15 May 2013 Friends of All Saints mount annual Heritage Church Spring Clean
All Saints Volunteers enjoy a break!
On 11 May the Friends of All Saints (Chairman Eve Elliott) organised the annual spring clean of the church and churchyard. The Friends of All Saints (click here for more details) are a group combining people from church and community who contribute in various ways to the upkeep, preservation and beautification of West Parley's oldest link with its Middle Age, Norman and Saxon past.
There was a good turnout on the fine Saturday morning - see picture above - and the ladies put on coffee and cakes for the volunteers mid morning. The old churchyard on the side of the river Stour is now looking spruce in its Spring finery and the inside of the ancient church, with its enclosed pews and Saxon font, is at its attractive best.
If you haven't been to All Saints lately, it is well worth a walk down picturesque Church Lane to see West Parley's greatest treasure.
15 May 2013 Martyn Underhill PCC Forums in Ferndown
Martyn Underhill the PCC will be in Ferndown as follows running Forums.
The forums in East Dorset are scheduled for:
Ferndown 21st June 2013 10.00 - 12.00 (Forum) Heatherlands Centre
Ferndown 29th July 2013 12.00- 14.00 (Surgery) Barrington Theatre
9 May 2013 New County Councillor elected for Ferndown/West Parley
At the 2 May Local Elections Ian Smith (UKIP) replaced Derek Burt (Conservative) as one of the two Dorset County Councillors for Ferndown/West Parley. John Wilson (Conservative) retained his place as Ferndown/West Parley's other Dorset County Councillor.
Ian Smith
Ian Smith Newly elected (May 2013) Dorset County Councillor for Ferndown and West Parley
I was born in Dec 1946 at the famous Brockett Hall in Hertfordshire. It was the end of the Second World War and many hospitals in London had been bombed, so various buildings were seconded as maternity units.
My work background was in the IT industry working for large multi-national companies. We have two adult sons who live in Berkshire. One works as an IT consultant for a housing association and the other is a self employed carpenter.
In 2010, after retirement, I moved with my wife Mo (Maureen) to Ferndown (I previously lived in Berkshire). We wanted to come and live in the beautiful county of Dorset and to be near to the Jurassic Coast and all of the wonderful beaches and facilities.
I am a volunteer working for Citizens Advice. A couple of years ago I met with Tony Molloy, the East Dorset CAB manager, and persuaded him to let me set up a support service for unemployed people. This was voluntary work that I had undertaken previously in Berkshire. I have been running this now very successful service since 2011 and operate out of the
Ferndown & Wimborne CAB offices. I work in collaboration with Jobcentre Plus and the National Careers Service.
I am an active member of the local Neighbourhood Watch organisation and distribute their quarterly magazine and collect membership fees in my local area.
I am a member of the United Kingdom Independence Party. My efforts in this new role of County Councillor will be to stay in touch with the residents of Ferndown and West Parley, to understand their problems and their needs, and to help get things done.
7 May 2013 Watch that speed! - Police checks on Dudsbury Avenue
On 30th April officers carried out speed checks on Dudsbury Avenue. In total 13 speeding fixed penalty notices were issued for speeds varying from 37mph to 45 mph in this 30mph area. The vast majority of the drivers were actually local people familiar with the road lay out and travelling to local appointments. The drivers received three points on their driving licence and a £60 fine but were offered the Driver Awareness Scheme as an alternative, the DAS is a classroom based educational session which when completed does not result in penalty points being added to the drivers licence provided their speeding offence was not excessive.
Further checks will carried out in the future.
2 May 2013 Check your Bank Holiday and garden waste collection days
With Bank Holidays on Monday 6 and 27 May, the Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP) is reminding residents to check their collection calendar in case of changes to their regular days. Also, in parts of East Dorset and Christchurch, the DWP made changes to some households collection days for the optional garden waste collection from the start of April. . . Bank Holiday and garden waste collection days document
28 Apr 2013 West Parley fourth safest place to live in England
Police statistics reveal that West Parley is the fourth safest place to live in England. Local opinion is that the three top places are scarcely inhabited! so that West Parley is the safest community in the country. Let's keep it that way.
28 Apr 2013 Annual Parish Meeting Friday 26 April
West Parley Parish Council held the Annual Parish Meeting at the Memorial Hall on Friday 26 April. Some 70 people were present.
Before the meeting there was an opportunity to inspect a display of West Parley's Heritage and detailed information on the newly flourishing Parley Sports Club and its programme of events. The West Parley Women's Institute served tea and coffee.
The meeting opened with newly appointed East Dorset Police Inspector Wayne Nock introducing himself to the residents and giving a short talk on police policy and practice in the area.
a good turn out for the AGM
Individual Councillors briefed the meeting on progress in their Lead Areas of responsibility - Pat Couper on the appearance of W.P. and the playground area, Simon Jordan on the Parley Sports Club, Sheila Gooden on Community Services, Kenny Pearce on Public Engagement, Geoff Dark on Local Planning Applications, and Parish Clerk Linda Leeding gave a short financial overview.
The Parish Council presented a cheque to the Women's Institute. There followed a lively public discussion in which some of the subjects raised were the need for public crossings on New Road, the public's disappointment at the lack of progress on the former Dormy Hotel site, the need for allotments in West Parley, and general satisfaction at the progress in updating and improving the appearance and the facilities in the village.