14 Nov 2014 Can you help improve the Stour and Moors Rivers?
The Stour Catchment Initiative and the Environment Agency are hosting a series of engagement events to introduce the partnership and collect your thoughts and feedback on the restoration plan for the Stour and Moors rivers. Come along between 2.30pm to 5.30pm OR 5.30pm to 8.30pm on:
Friday 21 November at Memorial Hall, Sturminster Marshall
Tuesday 25 November at The Exchange, Sturminster Newton
Friday 28 November at The Hub, Verwood.
Presentation on the Catchment Initiative and the Restoration Plan at 3pm and 6pm. Refreshments will be available. Plus, an opportunity to speak to the people and organisations working on the Stour and Moors. For more information on the event, please contact Ben Rayner on 01258 483452 or ben.rayner@environment-agency.gov.uk
A temporary closure of Golf Links road will come into operation on Monday 03 November 2014 until Wednesday 12 November 2014, enabling RMH Construction Ltd to install a new foul sewer connection
For more information - temporary closure of Golf Links road document
8 Oct 2014 Road works coming to New Road
Road works will soon be starting on New Road close to St Marks Church. Dorset County Council staff will be constructing a pedestrian crossing here and this means the road will have to be widened slightly before the crossing is installed.
It is expected that the work will start on Monday 3 November and be completed by 12th December.
There are likely to be some delays to traffic and residents may wish to make allowance for this.
8 Oct 2014 Dorset Home Guard
We have received an email from John Pidgeon, who is researching for a book on the Dorset Home Guard. If you have any information or photos about what happened in West Parley could you please contact John on jcpidgeon@btinternet.com and copy to Cllr John Cullen on johncullen50@hotmail.com.
5 Oct 2014 Navitus Bay Open Meeting
An open floor hearing will be held on 14 October 2014 at Tregonwell Hall, Bournemouth International Centre, Exeter Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5BH. Doors will open at 9.00 am and the hearing will commence at 10.00am. Interested parties who wish to speak at the hearing should notify Jackie Anderson at NavitusBay@infrastructure.gsi.gov.ukby 6 October 2014.
2 Oct 2014 Bye-Election Notice, vacancy for a Parish Councillor
Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Section 87 (2) of the
Local Government Act 1972, that a vacancy exists in the
Office of Parish Councillor for the village of West Parley.
A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if any ten local government electors for the said electoral area submit a written request to that effect
in the manner prescribed below and if no such request is made the
Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.
Any request for an election to be held to fill the vacancy must be in writing
and reach the Returning Officer, East Dorset District Council, Council Offices, Furzehill, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 4HN within 14 days (not including Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holidays) of this notice. To read the published notice please see Bye-Election Notice document.
2 Oct 2014 Great start for new Gardening Club
On Tuesday 30th September West Parley held their first meeting of the new Gardening Club at the Parley Country Club. It was decided to introduce a garden club after the very successful Front Gardens Competition which was held in the summer. After a little persuasion!!! Volunteers came forward to form a working committee and when tea and biscuits were served everyone got together to introduce themselves and many ideas were put forward. The aim of the club is to enable gardening enthusiasts of all abilities to meet together and enjoy a shared interest, to share knowledge from each other and through visiting speakers. Other ideas put forward were for Raffles, plant swap and produce stall, an annual show, visits to gardens and flower shows and a children's section.
The picture shows Councillor Ian Smith presenting a cheque from his Community Fund to Cllr Pat Couper for £870 as a start up fund for the Gardening Club.
It was a very successful start with 25 members signing up straight away and the next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 28th October 7.00pm at Parley Country Club, all interested are welcome please come and join us. Any further information can be obtained from Pat Couper pcouper68@gmail.com or tel 01202 573833
28 Sep 2014 Planters damaged in New Road
Apologies to West Parley residents, who I am sure are disappointed to see the flower boxes which were looking so good and have been much admired, are suddenly looking rather shabby.
The picture is showing one of the boxes in New Road opposite the church that was badly damaged on Saturday or Sunday and no we have not been vandalised, this time a thief has stolen the Cannas from the two boxes and in digging out the plants the whole centre of the display has been broken and damaged. Obviously 2 Cannas were not enough for our thief because between Tuesday morning and Thursday morning he/she has struck again by taking the Cannas from the two displays opposite the Porsche garage.
I would ask the residents to be vigilant if you should observe activity at the planters at night to inform the police and also notify a member of the Parish Council. It is so very upsetting that one of our residents is responsible for spoiling displays which volunteers have spent considerable time and energy planting and maintaining.
Stop Press: Cllrs Pat & Stuart Couper attended the awards ceremony for the S&SE in Bloom
competition and were pleased that West Parley were awarded a silver award
achieving higher marks than last year. We would like to say thank you to all
the West Parley volunteers who work so hard all through the year.
12 Sep 2014 Better access for Parley walkers
Volunteers take a break from their hard work
A new boardwalk in West Parley has improved access to Parley Common for local residents. The current access path from Parley Wood has been covered with a raised wooden boardwalk so that the path is dry in all weathers. Parish Council Chairman John Cullen said "This boardwalk is part of the project to improve access around Parley Wood and on to Parley Common. For much of the year it was so wet you needed proper walking boots on to get through. This has been a real community project. Our parish volunteers have done a fantastic job building the boardwalk, a resident donated the wood and East Dorset Countryside Rangers helped with advice and with transporting the wood. This shows the benefits of collaboration within the local community".
Regular walker Trevor Sams was one of the first to use the finished boardwalk and said "What an improvement. Even in a dry summer the access was wet and slippery and it would be completely waterlogged in winter. We can all get through all the time now."
Volunteer Organiser Stuart Couper said "It only took a couple of weeks to install the boardwalk and we needed very few new materials to make this all happen as the wood had been used as decking before but was still in good condition. It has been great to hear the nice comments from residents about the improvements we have made. We are now working on another boardwalk in Parley Wood and when this is finished soon we will have a good path right round the Wood so that more residents can enjoy a good walk in a fantastic natural environment."