9 Apr 2013 Annual Parish Meeting 7pm Friday 26 April at the Memorial Hall
Do try and attend this one. Every year, by law, a Parish has an Annual Meeting where the Parish Council reports to the residents what it has done in the past year, what it has spent the residents money on, and what it plans for the future.
It is the residents opportunity to hold their Council to account, to ask questions, to make suggestions, to say what they would like to see.
The meeting will commence with a display of West Parley events and plans, free tea and coffee and an opportunity to talk with individual Parish Councillors.
21 Mar 2013 Superfast Broadband comes to West Parley
BT Openreach are now laying cables to all roads in Northbourne, West Parley and Ferndown. This will take about 3 months, and the system is expected to be available to all houses, shops and offices after another 3 months. It will offer speeds up to 80 mbs (compared to the presently available 4.5mbs or often much less).
This will revolutionise computer use, TV options, and no doubt many other things as well in due course.
4 Mar 2013 Ready for Spring
Councillor Pat Couper shows off our latest addition.
West Parley Parish Council have just taken delivery of new picnic benches and seats as an additional feature at the popular children's play area in the recreation ground, this is in line with the councils program for improved community facilities. At weekends and during the school holidays, toilet facilities and refreshments will be available at the Sports club.
During the Easter holiday there will be a nuts and nature walk in Parley woods which is organised by the activity staff from Moors Valley Country Park this will be on Thursday 4th April.
28 Feb 2013 Collaboration brings results in West Parley
Close co-operation between a number of local groups is bringing benefits to residents of West Parley.
The Parish Council had been asked to provide public toilets close to a large playground but the cost was excessive. However, by funding minor building works at the adjoining Parley Sports Club, residents are now able to use the existing toilets at the Club at all times.
Local residents and companies have donated a whole range of items for community use, including flag poles, lamp columns and light fittings to help a number of community projects to improve recreational facilities in the village. A large quantity of soil and wood chippings were donated by Eco Sustainable Solutions.
Volunteers give up their time to maintain community gardens to a high standard and Sports Club staff mow the Council's Recreation Ground in return for use of the land for football training.
There is also collaboration between local groups on running social events in the village and sharing information on grant funding.
Club Co-ordinator and Councillor Simon Jordan says "The close relationship between the Parish Council and the Sports Club is reaping rewards for all the community. Together, and with the help of the amazing volunteers in the area, we will continue to make improvements to the village for both residents and visitors to enjoy".
Parish Council Vice Chairman John Cullen says "All organisations are being faced with increasing challenges in this difficult economic climate but we have overcome some of these in the village with our local co-operation. Everyone's a winner this way".
The benefits of this collaboration have been noticed by residents. In a recent letter one wrote "This kind of community spirit appears to be sadly lacking these days and it is refreshing and inspiring to live in an area where the community is a community in every sense of the word".
26 Feb 2013 The Communities March - The Death of Democracy
Over 250 residents from West Parley, Wimborne, Colehill and other communities braved the freezing cold last night to march to the District Council meeting at Furzehill. The March - well covered by BBC TV News, Press and Radio - was called "The Death of Democracy" It was led by Kenny Pearce of West Parley and supported by the W.P. Parish Council and Residents Association.
The East Dorset District Council Meeting at 6.30pm on 25 Feb was their final meeting to approve their green belt building plans (the "Core Strategy") They now go to the next stage, which will be an Examination in Public by an independent planning inspector in midsummer.
Why the "Death of Democracy?"
When a meeting of this kind was held some years ago, the District Council moved it at the request of residents to a larger auditorium. Some 300 attended and spoke for about an hour. Councillors caught the voice of their taxpayers and changed their policy to one of opposition to the then Labour Gov't green belt housing plans for West Parley.
That was then, this is now. The present District Council (Leader Cllr Spencer Flower) has learned from this and determined not to repeat it. This time round they refused request from residents in Corfe Mullen, Wimborne and West Parley to have the meeting moved from the Council's small chamber at Furzehill.
Their Feb 25 meeting was the last of three - the first in 2011 to approve the Core Strategy Options, and the second in 2012 to approve the Core Strategy Plans. Believe it or not, both these meetings were held in Bournemouth, outside East Dorset, and at both meetings the public could attend but not speak at all.
So this District Council has displayed a consistent dislike of normal local democracy – indeed has seemed afraid of it. Hence the Death of Democracy March.
