
18 Sept 2012
Core Strategy Housing Plans face delays

It has been learned that, having studied the Consultation responses from residents and businesses, the District Council plans to make some changes to the Core Strategy. This will entail yet another Consultation on the modified plans and a full Council meeting to decide on the result.

The District Council will announce the proposed changes towards the end of this year. On their present schedule the Core Strategy was to go to the next formal stage, the Independent Planning Enquiry, in mid 2013. This will now have to be delayed, perhaps into early 2014.

West Parley Parish Council welcomes the delay, will study any proposed changes with care, and will advise residents on responding to the next Consultation. When the Independent Planning Enquiry finally arrives WPPC plans to be professionally represented.

18 Sept 2012
Luncheon Club possibility

It has been suggested that we start a Luncheon Club which would meet regularly and which many residents might feel keen to support. However, this would require a number of volunteers to offer their help in the organisation and running of such a function and would require good support from residents who would attend regularly. Would you please let us know how you feel about this possibility and comment on

  • If you would be interested in attending and how often you feel it should be held.
  • If you are able to offer your services as a volunteer at the function and how often.
  • If you would be prepared to help with the organisation and running of such a club.

Email your thoughts to Cllr. Sheila Gooden at

8 Sept 2012
Millennium Garden and Playground Gazebo - flowers wanted

When the gazebo was installed and the flowerbeds put into the club area it was hastily planted up to have it looking nice for the fete. Before we replant we have to get some manure or something to improve the soil, and we want to co-ordinate the planting with more perennials and more permanent plants. It may well be that at this time of the year when the many gardeners amongst you will be sorting out your plants and dividing big groups you may have surplus items that you would be happy to donate.

I have some penstemon cuttings which are surplus and suggest we could hold a plant swop during our next coffee morning on the 19th September. I also have some Raspberry canes. If anyone would like some of these let me know how many you can use and I will dig them out on the day.

So please come and join us at Parley Sports club on 19 September and bring your plants to donate or swop. It should be good fun. If any of you cannot make that date I will be pleased to make other arrangements. Please email

20 August 2012
Parley Cross Bus Stop, old brick "convenience" replaced by modern bus shelter

new bus shelter

For as long as anyone can remember the "bus shelter" at Parley Cross has been brick built, with no windows, from which one couldn't see an approaching bus. Whatever its defects as a bus shelter, it was an attraction for graffiti artists, a prime collector of litter, an emergency toilet and occasionally overnight doss house.

It has now been replaced with a modern shelter - see picture.

17 August 2012
Family Fun Day - Sunday 26 August 2012

Plans are being drawn up for a massive Fun Day at Parley Sports Club, maybe the biggest ever event held in West Parley. Parley Sports Club, West Parley Parish Council and Parley Rotary are working together to give the local community a great day out, and there will be a disco in the evening too. During the day Parley Sports Club will be holding an in-house 6-aside football competition with all the adult teams involved. And the following stalls and events are already confirmed:

Fun Day at West Parley
  • Bouncy Castles, Sumo Wrestling, Gladiator Duel.
  • Tug of War
  • BBQ
  • Evening Disco
  • Coconut Shy
  • Speed Football Shoot - (Rotary TBC)
  • U14 Football team Dart Board Game - score over a certain amount for a drink voucher
  • Second hand Book & Toy sale
  • Cake Stall
  • Ice Cream Van
  • Hog Roast
  • Doughnut Stall
  • Face Painting
  • Wet Sponge Competition
  • Jewellery Stall
  • Second hand book and toy stall

And that's just for starters!

From 2.30pm in the Parley Arena there is Scrufts - West Parley's famous annual Dog Show! Compete for best behaved, naughtiest, and best overall wins the Parley Mutt Cup!

The events start at 11 am, there is a "Parley Has Got Talent" show from 4pm to 6pm in the Main Lounge featuring local singers, two dance acts and an Indie Rock Band, with the Sticky Jam Band from 6pm until 9pm and disco after!

If you would like to help, or have a stall or suggest an event, please contact Sean Acott of the Parley Sports Club Committee on 07739 699969.

27 July 2012
Off to a good home

It was the end of an era in West Parley when the redundant former Scout Hut in the Recreation Ground was dismantled last weekend to go to its new home in Gosport. Some 15 volunteers got to work on the hut on Saturday morning and most of it was on its way on Monday. West Parley Parish Council was faced with a large bill to dispose of the wooden building that had been unused for almost 2 years. Instead it offered the building free to Scout groups in the region.

Lisa Reade of the 6th Gosport Air Scouts said "We jumped at the chance of replacing our existing leaky building that was at the end of its useful life. We could not afford a new building so the thought of reusing a hut that had already been well used by West Parley Scouts was very appealing to us. Though the hut is quite old it is well built and watertight. We will now refurbish it and start to put it back up."
Councillor John Cullen says "This is a great example of co-operation between two communities; real localism in action. It is unbelievable how much support there has been for this."

Scout Hut crew
Councillors and Volunteers take a well-earned break

In Gosport over £3000 has been raised to cover the cost of moving the hut. Much of this was raised with the help of a local running club who donated the proceeds from their annual half marathon. This was topped up with individual and company donations and money earned by local youngsters bag packing in supermarkets. Funding from the Dorset County Community Fund will pay for services to be disconnected and for final site clearance in West Parley. Once the site is cleared a number of trees will be planted to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee using funding provided by the EDDC 2012 Community Grant Fund.

Councillor Alan Macdonald says "Yet again our village came up trumps when help was needed. Particular thanks go to Parley Sports Club volunteers and Oates Construction whose help has made this project so much easier. The Gosport volunteers have been able to use the facilities at the adjoining Club during demolition. We hope they enjoyed their brief stay in the village".

Harley Elkins, Group Scout Leader, says "To thank West Parley the Gosport Scouts have launched new scarves with a blue edge in tribute to the Scout Group which used to meet in the hut. The Dorset group's former leader has donated a portrait of the Queen for the refurbished hut and one of Robert Baden Powell, who founded the Scout movement."

Councillor Mrs Pat Couper says "We have lost a bit of our history but know the refurbished hut will be put to good use for many years to come. We are all looking forward to seeing the hut back in use in the Autumn."
Councillor John Cullen summarises "This project has gone from being a potentially huge financial drain for us to a brilliant collaboration between 2 communities. We are all being asked to recycle more and reuse items as much as possible but reusing a whole building must be unique."

14 July 2012
Grass verges left unkempt by County Council economies

West Parley Volunteers

The County/District Councils have halved the number of cuts to the grass verges. This economy has been somewhat overdone, as the grass verges which are normally such an attractive feature of West Parley are looking long and bedraggled, and the large piles of cut grass left on top are ruining the grass below.

Your Parish Council is negotiating to see if it can get some funding to do the job ourselves. Meanwhile - see picture - the West Parley Volunteers are pitching in to do what they can.

West Parley is noted for its volunteer teams. If you would like to join them now and then, call Alan Macdonald on 01202 571349.