
24 Apr 2014
Second Big Lunch planned for West Parley

Preparations have started to make the Annual Big Lunch in West Parley even better than last year. Some 500 people attended the 2013 event and Organisers are planning to improve on this by offering more attractions. The Big Lunch is a national event that is aimed at getting neighbours to meet up to get to know new people, try new things and have a party. The event is to be held at the playing fields by Parley Country Club off Christchurch Road. It starts at 12 and goes on till 5pm on Sunday 1st June.

There will be a dog agility show, lots of children's games and live music. The Club is next to the popular local play area and there is plenty of parking on the Recreation Ground.

You can either bring along you own lunch or buy something at the food stalls. There will be a "Best Table" competition for anyone who has a themed table or picnic with a free meal for 2 at the Club for the winner and a "Parley Prince and Princess" competition for the under 10s. A raffle will be held to support Wave 105's "Cash for Kids" campaign for children who are financially, socially, emotionally or physically disadvantaged and Wave 105 will be advertising the West Parley Big Lunch in the weeks running up to the event.

22 Apr 2014
Bournemouth 7s Festival, information for residents

This years' festival is to be held from midday on Friday 23rd May to midday on Monday 26th at Bournemouth Sports Club off Chapel Gate. . more info - Bournemouth 7s Festival document

22 Apr 2014
Volunteer Driver Scheme update

The Volunteer Driver's Scheme has now been running since September 2013 and has been very successful. So far they have carried out 280 trips and have 15 volunteer drivers. The scheme is used by a hard core group in the community and say how much they appreciate it.

More drivers would always be welcome, and the scheme is very professionally run.

If anyone would like further information either as a driver or a car user this can be obtained from Kate Ward on 01202 577319

13 Apr 2014
Annual Parish Meeting

Residents are once again given the chance to make any comments they have on West Parley in the next Annual Parish Meeting. It is to be held at the West Parley Memorial Hall in Christchurch Road on 25th April. Doors open at 7pm and the meeting starts at 7.30pm. There will be a number of displays to see showing what has been happening in the village in the last year and what is planned for the future.

The main discussion is likely to be the recently announced agreement by the Planning Inspector to the District Councils plans for massive housing development in the village.

The Parish Council has consistently opposed these housing plans to reflect the views of the majority of Residents and would like as many people as possible to attend the meeting to say what they think should happen next.

10 Apr 2014
Inspector publishes her final Report on the District Council's Core Strategy Housing Plans

The Inspector has now published her report, following the Examination in Public last September and her subsequent order that "Main Modifications" should be made to the East Dorset District Council's housing plans. Her report can be read in full online at or obtained from the Council offices. It makes no further changes to the housing sites and numbers, which are those that we knew in January.

The full report (29 pages) contains a great deal of legal detail on policies, infrastructure, green belts, roads, and the environment. On the main issues - the housing sites in the green belts at West Parley, Ferndown, Colehill, Wimborne, Corfe Mullen and Verwood - the only two changes across the district are the ones we saw in January this year. Those are the addition of a new green belt housing site at Verwood, and the reduction in size and numbers of houses on the Dudsbury Hill site (FWP7) at West Parley.

The District Council will now vote to "adopt" the Core Strategy at a meeting at Furzehill on 28 April. This is a procedural formality, as the final approval of the Core Strategy now rests with the Secretary of State (Eric Pickles, Dept of Communities and Local Government D.C.L.G.) and it is to be expected that he may make his decision in about 3 months or so.

Our District Council has already received planning applications for building on some of the core strategy sites, but we are not expecting any planning applications for the West Parley sites for some time (that is, if the Secretary of State approves the Core Strategy).

Any queries residents may have should go to our two District Councillors or our Parish Council Clerk, all of whose contact details are on this website.

1 Apr 2014
Well done Parley Sports Ladies FC

More success for Parley Sports, the Ladies have reached the final of the Dorset FA Womens Cup and the Southern Region Womens Football League Cup Final. As last years winners they are defending the Dorset FA Cup on Tuesday 22nd April kick off 7.45pm at the County Ground, Hamworthy against last years losing finalists Poole Town.

Last Sunday, 30th March, in the semi-final of the Southern Region Women Football League Cup at Parley Sports Club they beat Aldershot Town Ladies 1-0 with the winning goal scored in the second half by Rachel Anderson. They will play the final against the League leaders Woodley United Ladies at the Racecourse Ground, Aldershot Town FC on a date to be advised.

27 Mar 2014
Wave 105 Cash for Kids Easter appeal

Wave 105 Cash for Kids

Wave 105 Cash for Kids is committed to supporting local children under the age of 18 who are financially, socially, emotionally or physically disadvantaged. Last year Wave 105 Cash for Kids Easter appeal donated thousands of chocolate eggs, which helped make a real difference to disadvantaged children in the South.

This year, we are pleased to announce that Parley Country Club are one of the designated drop of points. So simply drop off your egg to the club. Your donation will make a real difference.

Should you wish to make a donation online please go to

24 Mar 2014
26th annual great Dorset beach clean

great dorset beach clean

Are you free on Sunday 27 April? Dorset's beaches need you! Our coastline has taken a battering over the past few weeks and the Dorset Countryside Rangers are looking for volunteers for the 26th annual Great Dorset Beach Clean. Come and join us! We look forward to seeing you on the day. All equipment will be provided so all you need to do is bring your friends.

Contact 07977 508094 or visit for a list of times and places.

23 Mar 2014
Parley Country Club, good news!

Good news from Parley Country Club regarding their football and cricket teams:

In football, Parley Ladies have secured a place in the Dorset Cup final for the second year, let's hope they can retain the Trophy. The match is against Poole Town Ladies and is to be played on the 22nd April 2014 7.45 KO at Hamworthy Utd Ground.
The Ladies are also in the semi Final of the SRWFL Cup where they will play Aldershot at Parley on the 30th March KO 2pm. In the cricket, Parley Cricket Club have been accepted in both the National and Village Cups this season. Matches are played on a Sunday afternoon. These are National Completions with the Final being Held at Lords. Watch this space for more information.