28 Apr 2012 District Council's Green Belt Building Plans - Consultation
There is an ongoing Consultation in which residents can state their views, but the form provided is far from simple. A leaflet will shortly go to all houses in West Parley to help with this. It is most important that all residents respond to the Consultation because if there are too few responses it counts against us. But there is plenty of time - it is open until 25 June. Wait for the leaflet, which will make it easier.
Don't think the battle to prevent a 32% addition to our housing stock, and in the green belt at that, is lost. The process has just begun. There are plenty of hurdles ahead for this plan, including an Independent Enquiry and legal processes after that.
9 Apr 2012 Sports Relief fun at Parley Sports Club
What a wonderful day at Parley Sports Club! The Sports Relief Mile was a major success with 400 runners, and along with their supporters, family and friends there were over 1000 at the club at one time.
There was a Zumba warm up and a DJ playing some great music to get everybody in the mood. The Spiderman marching band were great as always, they were followed by the Sticky Fingers jam band who were excellent. This was complimented with a pianist playing inside the club. All these entertainers gave up their time for free.
Food and refreshments were flowing and everybody had a good time. It was a fantastic achievement for organiser Sean Acott and the Parley Sports Club, assisted by local Parish Councillors, and hopefully a lots of money has been raised for a good cause.
2 Apr 2012 Do Your Bit to keep West Parley the way it is.
On Tuesday 24th April, between 2.30pm and 8pm at the West Parley Memorial Hall, East Dorset District Council are holding an Exhibition on the Core Strategy (Green Belt building sites). Do try to pop in to this exhibition for a few minutes if you possibly can - and be sure to tell them what you think.
They did a similar one about 18 months ago, but didn't publicize it very well and few people came. The result was that they "concluded" that the lack of interest meant that we were not that concerned by the planned building in the green belt.
We know from the Parish Plan Survey that a solid 80% of West Parley residents are against these housing estates in the green belt, and consider that West Parley's sustainable share of extra houses would be about 100 or so, probably in infills along the Christchurch Road east and west.
This is your chance to make your views known informally and one to one, so be there and speak up. If we don't come they will say we don't care.
27 Mar 2012 Ferndown Town Plan Survey
The Ferndown Town Plan Survey has been distributed to some West
Parley residents by mistake. This survey does not apply to West Parley residents, please do not fill it in or return it.
27 Mar 2012 West Parley Diamond Jubilee fete - 4 June 2012 - help wanted
Preparations for this Fete - West Parley's celebration of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee - are now well in hand. It is being organised by the Church, the Lions and the Parish Council, with help from the Parley First School and the new Parley Rotary Club. It will take place on Monday 4 June - one of the extended Bank Holiday weekend days - at the West Parley Recreation Ground from 12 to 5pm.
Help Wanted This is a great opportunity to clear your house of all those unwanted items that can do more good elsewhere, in this case the Stalls that will be in place at the fete. The stalls in question and the stall holders who would like to hear from you are:
Cakes and Cookery Books Kay Wilson 870667
Bric-a-brac Penny Wood 891095
Books, CDs and DVDs Jean Critchell 877394
Children's toys, games and books John Bagwell 874400 (Parley First School)
Also, if you can contribute a prize for the tombola, please contact Chris Williams on
07913 744703.
And finally, if you would like to run a garden stall or indeed any other type of stall, please phone Garnet Lambert on 840998
20 Mar 2012 Its all happening at the Recreation Ground
the new gazebo
The playground facilities have been improved, with more to come shortly. A Gazebo has been installed near the playground from which parents can sit in comfort while watching their children. Later in the year, when the old and crumbling Scout Hut has been taken down, a proper lawn and perhaps some flower beds will be put in place in this area.
The playground itself is about to be extended with another swing and a Wendy House.
its a sign!
In a few months more playground additions, namely toilets and simple refreshment facilities, will be available for playground users and walkers in the nearby Parley Sports Club.
The recreation ground itself now has a smart new sign. This is a part of the Parish Council's policy of emphasising wherever possible the identity of West Parley. If we do not respect and proclaim West Parley's historic identity, than we shall have only ourselves to blame if we slowly merge with Ferndown and Kinson into one large Bournemouth suburb.
The Millenium Gardens, at the Christchurch Road entrance to the Recreation Ground had been rather neglected and has had a complete makeover, which is starting to show as Spring approaches.
16 Mar 2012 West Parley Diamond Jubilee Fete
West Parley Diamond Jubilee Fete 12 to 5pm Monday 4 June at the Recreation Ground. West Parley joins in the national celebrations for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Music, teas, food, drink, games, events, stalls - fun! Something for all ages - don't miss it!
8 Mar 2012 District Council votes to approve Green Belt Building Plans for Consultation
On Monday 5th March at the Village Hotel in Bournemouth, the East Dorset District Council voted to approve the Core Strategy for a 12 week consultation beginning 2nd April. The Core Strategy contains the plans for building in the green belt at West Parley, Wimborne, Corfe Mullen and Verwood. Voting was 33 in favour, 3 abstentions and 0 against.
The meeting had been declared "Extraordinary" meaning that the public could not speak in the usual way. It was attended by 50 or so of the public.
West Parley District Councillors Barbara Manuel and John Wilson were among the three who abstained. They made strong remarks on the unsustainability of the West Parley plans, criticising the new road patterns, the unacceptable increase of West Parley's housing stock by 32%, and the projected loss of the two green belt fields which constitute our 'key gap' with Bournemouth. They both said that they would vote against the Core Strategy when it came up for final approval, unless the plans for West Parley were materially changed.
It will now be for the District Councillors to work closely with the new West Parley Parish Council - authors of the recently issued Parish Plan - in representing the residents of West Parley and taking practical steps to resist West Parley's greatest threat in a generation. Words now have to be turned into actions. We look forward to them working closely with the Parish Council in the next stage, which will be to do the research, gather the evidence, meet with the planners, and get ready for the independent public enquiry next year.