
26 Dec 2014
What has been happening in West Parley

Looking back, 2014 was yet another busy year in West Parley. Our entry into the South and South East in Bloom competition meant that the appearance of the village got better; you will have seen a number of new blue planters on the road verges to add colour. With so many residents becoming interested in the competition, a Gardening Club was started last Autumn.

Community facilities have been further improved, including resurfacing the car park close to Parley Country Club and good lighting was installed. Two new boardwalks have been installed in Parley Wood to encourage greater use of the area.

The have been a number of road improvements, including a new crossing in New Road and a 20 mph speed limit is now in place in Glenmoor Rd by Parley First School.

The Council has given financial support to the First School and Memorial Hall and encouragement and funding for our community volunteers.

Change in Councillors - unfortunately Cllr Gillian Collingbourne has had to resign suddenly for personal reasons but Diana Penwill has joined the Parish Council. Diana is a keen local volunteer who has recently retired and now works hard with her partner Andy to keep the Recreation Ground tidy.

What's planned for 2015? The Bloom competition planning has started - we would like to improve on the 2014 Silver award. We hope more residents will enter the annual front garden competition - a back garden competition is also planned.

We will continue to keep all parish assets as tidy as possible and will be installing new village information signs in a number of places. Local groups will be supported with funding as needed.

We hope to make progress on reducing the speed of vehicles on the main roads and we will keep you informed of any plans for large scale housing in the village and continue to challenge the Core Strategy plans.

26 Dec 2014
Recognising Community Achievement

Richard Heaslip and John Cullen

Dick Heaslip, former Chairman of the Parish Council and longstanding Chairman of the West Parley Residents Association, was chosen as the first winner of the Annual West Parley Community Achievers Award and his name recently unveiled on the new Community Achievers Board at Parley Country Club.

The awards will be made annually to any resident who has contributed significantly to the wellbeing of the community and village.

Chairman John Cullen says "The Community Award is recognition of the tremendous work that Dick has done for West Parley and continues to do as Chair of the Residents Association. He has led the fight against major housing plans for the village that would build on much of the rural setting".

26 Dec 2014
Help for the community

Paul Timberlake and John Cullen

Large donations have recently been made to the West Parley Memorial Hall and Parley First School. The money went towards external repairs to the Hall and towards structural improvements to the outside learning environment to aid all year learning at the First School.

Chairman John Cullen said "The Parish Council was given funds by Eco Sustainable Solution following a large solar farm being built locally. The funds are to go to local good causes and both the Memorial Hall and First School fully justify receiving this money. The Council is happy to support any local club and society that helps encourage residents to get involved in community life".

26 Dec 2014
New crossing on New Road

new crossing on New Road

Work by DCC Contractors on the new crossing by St Marks Church has been completed ahead of schedule. The crossing was requested by a number of local residents, especially Robert Davison, who lives in Winnards Close, who had experienced difficulty in crossing the busy road.

20 Dec 2014
River Restoration Plan latest

Following on from successful public engagement events held in November, the Stour Catchment Initiative and the Environment Agency will be exhibiting a poster display to introduce the River Restoration Plan for the Stour and Moors rivers at local venues. . .find dates and venues.

5 Dec 2014
Healthwatch Dorset

The latest newsletter from Healthwatch Dorset is out now. It discusses the threat from the Royal Bournemouth Hospital to evict patients blocking beds, there is a report from a meeting with the General Medical Council, news, events, projects and much more.

28 Nov 2014
Clinical Services Review, have your say

The Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has started to gather clinical, financial and patient experience data, which explains the current state of the NHS in Dorset. This evidence has been compiled into a "Case for Change", setting out where there are challenges with current provision, and why it needs to change for the future. We want you to tell us if the Case for Change is clear and understandable, and if there is additional information that we need to consider.

The nearest event is at The Barrington Centre, Penny's Walk, Ferndown, BH22 9TH, 6pm - 8pm,Monday 8 December 2014. Welcome and refreshments at 6pm, presentation starts at 6.30pm.

To book a place, please email or telephone 01305 368900 (between 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday) confirming which venue you would like to attend. You can find out more about Dorset's Clinical Services Review at Dorset Vision website - or Dorset's Clinical Services Review document.

27 Nov 2014
Reducing the effect of traffic in West Parley

We all know that with 2 busy main roads passing through the village, the effect of the huge amount of passing traffic is considerable, not just to residents who live on these main roads. To help reduce this, the Parish Council has asked Dorset County Council to consider a number of road improvements.

  • to reduce the speed limit on all main roads within West Parley from 40 mph to 30mph
  • to install "Keep Clear" or yellow hatched boxes at road junctions around Parley Cross where there is queuing traffic at peak times. These include Church Lane, Parley Close, Barrack Road, Oakland Walk, Gallows Drive and Dudsbury Road
  • to install signage close to Parley Cross asking drivers to be considerate to residents trying to get out of their drives
  • to install speed indicator devices on main roads to get traffic to keep within existing or reduced speed limits

These suggestions will need to be reviewed by County Council highways engineers and there will be input from the Police as needed. Surveys will need to be carried out and further statistics gathered but there is no doubt that the recorded information on accidents and injuries does not come anywhere near the true level of accidents and incidents experienced locally.

Opening up some of the junctions will not only help residents but should also help the flow of traffic. How many times have we seen a long line of traffic held up behind vehicles that cannot turn right at junctions.

27 Nov 2014
Friends Of All Saints update & diary dates

Friends of All Saints

We are delighted to have been asked to put our energy and effort into fund-raising for a composting loo for All Saints and are very grateful for the support you have already given us over the last year or so. Friends Of All Saints (FOAS) aim not only to raise funds but to raise awareness and support for the church in the wider community - and holding more events in our lovely historic church is one way of achieving this. A loo would open up so many opportunities, such as holding concerts (which is not really feasible without a loo!), so do please continue to support us in 2015. We hope to see you at one of our events - and yes they are about raising money, but most importantly, they are about coming together and having fun!

Chistmas Carolling at All Saints Church
December 13th 2014, All Saints Church, 18.30pm to 19.30pm.
Join us for a fun festive evening singing along to your favourite carols. Mulled wine, mince pies and candlelight in the beautiful setting of this historic church - a great way to herald in Christmas! All welcome. Parking will be in the lit car park at Southfields Farm (50yds before the Church, on the left-hand side). All welcome, no tickets needed, however there will be a collection to help raise funds towards a much needed toilet in the church grounds.
Contact: Eve Elliott 01202 572611 or more info on Chistmas Carolling at All Saints Church. Please note - there are no toilet facilities yet!

Quiz Night
January 30th 2015, St Mark's Church Hall, Doors Open 6.30pm for 7.00pm Supper
Our quizzes have proved to be a great success. A thoroughly enjoyable evening including a delicious fish and chip supper and brain teasing questions. Tickets £10 from Jan and Nigel 01202 314420