportunist thieves that your vehicle contains nothing of value. If you witness anything suspicious please contact Dorset Police on 999 if a crime is in progress or 101 for non emergencies.

14 April 2016
Take part in Ferndown Poppy Walk

It is never too early to start raising funds for the Poppy Appeal and with this in mind the Ferndown branch of the Royal British Legion is holding its 3rd Ferndown Poppy Walk on St George's Day, Saturday 23rd April.

Starting at 11am from the RBL building in Church Road, the sponsored walk in aid of serving and ex-services men and women and families will follow a five-mile - or as much as you can manage - all-pavements route around the centre of Ferndown and Parley.

It is a fun, safe and stewarded walk for all ages and all the family - pram-pushers, dog walkers, grandma and grandad teams and school, pub and sports groups are all welcome. There will be a special prize for the best dressed entry. Entries and sponsor forms are available on the day or in advance from the RBL in Church Road, BH22 9ET.

14 April 2016
Become a volunteer for Good Neighbour service in Ferndown, West Parley and West Moors

Volunteers are needed for a scheme operating in Ferndown, West Parley and West Moors which gives a little help to others. The Good Neighbour service was launched in December 2014. The scheme has been very successful, but the co-ordinator John Muggleton is keen for older people who haven't heard about it to know about the help on offer.

Do you need a light bulb changed, your batteries in your remote control replaced or your TV reprogrammed? Maybe you have some furniture that you need moving or some small items taken to the tip? Do you need your curtains taken down to enable you to wash them? These are just a few examples of the jobs volunteers can do.

The Good Neighbour scheme also offers a befriending service. Ring 01202 834034 any time during the day, seven days a week and your call will be answered by a person. Someone will get back to you the next working day and depending on the job they hope to find a volunteer within 48 hours. A small donation will be requested when the job is complete to cover expenses.

The Good Neighbour service is dependent on volunteers to deliver the service and we would like to encourage more to join this worthy service. All volunteers are trained and DBS (Disclosure and Baring Service) checked. They are also covered by public liability insurance. If you have some time spare during the day and interested in becoming a volunteer or for further information please ring Dawn Jones POPP (Partnership of Older Peoples Programme) Champion on 07825 206052. Or pop into the Barrington Centre - the Bar room, Ferndown on Thursday 22nd April between 10 and noon.

The service would also like to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming a deputy coordinator or treasurer.

Similar services also run in Wimborne and Corfe Mullen. For more information ring Sue Reynolds POPP Champion for Wimborne on 07760 769431.