With the School Holidays upon us, it's time to enjoy the long light evenings of the summer months. If the sun shines for us, it is inevitable that most people will take to the outdoors to enjoy their gardens. We would kindly ask that you show consideration to other residents whether it be from bonfires, noise or parking. Should you find you are unable to enjoy your garden in peace, please contact environmental services on 01202 795185.
We have been informed that Travellers have been in the area recently and would like to take the opportunity to remind residents to remain vigilant. It was unfortunate that Travellers occupied the Council-owned Recreation Ground in 2013. We have learnt that good communication and speedy action can help prevent an illegal occupation. If you see any travellers looking at entry gates or around the area or see groups of cars and caravans gathering close by, please immediately phone one of the contacts below and explain what you have seen.
Linda Leeding (Clerk) - 07477 514862
Cllr John Cullen - 01202 582662
Cllr Pat Couper - 01202 573833
Do not leave a message on an answerphone.
Please also phone the Police on 101 or use 999 if you see any offences are being committed
10 July 2015 Bloom judges impressed at West Parley
Volunteer Organiser Stuart Couper and Jon Smith, EDDC Countryside Ranger show judges the improvements to Parley Wood
Judging for this years South and South East in Bloom competition and RHS It's Your Neighbourhood competitions took place in West Parley this week and judges were impressed at the number of improvements made to the village. With additional planters on main road verges, new flowers displays at Parley Cross and community areas looking exceptionally tidy, the judges saw the results of the hundreds of hours of work done by the numerous village volunteers who turn out to help maintain the good appearance of the village.
They were also shown numerous examples of residents keeping the roadside and verges tidy by their houses and carry out frequent local litter picks throughout the year.
After a tour of the village the judges met a large group of volunteers for an informal lunch at the Parley Country Club and discussed their suggestions on how further improvements could be made.
Parish Council Chairman Pat Couper said "It was great to see the judges appreciate the fantastic support from so many residents and businesses locally that keeps the village looking good. Fingers crossed that we will see a further improvement to our scores in the competition when the results are announced in September.
Volunteer Organiser Stuart Couper said "Once again we learnt a lot from the judges about how we can improve the look of West Parley and we will continue to do whatever we can to raise the standard of our entry".
9 July 2015 West Parley Volunteers never stop!
It was the judging day for the South and South East in Bloom competition. 7.5 tonnes of fresh playground wood chip was lovingly shovelled by the fabulous West Parley Volunteers.
Just add children!
9 July 2015 Parley Lunch Club has its first meeting
The first meeting of the Parley lunch club attracted 17 members and they agreed to meeting on the third Wednesday of each month at different venues in the area. Everybody is very welcome to come along and make new friends while having some top class food! The second meeting of Parley lunch club is on Wednesday 15 July at 12.15pm, meeting in the snug area of the Horns Inn, 182 Christchurch Road, West Parley BH22 8SS. To reserve a place please leave a message for Hilary on 07920 650603 or send an email - hilary.moody@helpandcare.org.uk, by 13 July.
4 July 2015 Large car show this weekend, mind the traffic!
A large car show it to be held on 4th and 5th July on the large field east of the entrance to Bournemouth Airport. This is the first event of its kind here and the impact on local traffic in Hurn and West Parley cannot be forecast.
It is suggested that residents avoid the area if possible or allow extra time for a journey to the Airport as severe congestion is expected.
12 June 2015 Noticeboards, your feedback is appreciated
We are trialling a swap of the Noticeboards at Parley Cross.
The Parish Council information is now contained within the silver noticeboard on Christchurch Road, on the front of the toilet block.
The larger noticeboard neighbouring the crossroads will contain Community information.
What do you think? Do you read the noticeboards or do you rely on the website or facebook?
These simple questions will help us to ensure we reach people, using the most appropriate communications method.
There is also a Parish Council noticeboard outside the shopping parade on Glenmoor Road, and there are 2 further Community Noticeboards within the 2 Tesco stores. Please use this websites contact us page to get in touch if you have any thoughts you wish to share with us, thank you.
12 June 2015 Congratulations to Parley Cross Pharmacy
Yes readers that's right! The team at Parley Cross in West Parley, Ferndown have been shortlisted down to the last 6 from thousands of applicants from all over the country by The Chemist and Druggist 2015.
On Thursday June 11th, Mitesh and Bhavini took 6 members of their team to be wined and dined at The Brewery in London where the Awards Ceremony was hosted. Mitesh commented "We are very proud of our team at Parley Cross and we look forward to a very fun and enjoyable evening where no expense will be spared."
At the time of this printing the result were not known. Be sure to ask the team on your next prescription order.
Pharmacists, Mitesh and Bhavini Patel have owned the pharmacy for over 8 years and in 2009 Mitesh became the local PostMaster and relocated the Post Office inside the Pharmacy. A lot of time and effort has been invested to secure the Post Office at West Parley. Mitesh and Bhavini have plans to invest further this summer to improve the customer experience with a modern open plan counter and allow us to increase the Post Office Hours inline with the Pharmacy. Watch this space and please show your support by using the services in the village.
"We have been very lucky at Parley Cross Pharmacy and Post Office to have been supported by some wonderful and highly trained staff" said Bhavini.
Pharmacy Manager: Reece Consul, Pharmacy Technicians: Janet, Maciek, Elsiv, Patricia and Amy, Post Office: Jacquie and Louise. The staff are very efficient and work as a unit. They all have their own responsibilities and expertise. Louise Nottage on the Post Office counter is now also trained as a Medicine Counter Assistant. She is always very helpful and a key member of the team and great at multitasking.
The staff at the store have proved their ability and shown what they can achieve. The Pharmacy offer many services with a smile including weekly Medicine Trays, NHS Health Checks, NHS Smokestop Service, NHS Emergency Contraception. They also dispense private prescriptions at very competitive prices.
Last winter the team delivered over 200 Flu Vaccines. These included free NHS Flu vaccines to qualifying patients as well as a Private service to walk in patients and visits to companies. If you are interested in vaccinating your staff please contact us.
The Pharmacy team also have a brand new EPOS system which allows all prices to be up to date and with accurate retail prices and they have many offers lower than competitor prices.
All these services can be bought to your door step with a lovely and friendly delivery driver. We can deliver your medicines and any retail items. If you are worried about supplies to a family member simply call the Pharmacy to arrange delivery. Items normally delivered on a regular basis include incontinence, dental and vitamin supplies.
Parley Cross Pharmacy also has the ability to receive Electronic Prescriptions. All you have to do is ask your surgery or contact our pharmacy to set us up as your nominated pharmacy.
Opening Hours: Pharmacy 01202 573191 Monday to Friday 9am to 6.30pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm
Post Office 01202 578043 Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm, Saturday 9am to 12.30pm
Order your repeat prescriptions online on the Parley Cross Pharmacy website.
Our other local Pharmacies: Colehill Pharmacy 01202 888001 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm The Grove Pharmacy 01202 484310 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm
4 June 2015 Foodbank latest
The Parley Foodbank has received over 260 donations in the past three months. Many thanks to all who contributed to this amazing total. We are going to take a break until October, when the collection bins will returned to the same venues. The Trussell Trust, and the recipients of the food pass on their grateful appreciation.
4 June 2015 The Dudsbury Pub
Residents may have noticed that the Dudsbury Pub is currently closed for refurbishment. The latest information is that the new owners are planning to re-launch towards the end of the month as The Dudsbury Country Club. Please see the Dudsbury Country Club website - www.thedudsbury.com/ for more details.