
19 Nov 2013
Community Christmas from the Royal Volunteer Service

The Royal Volunteer Service is doing fantastic work to ensure that no older person is alone on Christmas day unless they choose to be so. If you know of an event local to you where lunch is served on Christmas day, please do get in touch with Community Christmas. For full details please read the leaflet - no-one should be alone at Christmas. . Community Christmas document.

13 Nov 2013
Parley Sports Club to receive £50,000 boost

Budweiser today announced Parley Sports Club as one of eight recipients of a £50,000 grant as part of its Club Futures programme. Budweiser Club Futures, which is in its second season, will help non-league side Parley Sports Club, who play in the Dorset Premier League, refurbish its existing clubhouse and changing room facilities.

Parley Sports is now in with a chance of winning an additional £100,000 Super Grant which will top up their funding to a total of £150,000 following a vote by football fans on Facebook. The voting opens in January 2014 on the Budweiser UK Facebook page and FA Cup Facebook page .

Simon Jordan, Chairman of Parley Sports Club, said: "Having been made aware that the clubhouse was two weeks away from closure, we had to act quickly to avoid having a huge amount of disappointed players. On hearing the news that we had received this grant I was ecstatic to be able to give the community the clubhouse it deserves." . . Budweiser Club Futures grant document.

6 Nov 2013
new Heritage Walk

A brand new Heritage walk for West Parley is launched today. It is a well researched and informative 4 1/2 mile stroll around our sites of historical interest, including Dudsbury Camp, several barrows, places of interest along Church lane and much much more. Please see our new Heritage Walk and begin!

24 Oct 2013
Any darts players out there?

The dart team that plays out of Parley Sports Club is looking to recruit new members. We play on a Friday night in the Christchurch Clubs Dart League. The teams in the league are open to both ladies and gentlemen.

You don't have to be the best player in Dorset to join. ( but if you are you will be welcome) The criteria is you enjoy both a game of darts and a Friday evening out.

If you are interested or would like some more information please contact me at

2 Oct 2013
Core Strategy Housing Plans for West Parley

The 3 week Examination in Public by the appointed independent Planning Inspector is now over. The immediate result is that both the Inspector and the East Dorset District Council (EDDC) have requested numerous "main modifications" and these will result in considerable delays. It may well be that the Examination in Public has to be resumed in mid 2014.

The Present Position - 1 October 2013
The 3 week Examination in Public by the appointed independent Planning Inspector is now over. The immediate result is that both the Inspector and the East Dorset District Council (EDDC) have requested numerous "main modifications" and these will result in considerable delays. It may well be that the Examination in Public has to be resumed in mid 2014.

These "Modifications" have to be published by EDDC (about mid November) then put out to public consultation for 6 weeks. West Parley will make detailed responses through our professional advisers. The plans then have to be revised, re-published and sent back to the Inspector (possibly March/April 2014).

So far we know about one modification that affects West Parley. That is the plan (FWP7) for 200 houses to be built in the field that goes uphill from Ridgeway to the old Dudsbury Hill Fort. This is going to be quite sharply reduced - see diagram of plan modification. We do not yet know the exact number of new houses that will be left in the plan, but it can be seen that the majority of this attractive landscape will be left open. What is more, it will then be available for the public to roam.

We shall learn more details about this, and about the plans for the New Road field (FWP6 - 320 houses) when the Inspector publishes her report. This could be anywhere from mid to late 2014, depending on whether she sees the need to reopen the Examination in Public after she has seen the eventual "Main Modifications".

The actual building of any houses is still quite far away. The Secretary of State has to approve the plans (end 2014?) and then the developers have to put in detailed planning applications for EDDC to approve. This is an extended process, likely to take over a year. If EDDC approves the plans (and there is a Local Election for all the EDDC Councillors in May 2015) it could be 2016 before any building starts, at a likely projected rate of 30 units a year.

The Parish Council will keep residents up to date as this long drawn out planning saga slowly progresses.

2 Oct 2013
Cricket is a runaway success at Parley Sports Club

In the first week of the 2013 season Parley fielded 28 teams in various Adult and Youth Leagues. This gives an idea of the scope of cricket we provide to all ages and standards.

Adult Cricket

The Dorset 1st XI were runaway winners of the Dorset Premier League. We have now been winners or runner-up for each of the last 6 years. This year we were able to include several of our most talented U14 and U15 youth players in this team as well. The same young squad also won the Wimborne Midweek League and Campbell Cup. Progressing our own Youth players like this is one of our proudest achievements as a club and is a major part of our Club ethos.

The Hampshire 1st XI were also promoted. We have reached the highest level possible through the Dorset Leagues, so in 2014 we will be prioritising the Hants 1st XI to ensure we progress through the Hants County leagues to the Southern Premier League - which is our eventual goal.

Girl's Cricket

Our team of the season were our U13 Girl's, who progressed through to the last 8 nationally. A fantastic achievement.

Youth Cricket

A resounding success - with our U15s reaching the last 16 nationally.
We were in every Youth Cup Final, winning 5, and providing both teams for the U11 Final!
At U12, U11 & U10 we are fielding 2 or 3 teams at each age group.
On a Tuesday evening , when our U9s, U8s and even younger train the playing field and nets are buzzing with between 40 and 50 youngsters learning the basics of cricket, and our older youth players helping out with the coaching.

Parley Cricket Teams Roll of Honour

  • 1st XI
  • Sunday XI
  • Hants 1st XI
  • Midweek A
  • Midweek B

  • U15Nat
  • U15
  • U14
  • U13
  • U13Nat
  • U12
  • U11
  • U10
  • U9
  • U8

  • Girls U13
  • Girls U15
  • Dorset Premier League Winners
  • Division 3 Winners
  • Promoted
  • Division 1 Winners & Campbell Cup Winners
  • Midweek BDivision 3 Runners-up - Promoted

  • NatCounty Cup Winners, Last 16 Nationally
  • Cup Finalists
  • Cup Finalists Division 1 Runners-up
  • Cup Finalists.
  • County Cup Finalists
  • Cup Finalists. Division 1 Runners-up. Division 2 Winners
  • Cup Winners & Runners up. Division 1 Winners. Div 2 Runners-up.
  • Cup Winners. Division 1 Winners. Division 2 Winners
  • Softball Cup Winners . League Runners-up.
  • Cup Winners. League Winners

  • Last 8 Nationally. League Winners
  • League Runners-up

2 Oct 2013
Ability Counts at Parley Sports Club!

More great sport at Parley Sports Club, where participation is far more important than results. Manager Rob Amey commented " a magnificent and memorable day" . . more Ability Counts info.

26 Sept 2013
West Parley starts NeighbourCar Scheme

The NeighbourCar Scheme gives access to transport for the isolated and people without bus routes a means of getting to doctors appointments,dentist, hospital and other medical appointments and once enough drivers can be found this can be extended to incorporate almost any journey needed including social and shopping trips. We would welcome any new drivers who feel they can give a little time to help this local scheme. For enquiries relating to NeighbourCar please contact Kate Ward 01202 577319