The 250+ local residents marched peacefully and enjoyably from the Stocks Inn at Furzehill, ably escorted by friendly police, to the main door of the Council Offices. TV cameras covered every step. West Parley District Cllrs Barbara Manuel and John Wilson were on hand to meet them. Kenny Pearce addressed the gathering and led them in a question and answer session. TV, press and radio reporters interviewed many of the residents. In an otherwise restrained gathering, there was enough noise made at one point to remind the District Councillors inside - who was outside!
Most of the marchers then retired to pass a little time enjoyably at the Stocks Inn and then go home. A few - because there was little room - went in to hear the District Council meet. There were 5 speakers only allowed from the public, each with 5 minutes. Richard Heaslip, W.P.Council Chairman, spoke for West Parley. Please see his very interesting remarks.
As expected, the Core Strategy building plans were approved by the District Council to go to the next stage. But something had changed their mood from the 2011 and 2012 meetings when the plans were passed almost unanimously. This time the atmosphere was different. Even from those Cllrs who voted For, some of them said they were not happy with the oversized plans for West Parley and Wimborne. And 10 of them out of the 34 refused to vote for the plans. Could it have been the determination showed by the marchers?
If 10 of them are against it now, how many will that rise to as the next local elections approach ???
19 Feb 2013 25 February EDDC Meeting to send green belt housing plans to the Government
The District Council have been moved by public comments to ease slightly the limits on public speaking at this meeting. At first their Democratic Services dept was telling callers that public speaking would be limited to an overall total of 5 minutes; now they are saying that it will be 15 minutes. This is a welcome improvement but still much lower than similar meetings a few years ago when the Council was under different leadership.
14 Feb 2013 Stepping out - the Parley Health Walks begin!
West Parley residents get healthy!
Wednesday 6th February was the start of the Parley Health Walks commencing from Parley Sports Club and despite being a rather cold day 21 people took part in a nice walk along the Stour Valley Way across Dudsbury guide camp, admired the wonderful view over Longham then returned to the Sports Club for a very welcome coffee and biscuits, distance covered just under 2 miles. The walks will be weekly on Wednesday's commencing at 10am, these are properly lead walks, all are welcome no need to book just turn up in suitable clothing and footwear. This is a chance to improve your fitness and meet new friends, so come and join us.
Please contact Pat Couper on 01202 573833 for more information or email pcouper68@gmail.com.
10 Feb 2013 District Council to meet 25 February to confirm Green Belt Building Plans. Communities react:
24 Jan 2013 Christchurch and EDDC proposals for expenditure in 2013/4.
Christchurch and East Dorset Councils are holding consultation meetings on the Councils' proposals for expenditure, including capital expenditure, for 2013/14. Members of the public, representatives of residents associations and representatives from organisations subject to non-domestic rates are welcome to attend.
Meetings will be held on: Monday 28 January 2013 at 6.00pm in the Council Chamber at Christchurch Borough Council, Bridge Street, Christchurch
Monday 11 February 2013 at 6.00pm in the Council Chamber at East Dorset District Council, Furzehill, Wimborne.
18 Jan 2013 Plans for Housing in the Green Belt - West Parley responds!
The Parish Council has been working hard to represent your views in opposing massive housing development planned for the village. We have just been told that 660 residents sent in their response to the latest consultation on the Core Strategy at the end of last year. This is a huge increase on the number of responses to previous consultations on the Districts plans for over 500 new houses in Green Belt swamping the village.
The Public Inquiry into these plans is due mid year, and West Parley will be represented by experienced professional consultants. You will also see the housing issue given more publicity locally in the coming months.
Well done residents.
16 Jan 2013 Garden Waste Collections in the new "recycle for Dorset" area.
Collection crews are having difficulty emptying garden waste bins this morning due to the contents being frozen, with around eight out of 10 unable to be emptied. Crews are making repeated efforts to dislodge the contents, which in many cases are frozen solid. However, in a few cases this has resulted in the bins being cracked.
It is unlikely temperatures will rise before the end of the week. Where garden waste bins cannot be emptied, crews will attempt to empty them again on the next scheduled collection.
The situation was worse further north, so no collections were taking place
in the East Dorset area on Friday 18t). The likelihood is that the
collections missed on Friday will take place on Monday 21st and the
collections due during the remainder of the week will move back one day,
including Friday's collection on Saturday 26th.