23 Dec 2012 Christmas Waste and Recycling collection details.
You can find a summary of changes to the waste and recycling collection days during the Christmas period on Dorsetforyou by using the following link:
For East Dorset (please note the first section gives dates for the new 'recycle for Dorset' service and lower down the page are the dates for the black sack/green bag & box collections that still serve about 9,300 properties in the district): www.dorsetforyou.com/christmas-information/east-dorset
13 Dec 2012 District Council's housing plans for West Parley - the next moves
The next meeting After the ongoing Consultation which ends December 21st the next move will be a Full District Council meeting at Furzehill in March to approve the Core Strategy which contains these housing plans.
Residents may remember that at recent District Council meetings on these plans residents were gaggedresidents were gagged. We shall do our best to urge that in March it should be a proper public meeting, with room for all who want to go and with the normal public rights to make presentations. Residents may want to call or write West Parley's two District Councillors (contact details on this web site) to ask them to use their best efforts on our behalf to bring this about.
Those with long memories may recall that in August 2006 the then Regional Strategy also aimed at housing estates in the green belt here and the District Council's meeting on this was held in the Q.E.H High School in front of some 300 residents who spoke for about an hour. The District Council changed its mind and decided to oppose these plans (they have since changed their mind again, of course).
The Public Enquiry This is likely to be midsummer 2013. An independent Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate at Bristol will examine the District Council's plans at a public enquiry lasting several days. This is our first chance to say our piece and challenge the plans on an even playing field. Our Parish Council will be represented by experienced town planning consultants, also from Bristol.
11 Dec 2012 Branching out in West Parley
volunteers Stuart and Vivien Wood, John Cullen, Pat Couper, Stuart Couper
A large number of trees have been planted across West Parley in recent weeks.
To commemorate The Queen's Diamond Jubilee some 10 large trees have been planted on verges across the parish and 10 more in the Recreation Ground in Christchurch Road on open space where the former scout hut once stood.
Funding for the project came from the East Dorset Year of Celebration 2012 grant provided by the District Council which was pleased to support such a project.
Many trees have also been donated by residents to remember loved ones and planted along the main roads.
West Parley Parish Council plans every verge to have an attractive tree on it where possible as part of its plans to improve the appearance of the village.
6 Dec 2012 Start the New year right, join the Health Walks starting 23rd Jan 2013
Commencing 23rd January 10am from the Sports Club it will not be too strenuous at first but will start
your new fitness regime and have you back at the club in time for coffee and a chat after.
The walks will be weekly and will take place in all weathers except if conditions are icy.
By Joining in not only will you improve your fitness, you will get to know your area better
and meet some nice people at the same time. I look forward to seeing you all there, if you have any queries or need further information please email Pat Couper: pcouper68@gmail.com.
1 Dec 2012 Core Strategy Consultation
This is the last chance for residents to comment on the Core Strategy planning document that proposes to increase the village size by 30% and build on Green Belt. A number of new items have just appeared in the latest version, including a possible new fire station and local waste depot. A leaflet giving all the details has gone to all houses. Residents are being asked to give a response from each family member. Core Strategy Consultation leaflet for a copy of the leaflet so that you can print off more copies.
19 Nov 2012 Be Alert!
There has been a recent theft of copper from a residents front garden on Dudsbury Road. Whilst crime in the Parish is extremely low, we would ask all residents to make sure there is nothing of value which can easily be snatched, to keep a look out for strange behaviour, and report anything suspicious to the Police.
26 Oct 2012 West Parley Health Walks
Residents please note that our great new Health Walks are starting in the New Year from Parley Sports Club. Come along and have some fun while getting fit!
20 Oct 2012 Volunteers thanked in West Parley
West Parley Parish Council held its annual reception at Parley Sports Club last Friday to thank all the village volunteers for their help over the last year. Over 100 local residents give up their time to litter pick, plant and maintain floral displays and deliver regular parish newsletters. Working parties improve the look of the village by grass cutting, tree planting and verge trimming and this year also have undertaken projects such as the building of foundations for a new gazebo and replacement bus shelter and the installation of welcome signs at the entrances to the village.
Volunteers of the Year 2012 (please click to enlarge) DCC Chief Executive Designate Debbie Ward with Dorothy Adams and Stuart Couper.
Debbie Ward, Chief Executive Designate of Dorset County Council, in one of her first public engagements, thanked the volunteers for all their hard work and said that volunteering has its own rewards but was priceless in supporting the local community. She presented the awards for Volunteer of the Year.
Students from Ferndown Upper School gave up their own time to give solo musical performances to entertain the volunteers.
Volunteer Organiser Alan Macdonald said "For some time we have been working on improving the appearance of the village and keeping residents better informed about what is going on here and how they can be more involved in village life. Making this happen would have been difficult without the help of all the volunteers."
Parish Council Chairman Richard Heaslip said "The sheer scale of the local support we get shows the pride residents have in our historic village and how much they wish to be involved in local issues. We also get considerable support from some of our local businesses."
If you want to get involved and have some great fun helping out in your community, please contact contact Alan Macdonald 01202 571349, or visit our volunteers webpage for all the details.
13 Oct 2012 Saturday 3rd November is Fireworks Night
Come on down to the Parley Sports Club for another great Fireworks Night! This annual event is a village favourite, with a massive bonfire, eats and drinks at the Sports Club, and of course a cracking firework display. The bonfire will be lit at 7pm, the Fireworks will be at 7.30pm, and there wil be a disco in the clibhouse from 8.30pm until midnight. A donation of £4 per adult will be kindly requested.
Parley Sports Club are looking for volunteers to man the car park and be general stewards. Any volunteers please contact Nigel Whitfield on 07912512511 or email nige.whitfield@hotmail.co.uk