19 November 2015 Dog fouling incident costs perpetrator £440
A Wimborne man who failed to clean up after his dog has been fined £220 and
ordered to pay £200 costs and £20 victims surcharge. Terry Corbin of Station Road, Wimborne was found guilty in his absence, at
Weymouth Magistrates Court on 5 October, of allowing a dog in his charge to
foul New Borough Road, Wimborne on 25 February 2015. This was under the
provisions of the Fouling of Land by Dogs (East Dorset) Order 2010.
Mr Corbin was spotted by an East Dorset District Council Animal Welfare
Officer not cleaning up after his dog. The officer approached him but he ran
away, refusing to give his name and address.
As the officer chased after Mr Corbin she managed to flag down a passing
police car and the police officers found Mr Corbin hiding behind a wall in a
car park of some flats.
Cllr Barbara Manuel, Portfolio Holder for Community at East Dorset District
Council, said: "This case shows that we’re not prepared to allow people to
let their dogs foul the pavements and not pick up after them. Dog fouling,
apart from being unpleasant for anyone treading in the mess, can be very
unhealthy, particularly in young children who come across it."
16 November 2015 Support for community groups in West Parley
West Parley Parish Council is keen to encourage new community groups to form and to encourage the existing groups in a series of measures that will help residents to get involved in the community social scene. Groups or individuals can apply to the Parish Council for grant funding. The application form can be obtained from the Parish Clerk Linda Leeding on 07477 514862. Please see the eligibility criteria.
Anyone planning to set up a new group or event may not be sure of the local reaction to this so the Parish Council will pay for the hire of local public space for the first 3 meetings for new groups. This offer is for West Parley residents only and not for commercial organisations or political groups.
There are many groups operating in the village and residents are encouraged to get involved in local organisations and meet local people. Many residents help out keeping the village tidy, clear litter, distribute leaflets and help local car transport schemes.
Spread some festive joy this Christmas and donate to the Daily Echo toy appeal. The Echo is joining up with The Rainbow Fund and The Trussel Trust, to collect toys for young people in childrens homes, tots in hospital over Christmas, children whose parents are living on the bread line and victims of domestic violence. As they are for Christmas presents the Echo requests that only new toys are donated. Closing date is 12th December. Please take donations to The 37 Coffee Lounge at Glenmoor Road, or Harpers Hair Salon at Parley Cross. For any enquiry phone Cllr: Malcolm Plascott on 07707 029603
4 November 2015 Filming in West Parley
We have been informed by a representative of Channel 4, that they will be filming in West Parley on either Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th November in relation to a television programme called Posh Pawn. This should cause no disruption to roads and filming should only be for about an hour.
3 November 2015 West Parley gets bigger
A recent review of parish boundaries carried out by East Dorset District Council has extended the boundary of West Parley to the north to include a large area of Parley Common and 7 properties at the end of Barrack Road. With no road connection to Ferndown these properties always "looked" to the south. See the new map.
This is the latest in a number of changes to the parish boundary over the last 170 years driven by the expansion of the south east of Dorset from a relatively unpopulated part of the County into an area of large towns and medium sized villages.
West Parley was once a very large parish that extended over 3400 acres including both West Parley and West Moors. In 1851 there were only some 290 residents reflecting the mainly agricultural nature of the area, little changed from the Middle Ages. Much of the area was unproductive heathland.
The parish was actually 2 virtually separate roughly rectangular portions of land only touching at a point north of Tricketts Cross but this was extended in 1886 by a further 500 acres to include an area east of West Moors up to the current A31. With this change the parish became coherent, but very narrow, stretching from 3 Legged Cross all the way south to the River Stour.
At this time there were few houses in West Parley itself, these being mainly along Christchurch Road and Church Lane with a few scattered farm buildings down narrow side lanes. West Moors was the largest settlement in the parish at some 190 residents out of a total of 336 for the whole parish. It also had its own railway station.
Rapid expansion of Ferndown in the 20th century, still part of a large Hampreston parish, and of West Moors, led to further boundary changes and West Parley parish was virtually halved in size in 1956 when large areas of land were transferred to Hampreston and to the newly created West Moors parish. In small compensation, a part of Poor Common and an area of Dudsbury were transferred from Hampreston parish. Hampreston parish changed its name to Ferndown Town in 1986.
The 1956 changes left West Parley parish with 1120 acres. For hundreds of years the eastern edge of Parley had been the ancient Dorset / Hampshire boundary but this changed in 1974 when Christchurch and Hurn moved into Dorset.
2 November 2015 Naturalists, can you help?
Volunteers working to improve Parley Wood
West Parley Parish Council is looking for help from local experts to carry out a survey of the 17 acre Parley Woods to be able to check the flora and fauna in the Woods. Information from this survey will be used to develop a strategy to guide maintenance work that is being carried out.
The Parish Council has permission to continue with clearing a huge amount of invasive holly and thin trees to restore the mainly oak wood to its natural state. The work is being carried out by the parish volunteers who have worked throughout the last 2 winters to clear the undergrowth to widen pathways and allow more light to enter the Woods.
Parish Council Chairman John Cullen says "The team of volunteers has done a fantastic job and have shown us how the Wood could look when the work has finished but it would be very helpful if we could understand exactly what can be done to encourage and achieve the widest diversity of habitats. We want to understand what we should leave as well as what can go then put up signage and information boards at points of interest to help residents and visitors understand and appreciate this hidden natural parish asset."
If you can help please contact Councillor Cullen on 01202 582662
29 October 2015 Clothing for the Homeless
So many homeless people, where do they all come from?
So many lonely people, with nowhere to belong. With the winter months closing in three of our amazing shopkeepers have volunteered to collect small items of clothing for the homeless. Hutton Hair of Glenmoor Road, Parley Barbers and Cozy Stoves of Parley Cross will collect clean, used or new, wooly socks, hats, gloves, scarves and jumpers/cardys for both men and women.
The items will be distributed by St Pauls Homeless Shelter and The Y.M.C.A. in Bournemouth. Who between them have a continuous flow of approximately one hundred people including women. The homeless come from all walks of life, from the serious disadvantaged to professional people. Many suffering mental illness and depression, others recovering from alcohol or substance abuse.
We unfortunately are unable to take larger items of clothing, due to storage space.
The clothing collection for the homeless, has been approved by The West Parley Parish council. For more information
contact Cllr Malcolm Plascott 07707 029603
29 October 2015 West Parley Food Bank information
There are to be four collection points at West Parley to collect food on behalf of The Trussel Trust. A nationwide organisation which distributes food parcels to local people in crisis. Our nearest distribution centre is St Andrews Church Kinson. Those in need may include people who have been abandoned by by a partner or spouse, others who find they have suddenly lost their job, and there are of course many other reasons. A person or family can only receive one food parcel to get them over an immediate problem, yet the foodbanks are always needing food donations due to ever increasing demand. Well over one million adults and children have been fed this year alone.
Collection points are Tesco Parley Cross, Tesco Glenmoor Road, The Owls Nest and The Parley Country Club.
The foodbank collection is approved by The West Parley Parish Council. For more information contact Cllr Malcolm Plascott 07707 029603 or see the foodbank info on this website.
23 October 2015 Thefts from horse fields, please be vigilant
We have been notified of a spate of thefts from horse fields in the village last night. We recommend everyone ensures their properties and out buildings are secure and would ask residents to remain vigilant. Please report any suspicious behaviour to the Police.