16 Sept 2013 Music event at Bournemouth Sports Club
Another event is planned to be held at the Sports Club. It will be smaller than usual, at about 2500 attendees, and be DJ, rather than live, music. This ticket-only event will be held on 5th October from 11am to 11pm.
Environmental Health Officers will be at the event to monitor noise levels and Police will be on patrol outside and locally.
If Residents are concerned about the noise levels or any issues surrounding the event, they should phone 01202 495000 for staff to take details. This feedback will be monitored to assess the overall impact of these events on the local community.
16 Sept 2013 Your local Neighbourhood Watch News needs you.
The Editor of the Neighbourhood Watch News is looking for someone to take on some of the ancillary roles needed to produce the excellent magazine or take on the Editorship role. The News goes to most houses in West Parley 4 times a year and is an excellent publication that benefits so many residents. Whilst we live in a very safe area, this has a lot to do with having a vibrant NW organisation and the News is an essential part of this.
If you have the relevant skills and time to help out please contact: Douglas Lock, Chairman on 01202 896984 or Trevor Sams, current Editor on 01202 573419.
27 Aug 2013 50 plus Information Day at the Parley Sports Club Wednesday 4 September
At this event we are also launching the West Parley Neighbourcar Scheme and the club itself is celebrating it's refurbishment. There will be many services displaying information including Police, The Shed (complete with security devices etc), SAIL bus (Safe and Independent Living), Fire and Rescue, POPP (Partnership for Older People Programme), Help and Care, and many others.
The West Parley Coffee Club will be open as usual as will the West Parley Health Walk which leaves the club at 10am.
The West Parley Lunch Club is on from 12 - anyone welcome (re-opening after refurbishment of the kitchen). Come along and have a look.
6 Aug 2013 Fancy going door to door?
For this years register of electors canvass there are several vacancies for areas throughout the district for door to door canvassing of those properties that have not returned a form. The task would involve visiting the property for which no return has been received and encouraging the resident to complete the form. If no one is in then the form can be left with a reminder card stating that the property has been visited.
The canvassing will take place from 17 January to 10 February next year and obviously a payment will be made for undertaking the work.
If you are interested or know of someone who may be please contact Julia Duncan and let her know which area(s) you may be interested in working in. She will then contact you with further details and can also give a rough estimate of how many properties it would be to visit going on past records and what the payment rates are.
6 Aug 2013 See inside West Parleys ancient church.
Our historic church, All Saints, is one of the many fine buildings in this years Dorset Architectural Heritage Week. Two guided tours have been arranged and local guides will show all aspects of the church.
The tours are on 12th and 19th September at 2pm.
These are ticket only events and places are limited. Details are on the East Dorset Heritage Trusts web site www.edht.org.uk. It is site 20 in the guide book. There is no charge but applications for tickets need to be in by 12.30 on 16th August.
13 July 2013 Travellers gone after 9 days.
thanks to our heroes the recreation ground is clear in record time!
Everything is getting back to normal in West Parley after a recent "invasion" by travellers. Some 11 vehicles and their caravans entered the Recreation Ground in the centre of the village late on 2nd July, getting through locked gates and security measures.
After staying for 9 days the travellers moved on at the end of last week and after 3 hours of clearing up and cleaning by village volunteers and specialist contractors, the play area, gazebo and land were open for use again.
Two large boulders, donated by a local resident, have been put in place at the entrance as a temporary measure before additional security is installed.
"This was all unexpected and it took us some time before we knew exactly what we should do in this situation" said Parish Council Chairman John Cullen. "We have all learnt a lot from this and are putting in place a warning system throughout the village so that we can make sure that we can deal with any potential future situation like this very quickly and effectively".
9 July 2013 Travellers Update
Last Wednesday the Rec on Christchurch Road was invaded by a group of travellers with more arriving over the following days. There are now 11 vans there.
The site has been visited by Gypsy Liaison Officers from DCC and by the Police and closely monitored by Councillors.
Residents are keeping away from the area so stopping them using the play facilities and the open area there.
Despite a number of promises to move they are still there and a formal Notice to Quit will be issued at 1pm today (Tuesday) for them to leave by noon on Friday.
There have been incidents of residents being in conflict with the group and of recent criminal damage. These have been reported to the Police and we will see if more immediate action can be taken to clear the site.
9 July 2013 Security in summer.
Now that summer finally appears to be on the way we would like to remind everyone that with the lighter evenings and spending more time outdoors, to ensure that your properties are locked, especially garages and sheds when not in use. In case you are unaware, there is a Police Community Office at the Barrington Centre in Ferndown which sells an assortment of security devices like motion sensor alarms (ideal for sheds/garages/caravans) at discounted prices.
Also please be aware of casual labourers who may approach you to undertake work.
Whilst we try to reach as many people as possible please consider neighbours who may not use the website and kindly pass on this reminder.
Enjoy your summer time.
3 July 2013 Travellers break into West Parley's Recreation Ground.
You may be aware that the Parish Recreation Ground has been invaded by Travellers who cut the lock to the gate to get access. The Police have been informed and are visiting the site every day and the relevant County Council officers have been involved. So far there are 10 caravans and their vehicles parked close to the rear of houses in Parley Close.
The Parish Council has sought advice on this issue to secure an early departure. We are advised that they should be leaving the site over this weekend or next Monday. If they do not leave they will be served notice of eviction. We understand that they would normally leave before the eviction notice is due.
Black bags have been given to them to be used for rubbish.
After their departure we will probable need to clean the site and we will need to review access to the site.
If Residents need to phone the Police for any reason please use the 101 service.