Help your local community prepare for flooding. Dorset County Council and the Environment Agency are looking for volunteers to identify problems, monitor watercourses, and work with flood risk authorities. Apply by Sept 21st, for more info click on the image please.
8 Sep 2014 Award night at the Country Club
On Thursday 4th September 2014 West Parley Parish Council held their annual Volunteers reception at the Parley Country Club.
front garden competition winners Valerie Briggs 3rd, Cllr John Cullen, Marilyn Baynham 1st, Charlotte Richards from Golden Acres, Anne Smith 2nd
It is the Parish Council's chance to say thank you to the many volunteers who turn out all through the year to help keep West Parley looking its best. The many jobs undertaken include litter picking, newsletter deliveries, neighbour car scheme, planting and tending the flowers as well as a regular team of men clearing hedges and working in the woods.
This year the reception also incorporated the awards night for West Parley's first front garden competition the photo from the left shows Valerie Briggs 3rd, Cllr John Cullen, Marilyn Baynham 1st, Charlotte Richards from Golden Acres our sponsor who presented the awards and Anne Smith 2nd prize. Refreshments wears provided and it was a very enjoyable evening.
From the success of the first front garden competition, it has now been decided to start a gardening club and the inaugural meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th September 7pm at Parley Country Club, open to Parley residents and all neighbouring parishes.
On 17th September the S & SE Britain in Bloom awards ceremony takes place in Brighton where we hope to achieve at least Silver as last year.
Fancy having some fun while helping the community? The West Parley Volunteers are always looking for new recruits to join our small team. We also need drivers for our excellent Volunteer Drivers Scheme which plays a vital part in getting people out and about who might not otherwise be able to. Contact Pat Couper, 01202 573833 or Richard Heaslip, 01202 594982. Volunteer Drivers - Kate Ward, 01202 577319.
Following the success of this summers front garden competition it has been decided to start a gardening club. You do not have to be an expert just come along and spend time with other gardeners. There will be interesting talks, tips and advice, visits to gardens etc.
The inaugural meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th September 7pm at the Parley Country Club.
Everyone will be welcome from West Parley and adjacent parishes. Email or 01202 573833 for more information.
21 Aug 2014 Parley Cross lights repair work.
The damaged traffic light control box at Parley crossroads will be replaced on the 1st - 3rd September with a new more advanced box. 4 way temporary traffic signals will be in place for 24 hours a day from 9am on the Monday. The signals will be manually controlled from 07:00 - 18:30.
Portable VMS (variable message signs) will be in place on approaches to the junction to alert motorists to the works and warn of long delays. Dorset County Council's Communication Team will issue a press release within the next few days and social media will be continually updating the public before and during the course of the works.
The works are now showing on the Travel Dorset website - Dorset for You website - - which will also be updated throughout the works. Residents please be warned this is bound to cause some severe congestion at busy times over the two days.
19 Aug 2014 What a difference a bit of tarmac makes!
lots of room at the Country Club
In the last few weeks there has been a major improvement to the Council's car park off Christchurch Road. Serving the Recreation Ground, play area and Parley Country Club, it had become worn out and not up to current standards. The tarmac surface has been renewed, drainage improved and lighting across the whole area has been installed.
6 large recycling bins have been removed and with the car spaces marked out, the capacity of the car park has been increased to over 90 cars. This is important as there are an increasing number of social and sports events being held at the Parley Country Club. Funding for this work came from the Parish Council and from part of a parish donation from Eco Sustainable Solutions.
14 Aug 2014 LV=Streetwise - Volunteers needed
LV=Streetwise opened in 1998 and is a Safety Centre run as a charity and based in Elliott Road, Bournemouth. About 12,000 children a year visit LV=Streetwise from Dorset schools (including West Parley First School) and occasionally from further afield and they are taught about hazards they may meet in everyday life. It is a full scale representation of a village set in a large warehouse and contains a street with cars, a bus and pedestrian crossing, a park, alley, two-storey furnished house and garden, electric sub-station, railway line and train, farm, heathland and beach. Schools normally first send children of 6-7 years old, then they visit again when they are 9-10 years old. About 30-40 children attend each session and each Safety Guide is responsible for a group of about 6 children.
LV=Streetwise street scene
New Safety Guides are always welcome and the minimum commitment is one 2-hour tour per month but there is no maximum! Volunteer guides first shadow an experienced guide for a number of sessions until they feel confident to conduct a tour on their own. All find it an extremely enriching experience.
Why not visit the LV=Streetwise website at to see what the centre offers or visit the centre to see what is offered to the children? Further information may also be obtained by telephoning LV=Streetwise on 01202 591330.
13 Aug 2014 What a performance from those cricket boys!
well played you lot!
Another fantastic sporting achievement from Parley Sports Club - this time the U15s cricket team bring glory to West Parley.
They are Runners-up in the National U15s competition, making them the second best team in the whole country! Congratulations, who knows there could be some future England players there?
13 Aug 2014 Bournemouth Volunteer of the Year Awards
Geoff Dark with the Mayor of Bournemouth, (click for a larger image)
After 15 years service as a Volunteer Safety Guide and the completion of 500 safety tours with schoolchildren during that time, West Parley resident Geoff Dark has been nominated for the prestigious Bournemouth Volunteer of the Year Award by LV=Streetwise. Volunteers are an essential part of every community, and one of ours receives deserved recognition for all his efforts.