
24 June 2012
West Parley's Grand Delivery March

images of the West Parley March
click for a larger image

The Village marches its Core Strategy building plan responses to the Council at Furzehill.
The District Council's Consultation on its Core Strategy building plans - whereby West Parley is down to have a whopping increase of 32% in its houses, and all built in our green belt fields, was due to end on June 25.

So at 10am on Friday 22nd the village met to deliver its responses. Despite the adverse weather a large crowd met at the Stocks Inn Furzehill and, escorted by the police, marched to the nearby District Council's offices with their envelopes.

Local resident and Parish Councillor Kenny Pearce did a superb job of organisation at short notice. The banners and placards made the March a colourful scene. It figured prominently on the BBC 6 o'clock news, on local radio stations and in the Bournemouth Echo.

Arriving outside the Council's front door the crowd ringed the entrance. Council chairman Richard Heaslip made a short speech emphasising that we had not been involved as we should have been; that our views in our Parish Plan had been ignored; and that the Council's plans had been dumped on us in the worst kind of old fashioned "top down" way. The purpose of the March, he said, was to remind the District Council that real live people and their families were affected by all this paper "planning"

One by one the residents went in through the Council's front door and delivered their responses to the Council's plans.

Please see the TV coverage or see the Echo article

The March was an old fashioned way of saying what we thought It was lively, enjoyable, and made a big publicity impact. It will have reminded District Councillors that the taxpayers and voters they are supposed to represent are fed up. And that local elections will come in due course.

Democracy at work!

7 June 2012
What a lovely Diamond Jubilee fete

West Parley Fete
click for a larger image

What a wonderful day! The weather held off, and close to 1700 people attended our Jubilee celebrations. It cost £1 on the gate, kids free, and over £1000 was raised for Parley First School and the Parish Church. Most thanks must go to the organisers - the Parish Church, the Parish Council, Parley First School, the Wimborne and Ferndown Lions Club, and Parley Rotary, all headed by Garnet Lambert. They have all put a huge amount of work in to make it such a success.

The Fete was opened by Chris Chope, our local MP, followed by childrens games and Brainey's Blues Band, who were excellent and played throughout the day. There was a Parley First School Presentation which included a cracking gymnastic display, and then the Sea Cadets provided us with a tip-top display of marching and parading, they looked superb.

No Fete is complete without the egg and spoon race, which took place in our Arena, along with other traditional races! The day ended with the results of various raffles being given, and the very good Wessex Accordion Band played us out.

West Parley Fete
click for a larger image

There were so many great stalls it is not possible to name them all, but Parley Rotary did us proud with a tennis ball shy, a chip-into-the-bucket competition and more, there was a lovely Flower display in the Hut, a steady flow of teas and cakes were served all day by the gang in the Memorial Hall, where we were serenaded by a string quartet. The Friends of All Saints had Fizz and strawberries on the go by the look of it, and I saw the biggest dog I have ever seen at the Dog Show - two enormous wolfhounds, as well as many other lovely dogs.

There were many other stalls with books, knick-knacks and plants, with burgers, crepes, candy floss and ice cream for the hungry! Thanks to everyone who came along, please click below to see all of the photos from our big day.

images of the West Parley Fete

What a winderful day!

3 June 2012
Opposition to over 500 new houses in West Parley grows.

Leaflets and freepost envelopes have been distributed to all houses in the village to encourage residents to send in their responses to the District Council's massive housebuilding plans that will transform the village. Banners will be put up soon.

Planning Officers are assuming that a low response means that residents approve of their plans for a 33% increase in the number of houses in West Parley, something the vast majority of residents oppose.

We therefore need as many residents as possible respond to these plans to show the strength of feeling here. You can encourage others by showing that you have already sent in your views.

If you wish to support everyone by doing something please print off the poster and put it in a front window to show what you have done and remind your neighbours to do the same.

15 May 2012
Parish Annual General Meeting report

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 4th May and around 100 residents came along to hear about progress being made in the parish and raise any concerns or comments they had. It has been a busy time over the past year with the Council doing much of what residents said they wanted in the Parish Plan. Finances are in a healthy state despite paying a large amount for a new play area, with the usual precept income being supplemented by donations and grants from community funds.

The main threat to the parish is the plan from EDDC for an additional 500 houses here, a 33% increase. It was stressed that residents need to send in letters to EDDC if they oppose the plans. Only a large response will have an impact on these plans. The Parish Council has sent details and a freepost envelope to all houses to help residents.

The Meeting also heard about plans for the current year:

  • The improvements to the recreation facilities in Christchurch Road will continue. The final playground items are to be installed, the former scout hut will be moved to its new home in Gosport at the end of July, Parley Wood will be improved with new paths and signage, the clear up of all areas will be completed, and more benches will be put out.
  • The Council is working with the Sports Club so that residents can use the club facilities which are also being improved and extended. External funding will be sought to provide lighting and resurface the car park.
  • The bus stop in New Road opposite Parley Cross shops is to be replaced.
  • The improvements to the look of the village will continue with consideration being given to entering the Dorset Best Kept Village competition. New planters have just been put outside the Glenmoor Road shops and many trees planted but more can be planted and perhaps some colourful flower beds put in prominent roadsides.
  • Support for community groups will continue and the Council will continue to provide all news of local events on its web site so that residents can be involved in community life if they wish to and keep up to date with what is happening here.

14 May 2012
Parley Rotary Club now in Business

On 12 May at the Balfour Suite AFC Bournemouth the new Parley Rotary Club held a successful Charter Night. New President Ian Pounds presided over a festive evening of dinner and dancing with over 150 guests. The new club's charter was presented along with many goodwill gifts from fellow Rotary Clubs in the region.

Among the speakers was Parish Council Chairman Richard Heaslip who welcomed Parley Rotary and looked forward to working closely with them.
Parley Rotary will be holding its meetings at the Parley Sports Club.
Contact -

14 May 2012
Children from Parley First School plant new flower boxes at Glenmoor Road.

planting flowers at Glenmoor Road

For six years the Residents Association has been planting and maintaining flower boxes at Parley Cross, and this has now been extended to the shopping area at Glenmoor Road. On 11 May they were planted for the first time by the children from Parley First School. The picture shows the children in action, accompanied by the Parish Council Clerk Linda Leeding and the Headmaster John Bagley.

11 May 2012
have a look at the new Wheelie Bins

Parley Sports Club, Wednesday 16 May from 9.30am to 1.30pm.
During May all residents should have received a letter and leaflet explaining what the new service will look like. Most households will receive a 240-litre wheelie bin for recycling, a 140-litre wheelie bin for rubbish and a food waste container with an animal-proof lid. Households will also be given a small caddy to collect food waste in the kitchen. Residents should keep their current recycling box to use for glass bottles and jars. Households that subscribe to the garden waste service can receive either a 240-litre wheelie bin for £35 a year or a 90-litre bag for £25 a year.

The Dorset Waste Partnership is holding a number of public roadshows including West Parley where residents can find out more, see the new bins and speak to officers.
A full list of roadshows can be found at The West Parley roadshow takes place on Wednesday 16 May from 9.30am to 1.30pm. For more information about the "recycle for Dorset" service, visit or call 01305 221040.